Saturday, August 15, 2009
Palin Wins ; If she's dim and Obama is brilliant, how did he lose the argument to her?
Wall Street Journal "Level-headed liberal commentators who favor more government in health care, including Slate's Mickey Kaus and the Washington Post's Charles Lane, have argued that the end-of-life provision in the bill is problematic--acknowledging in effect (and, in Kaus's case, in so many words) that Palin had a point."
The Torturers and the Secretary
Pajamas Media "[Obama] and Hillary had a choice between dishonor and war. They chose dishonor. And they have war. IEDs, many of them from Iran, are the biggest cause of American casualties in Afghanistan, aka Obama’s War. And he hasn’t heard the last from the Quds Force in Iraq, either, even though our soldiers are now locked in offsite bases. Iran’s been at war with us for thirty years, and the mullahs are not enchanted by his “special gift.” They intend to defeat us and eventually dominate us. We have yet to fight back effectively, and Hillary’s misrepresentations prove we have no intention of doing so."
Remember what victory means?
American Thinker "This is appalling ignorance. The Emperor did announce surrender, but he didn't sign it. One must wonder what kind of courses Obama took in college. We don't know because he refuses to release his transcripts. But if you trust the MSM, maybe you still think he is a towering intellect."
Orthopedic Surgeons respond to Obama on amputation comment
American Thinker "President Obama has alienated the very profession whose services he will soon need to surgically remove the foot which is starting to chronically be stuck in his mouth. Orthopedic surgeons have defended their honor in response to an outrageous and ignorant attack from the POTUS.
ObamaCare and me
By Zane Pollard American Thinker "For those of you who are over 65, this bill in its present form might be lethal for you. People in England over 59 cannot receive stents for their coronary arteries. The government wants to mimic the British plan. For those of you younger, it will still mean restriction of the care that you and your children receive." Hat tip to Judy Bailey
Roxana Mayer Invited to Town Hall by Obama Organizer Who Sported Che Guevara Poster at Obama Campaign Office
Patterico's Pontifications "Roxana Mayer, who warmly embraced Jackson Lee at the close of Tuesday’s session at a Fifth Ward community center, had spoken in favor of the president’s health care package. The Texas Medical Board, which oversees doctors in Texas, has no record of Mayer, 31, holding a physician’s license. In a West Coast political blog, Patterico’s Pontifications, Mayer admitted she is not a doctor."
Obama ‘change’ a pathway to destruction
by Andy Caldwell "Do we really think that the former Soviet empire, Nazi Germany and China have better economic models than that which gave us the highest quality of life the world has ever known? That we should replace our free-market system with components of these failed systems?"
More Government Does Not Equal ‘Reform’
Pajamas Media "Americans don’t take kindly to pressure from those who purport to serve, and the last thing we need is a vain, bully of a leader. No paranoia or conspiracy theory pushed by the Democratic Party alters this truth, as our populace does not yearn for a socialist Big Brother.
Only deception will snooker us into surrendering the rest of our freedoms, which is precisely why the Obama administration is trying to win the debate by making sure that there isn’t one."
CBS Describes Democrats as ‘Orchestrating’ Pro-Obama Town Hall in Montana
Newsbusters "...So why wasn't there more anger in here? For one thing, after accusing Republicans of orchestrating their protests, Democrats did some orchestrating of their own, getting in line early in large numbers and snatching up most of the tickets."
Perfect: Iran Creates Propaganda Gold Out Of Hillary's Empty "We Empowered The Protesters" Bragging [Video]
Mere Rhetoric "...Iranian Tweeters are going ballistic about it. Apparently Iran state media is plastering it all over the airwaves." What "progressives" can do to a nation's reputation.
Obama’s Straw Man Attacks; Point-by-point rebuttals
Karl Rove "A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position...To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position." Wikipedia
Random Thoughts
by Thomas Sowell Townhall "...there was a comic book character who could say the magic word "Shazam" and turn into Captain Marvel, a character with powers like Superman's. Today, you can say the magic word "diversity" and turn reverse discrimination into social justice."
Clinton’s North Korean Odyssey
by Bruce S. Thornton Victor Davis Hanson "More proof to our enemies that the U.S. is weak and vulnerable — courtesy of Bill Clinton."...."And to reinforce the perception of its power, a major power must be willing to take actions that demonstrate that it is worthy of this respect."
Sheila Jackson Lee: On the hotline
PowerLine Blog "Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee explains her making or taking a call while a question was posed to her at a townhall by the lady who testified to the excellent heath care treatment she received for her cancer. It turns out that, according to Rep. Lee, she was on the congressional health care hotline..." Whatever you do, do NOT call this lady from a pay phone.
A CIA Special Prosecutor: A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing
Heritage "...he should reject the appointment of a "special prosecutor." History has shown that special prosecutors are unaccountable and often widen the scope of their initial charge well past that contemplated by anyone."
Speaking in Mexico, Obama Calls American Opponents of Immigration Amnesty ‘Demagogues’
CNS News "...whether you think that the blows you're taking now on health care and that the Democrats are likely to take around the midterm elections will make it hard, if not impossible, to achieve comprehensive immigration reform in this term..."
Newly elected Democrats waver on health plan
Financial Times "Frank Kratovil and Tom Perriello, who as freshmen congressmen would be expected to back the party leadership, both say proposals for expanding coverage to the uninsured are unacceptable in their current form and should focus more on cost savings."
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