Thursday, August 27, 2009
A Communist in the White House? 1992 and 2009
By Ron Radosh "As David Horowitz has pointed out, from 1992 until 2002, Jones was a member of a radical communist group that was dedicated to “organizing a revolutionary movement in America.” Arrested during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, and briefly sent to jail, Jones met, he said “communists and anarchists,” and decided “ ‘This is what I need to be part of.’” He said that he spent “the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.”"
War — What War? We have public confusion about both wars: Iraq and Afghanistan.
By Victor Davis Hanson= "In October 2002, the Republican-controlled House and Senate, with plenty of Democratic support, voted overwhelmingly to authorize the Iraq War.Congress cited 23 reasons why we should remove Saddam. The majority of these authorizations had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction."
Victory for Pro-Life Pharmacists
ACLJ "...the circuit court sitting in Springfield, Ill. issued a preliminary injunction in the case of two pharmacy owners, Luke VanderBleek and Glenn Kosirog. Both men have been fighting to protect their conscience rights. We represent the pharmacists in the case of Morr-Fitz, Inc. v. Blagojevich."
Dems Call for ObamaCare Renamed as Kennedy Health Bill
Canada Free Press "Byrd called for the official renaming of ObamaCare to the Kennedy healthcare bill. Of course it won’t hurt Byrd or anyone else in Congress as neither they nor Kennedy gave up (or will give up) their premium healthcare."
Cheetos (Poor People Need Fathers Not Government Programs)
By Victoria Jackson, formerly of Saturday Night Live BigHollywood "The people auditioning me will all be liberals. Should I hide my recent, passionate Tea-Bagging activities, if the topic comes up? Why should they hate me? I only want the best for everyone. My beliefs in the Bible, and freedom and capitalism are only ideals that bless people."
Media Diversity Czar: Mark Lloyd
NoisyRoom/ "Lloyd wants to control all content on radio, bankrupt Conservative and Christian broadcasting and give it to public broadcasting. He is playing the part of some twisted, fascist Robin Hood who takes from the right and gives to the left in the extreme and with the added benefit of wiping out conservative radio."
Whose Medical Decisions? Part IV
By Thomas Sowell, Townhall "Obama even gets away with saying things like having a system to "keep insurance companies honest"-- and many people may not see the painful irony in politicians trying to keep other people honest. Certainly most of the media are unlikely to point out this irony. "
Obama Targets Medicare Advantage
By Karl Rove, WSJ "Medicare Advantage also has built-in incentives to encourage insurers to offer lower costs and better benefits. It's a program that puts patients in charge, not the government, which is why seniors like it and probably why the administration hates it. "
What Made KSM Talk?
Weekly Standard "The IG found that before KSM was waterboarded he gave up only a few intelligence reports and “much” of that scant intelligence was bogus. However, we know from other declassified reports released on Monday that KSM became a font of intelligence on al Qaeda, giving up his fellow terrorists and specific plots. That’s why the CIA’s June 3, 2005, report calls KSM the Agency’s “preeminent source” on al Qaeda in the title."
ACLU: Spying For America's Enemies
IBD "A terrorist manual seized in a Manchester, England, raid in 2005 advised operatives: "At the beginning of the trial . . . the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security before the judge. Complain of mistreatment while in prison." Jihadi commanders rehearsed the lines with their foot soldiers "to ensure that they have assimilated it.""
Payoff for releasing Lockerbie terrorist
Link "Libyan millions ready to pour into London. Libya is preparing to invest millions of dollars into London's property market in the latest sign of burgeoning business links between the two countries." More here: American Thinker
Obama and ‘Redistributive Change’
By Victor Davis Hanson NRO= "Forget the recession and the “uninsured.” Obama has bigger fish to fry."
Obama Allies Find Words Fail Them
WSJ "But Dr. Crittenden said no one anticipated the charges that the Obama program would include "death panels" or advocate euthanasia. Perhaps more important, said Lake Research head Celinda Lake, no one foresaw the intensity of protests at town-hall meetings."
Howard Dean: Democrats Left Tort Reform Out of Health Care Bill Because They Feared 'Taking On' Trial Lawyers
CNS News "There’s $200 million over 10 years in savings if we had tort reform and nobody loses but the lawyers,” said Tulino. “Why have we not even considered that tonight in the discussion sir? Tell the American people that.”"
FCC Diversity Chief Asked Liberals to Copy FDR, Take on Limbaugh, Murdoch, Supreme Court
CNS News "“A pro-big business Supreme Court aligned with Murdoch, Limbaugh, and Zell and ready to battle a progressive in the White House begins to sound a lot like the early years of the FDR administration,” said Lloyd. “Will progressives sound like FDR and commit to creating a media policy that actually serves democracy and promotes diverse and antagonistic sources of news?”"...."Lloyd relies heavily on the left-wing radical Saul Alinsky in explaining his strategy."
More here:ACLJ Will "Fairness Doctrine" Return Under Another Name?
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