Sunday, August 8, 2021

The DJ Managed To Take Stealth Pictures Of Obama’s ‘Super Spreader’ Birthday Bash Posted Them Online Before Being Forced To Delete Them (Photos)

 Defiant America  "As we reported yesterday canopies and catering stations that dwarf Obama’s mansion revealed the true scale of the party that, according to the former president’s spokesman, was scaled back from a 700-person extravaganza to a small affair only for family and close friends.

"The mainstream media reported that Obama scaled back his 60th birthday bash, but it seems that is fake news and Obama lied!

"Yesterday morning photos were released of massive tents set up on the Obama compound in advance of the former president’s birthday bash." . . .

. . . Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Jennifer Hudson, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Bradley Cooper, Don Cheadle, Gabrielle Union, Dwyane Wade, Bruce Springsteen Erykah Badu, Steven Colbert, and John Kerry were just some of the celebrity guests at the seaside affair which officially should have been a scaled party of family and close friends.
Celebrity guests have begun leaving former President Barack Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard “scaled-down” birthday bash, creating a “s–t show” of traffic congestion on the resort island. . . .

Daily Mail observes it   

Obama invites 500 people to 60th birthday party on Martha's Vineyard

Obama parties with 500 of his closest friends    "Fresh from announcing under pressure that his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party would be 'scaled down' on COVID concerns, and would include only close family and friends, former President Obama went ahead with his Martha's Vineyard bash.

"Here's the Daily Mail's tweet about it:" . . .

"Which leaves the only question 'Scaled down from what?'

"That's a big party. And it comes as Democrat governors and federal officials are talking about extending lockdowns, particularly targeting children."

Breaking Barack Obama Eric holder Kamala Harris all meeting in secret Barack Obama’s birthday party

The house built for entertaining celebrities

Exclusive: The party continues! Barack Obama's 60th celebrations roll into their third day with a birthday brunch with Oprah in Martha's Vineyard

He and his guests dined beneath a specially-erected marquee, set beside the water.(Snip)Earlier in the week it was reported how guests would be able to dine on a fully meatless menu, featuring popular vegan brands like Impossible Foods and Eat Just. From images posted on Saturday evening, it is likely that the 'meatless menu' was one of a number of options.

THEY LAUGH AT YOU: Obama and Liberal Elites Spotted Maskless at His Swank Birthday Gala on Martha’s Vineyard as Rest of the Country Hunkers Down in Pandemic

"Rules are for the rubes."

 Singer Erykah Badu Posts Video of Obama’s Maskless Birthday Extravaganza – Then Deletes It – Watch it Here!   "Whenever a tyrant tells you and your child to wear a mask, show them this video."  Video

Cuomophobia grows among the left

Image by Marcus Aurelius.
Gov. Cuomo Hangs Tough as Dems Plot Replacement  . . . "One of the 150-member assembly claimed that Cuomo’s removal was “inevitable,” asserting that 80 assembly members support impeachment, going beyond the 76 votes required for a simple majority." . . .

. . . "Apropos of nothing, Cuomo said in response: “I love you, Don Lemon.” The lovefest was aired on Fox News and the outtake hung in the air as another cringeworthy moment in the history of CNN. It may have designated a new low in the network’s coverage, provided there weren’t so many other competing embarrassing exchanges.

"But it did provide viewers with another sterling example of CNN repackaging the news to fit a one-party narrative: This time  it fell short, because Gov. Cuomo no longer fits the “woke” narrative."

CNN’s Brian Stelter Bashes Chris Cuomo for Defending Brother from Sexual Harassment Claims   . . . "A CNN staffer told BuzzFeed News on Tuesday, “The fact that Chris Cuomo wasn’t fired over his inappropriate conflict of interest in actively affecting a news story is not only irresponsible of CNN, but also a disgrace to journalism.”

"The dissension at CNN comes as the establishment media outlet is under pressure to hold Chris Cuomo responsible for defending Andrew Cuomo from allegations of sexual misconduct detailed in a report dropped Tuesday by Attorney General Letitia James that reveals Chris Cuomo testified in the investigation."

 Democrats first, feminists a distant second  "How do Democrats view sexual harassment allegations? If we’re talking about party politicians and operatives, I think they view such claims as weapons to be used to derail their enemies — Supreme Court nominees they disapprove of, for example.

"When the allegations are against enemies, Democratic pols and operatives say, as Joe Biden has, that we should believe the women who make them. But when the allegations are against important allies (as opposed to easily replaceable ones), this rule is discarded, as it was when Tara Reade “credibly” alleged that Biden sexually harassed her.

"To make this double standard stick, it’s useful to have Democratic operatives at the top of organizations claiming authority in matters of sexual harassment. “Time’s Up” is such an organization, perhaps the leading one." . . .

Love Gov and friend.
Gov. Cuomo Accuser Files Criminal Complaint Against Him  "Sheriff Craig Apple: “The end result could either be it sounds substantiated and an arrest is made and it would be up to the DA to prosecute the arrest.' ” Would that be a Soros DA?

. . . As she took the photo, Cuomo “moved his hand to grab her butt cheek and began to rub it” for at least five seconds, the AG report alleges.

"Cuomo told her not to share the selfie with anyone. The woman wanted to tell someone but feared she would lose her job." . . .

These Key Similarities Between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s Woke Culture Reveal Left’s Blueprint For Complete Takeover

Ignorance is a threat to our nation. I watched police facing off with black-clad demonstrators and heard youthful voices come from the masks. The voices shouted only slogans from hand lettered signs, not one original thought or opinion.. These are voters who elected Joe Biden, Congressional Democrats, and the mayors of so many devastated cities and towns. TD


. . . Things are not going to naturally get better. Things will not organically “calm down.” Until there is a fundamental reset of America’s treasonous leadership class, today’s unthinkable witch hunt is merely a prelude of an even darker globalist terror to come. . . .

"Thursday marked the 151st birthday of the most successful revolutionary of all time, Vladimir Lenin. With only a tiny cabal of diehard followers, Lenin seized control of the world’s largest country and inaugurated a reign of darkness and terror that lasted seventy years.
"There are many lessons to draw from the blood-soaked life of Lenin. But one of the most important is this takeaway for the terrifying “woke” moment America is living through right now. Things are not going to naturally get better. Things will not organically “calm down.” Until there is a fundamental reset of America’s treasonous leadership class, today’s unthinkable witch hunt is merely a prelude of an even darker globalist terror to come.
"The Bolsheviks were indisputably more murderous than today’s left (if only because they lived in a more violent age), but even they had to ramp up how much terror they engaged in.
"At the beginning of their rule, in fact, the Bolsheviks were even willing to run a fair election. Just days after the October Revolution, they held the preplanned elections for Russia’s Constituent Assembly, anticipating an easy win. To their surprise, they were easily defeated by the Socialist Revolutionaries. And so, like any good leftists, they simply nullified the election and dissolved the Constituent Assembly. Since it was 100 years ago and the Bolsheviks were well-armed, it was enough to simply announce that the Constituent Assembly was closed. Today, they might concoct a more elaborate narrative, perhaps that the Socialist Revolutionaries engaged in “collusion” with a foreign power.
"Once they had taken power, the Bolsheviks didn’t immediately launch Stalin-style mass purges. Instead, the Bolsheviks started off in a way modern Americans would find disturbingly familiar: By legitimizing criminal anarchy and co-opting the justice system.
"In their earliest days, the Bolsheviks framed their political abuses as a “war on privilege.” In a tactic eerily reminiscent of 2020’s riots, the Bolsheviks of 1918 encouraged a decentralized campaign by the masses to plunder and crush class enemies." . . .
[R]obbers — and sometimes even murderers — of the rich were often given only a very light sentence, or even acquitted altogether, if they pleaded poverty as the cause of their crime. The looting of the looters had been legalized and, in the process, law as such abolished: there was only lawlessness. ...

...[Do not] look for evidence as proof that the accused has acted or spoken against the Soviets. First you must ask him to what class he belongs, what his social origin is, his education and profession. These are the questions that must determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning of the Red Terror. [Alpha History]...

 “We must put an end once and for all to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of human life,” said Trotsky, one of the chief apostles of the so-called “Red Terror.”


The Lost Boys of Television

The leaders in a show appear in court; the judge is a female minority, arrogant and dominating. In the ads, the male is clueless and uninformed, needing the woman to inform him of the product. Boys race against girls, being losers; a champion race car driver exits their car, removes helmet, and long flowing locks show the winner is a woman. Surprise! 

The American Spectator

Hollywoke executives wish to “detoxify” the boys who view their product. 

"Being unblessed by fatherhood (thus far), I have little idea of what boys today are watching on TV, the few not playing video games anyway. But in perusing the 2021 primetime network schedule, I found nothing I would want to watch were I under sixteen. The only constant I
could see is the dearth of male heroes, which suggests two possibilities. Hollywoke television executives either have no interest in having young males view their product, or they wish to “detoxify” those who do. Perhaps both conclusions are correct, and equally damning of our time.

"As a young kid, I came home from school every Friday eager for a full night of masculine TV bliss. It swept me and millions of other boys from the old West to espionage action to modern adventuring to strange new worlds with the coolest, cleverest, manliest men in all the universes.

"For four fun seasons, the night began with U.S. Secret Service agents James West (Robert Conrad) and Artemus Gordon (Ross Martin) saving the country from 19th Century villains in The Wild Wild West, often by Jim West punching the hell out of them. A pair of globetrotting super spies, Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) and Illya Kuryakin (David MacCallum), followed suit in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (U.N.C.L.E. being an acronym for the fictional — yet very real to us kids — United Network Command for Law and Enforcement). It says something about the progressive emasculation of our culture that the U.N.C.L.E. special — a pistol that converted into a telescopic rifle — received as much fan mail from young men as its two sex-symbol stars did from women. When U.N.C.L.E. moved to Monday night, it was replaced on Friday by the voyages of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek. The brilliant show’s three lead crewmen, Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Doctor McCoy, became our male scouts to strange new worlds, new life, and new civilizations populated by gorgeous alien women.

"In the summer of 1969, the foolishly canceled Star Trek was succeeded by the famous Simon Templar, better known from 40 years of literature, cinema, and radio as The Saint. The ridiculously handsome Roger Moore (before he became a rather silly James Bond) played Templar just like author Leslie Charteris conceived him in 1928’s The Saint Meets the Tiger — a gallant, debonair, yet fight-ready English adventurer who uses extra-legal means to help victimized innocents while romancing beautiful women. The Saint novels remained popular into the ’60s, and George Sanders portrayed Templar in five fun pictures between 1939 and 1941. Val Kilmer starred as a ghastly, clueless reincarnation of the character in 1997’s atrocious The Saint. But Moore nailed the character on television for us boys, joining the pantheon of men we wanted to emulate." . . .