Bookworm Room "Much is being made of Obama’s speech in Ireland, in which he managed to insult parochial education. Catholics seem most disturbed, perhaps because (a) most parochial schools in America are Catholic and (b) Obama has been at war with the Catholic church by trying to make churches pay for abortifacients and
birth control, which is a big First
Amendment no-no.
"Reading what Obama said, there’s no doubt that, once you
work your way through his sloppy formulation, it’s right up there with
the best of Obama’s offensive statements:"...
Here the author twists the knife to make sure lower-information readers get his, um, point:
Obama is why I’m sour about the Ivy League schools. They take in bright people (and I do think that Obama is innately bright) and turns out ignoramuses, who have no real knowledge, just a warped ideological framework to which they try to attach, however, poorly, what situation greets them at any given moment. Obama’s not the only example of this problem; he’s just the most embarrassingly prominent.
Considering the above, this should not disturb the President: Christendom’s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque

"Why does the fate of an old building matter?
Hagia Sophia — Greek for “Holy Wisdom” — was for some thousand years Christianity’s greatest cathedral. Built in 537 A.D. in Constantinople, the heart of the Christian empire, it was also a stalwart symbol of defiance against an ever encroaching Islam from the east."
Hanson's main point in this:
"Meanwhile, here are neighboring Turkey’s Muslims openly praising the same jihadi warlords who brutally conquered a portion of Europe centuries ago, converting thousands of churches into mosques, even as they openly prepare to finish the job — which may not even require force, as Europe actively sells its own soul."