Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ongoing post for election night

Watch this space for notes throughout the evening. I'll be doing commentary and stories, but one site doing excellent statistical blogging and tracking electoral calls is Weasel Zippers

'WHITES-TO-HELL' PASTOR TO JOIN OBAMA  "Despite recently being condemned for ranting from the church pulpit that “white people are going to hell,” Rev. Joseph Lowery will be attending President Barack Obama’s election night party in Chicago.This is troublesome as well.
Related to this Freedom Fighter's Journal post as well: BLACK RACISM ON DISPLAY IN NYC BARBERSHOP   "The controversial answer came from one of the men who candidly said, “Turn black!” Another added, “Drop out of the race.”
"Clearly, the vast majority of American blacks are voting for the Communist-traitor-president Obama for one reason only: HE IS BLACK! America does not have a white racist problem - America has a BLACK RACIST problem...big time. ...and that is nothing to laugh about..."
Obama has brought the worst in so much of  this country and is adored by many in spite of or because of it.  New tone? Death wishes, threats of ‘If you vote for Romney, I’ll kill you,’ we ‘will f*ck sh*t up’ if he wins   One such:
Who wanna f**k some s**t up if Romney wins tomorrow?
Just in at 16 minutes after the hour:
Election night Twitter feed from Legal Insurrection

The better man did not win; the better campaign has put the petulant juvenile in for another four years. This makes us begin to figure out what has America become and is reflected in the posts coming out.
The End of the America I Know; "What do we have to look forward to? "
Trillion dollar deficits every year for the next four years.
Massive tax hikes.
Lower standard of living for the next generation.

Obama’s Missing First Term: Coming Soon?
"The conventional conservative take on all this is fear that a reelected Obama will have a free hand to fill in the blanks, transforming the country in the process. Yet if the mere prospect of Obamacare was enough to spark a first-term tea-party rebellion, what will happen when the massive changes Obama has carefully backloaded to his second term actually hit? There’s a small industry of conservative policy wonks warning about the coming consequences of Obamacare. If only part of what they say is true, we could be in for a popular backlash that makes the first tea-party wave look small by comparison."

All that remains to be seen this evening is where will Obama supporters riot and burn?

A love song to Obama, with thanks

Bubba: “Who Wants A President Who Will Knowingly, Repeatedly Tell You Something He Knows Isn’t True?”…

Like telling the American public the attack on our consulate in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a Mohammed movie?

“You are laughing, but who wants a president who will knowingly, repeatedly tell you something he knows is not true? When I was a kid, if I got my hand caught in the cookie jar, where it wasn’t supposed to be, I turned red in my face, and I took my hand out of the cookie jar.”

Republicans not likely to take Senate

Rick Moran   "With a slew of vunerable incumbents, it was thought that the GOP would have a fairly easy time in fashioning a Senate majority in 2012.
"But poor candidates, well funded Democrats, and an electorate who appear to be happy with divided government, has probably derailed GOP chances for a victory."

We will not forget...

Things to consider this Election Day

Senate Elections to Watch on Tuesday  "Currently, a caucus of 51 Democrats and two liberal Independents rule the upper chamber. Since the Vice President can cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate, Republicans would have to pick up three seats to gain a working majority in a Romney-Ryan Administration and four seats to gain control of the gavel under a second term for President Obama. "
Political Cartoons
Do You Want Revenge Against America or Loving Restoration?  ..."Rather, I believe that in another unscripted moment, he once again revealed who he really is and the essence of his mindset.
"When his soul mate and spouse said that her husband's ascendancy was the first time she'd been proud of America in her adult life, she wasn't just throwing out words. She was telling us who she is and what kind of hang-ups she has about pre-Obama America." David Limbaugh
Political Cartoons
Obama's reelection will usher in the passive-aggressive presidency  "An Obama second term will owe its hollowness to more than just odd grimaces, nasty glances, or attacks on Mr. Romney’s investment portfolio. The debates revealed the intellectual exhaustion of the president and his ideology."
Political Cartoons

Voter Fraud in Nevada  "Culinary Workers Union Local 226 appears to be committing voter registration fraud by hoodwinking noncitizen immigrants into registering to vote and then threatening them if they fail to cast their ill-gotten ballots illegally. People who have been lawfully admitted to permanent residence in the United States, that is, permanent residents or green card holders, do not have the right to vote in elections."
And you wondered how on earth we got a senator as contemptible as Harry Reid, didn't you?
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Obama to implement economy-crushing coal regulations after election  "At the hearing Stearns predicted that President Obama would not push through controversial environmental regulations before the 2012 election. As Stearns stated then, “issuing such a rule would cause [Obama] severe electoral problems in the next election.” Today, the Washington Times is running a story* on Obama halting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for a “political split second” before tomorrow’s election and then imposing massive coal regulations after the election."