Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Historic Christian Town Of Maaloula, Syria, Now Under Control Of Islamists

Syria: Christian Towns Are Being Emptied By Islamist Savagery

Weasel Zippers  "Here is a video and pictures of some of the beauty and special nature of Maaloula, a town where Christians and Muslims have lived in piece for hundreds of years-until al-Qaeda arrived."  

Now we only wait to see what the Islamists will do to this beautiful statue of Mary.

Syrian Christian towns emptied by jihad violence "The headline over at The Telegraph blares, "Syrian Christian towns emptied by sectarian violence." Sharia-compliant headlines. Muslims are slaughtering Christians. That is what is happening.  It is not sectarian violence. It is jihad. It is Islamic supremacism."
Syrian Rebels Retake Christian Village  "Breitbart News has previously reported that the Free Syrian Army posted videos of themselves attacking the city just one day after Sec. of State Kerry called them 'moderate' in a Senate hearing. One video shows the FSA shouting 'Allahu Akbar!’ as they open fire in the Christian village." 

Benghazi Whistleblower: I’ve Been ‘Punished’ for Speaking Out


"Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya who testified before Congress about the 9/11 attacks on an American diplomatic facility earlier this year, believes he has been “punished” for speaking out about the Obama administration’s response the night of the attack. He said he believes at least two of the Americans lost that night could have been saved if the United States had responded in time."

Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France

We have noted the failure of Jimmy Carter, but Mr. Black sees much more significant negative consequences coming from the Obama administration.
But a silly electorate will choose inferior leaders and one has only to look at the parade of mediocrity among Democrat supporters such as those interviewed by man-in-the-street reporters about the recent elections.
From Hollywood, we have counsel from the likes of Russell Brand,( who was applauded by his peers) as well as a horde of other celebrities, David Letterman being one such. Political figures in the Democrat support base include-but are not limited to - Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, any "#occupier" and, well, you can name many others.
All this to speak of the fact that a nation gets the government it deserves. The Tunnel Dweller
Conrad Black;  "Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as we are witnessing with the United States."
The problem as Mr. Black sees it:
What we are witnessing now in the United States, by contrast, is just the backwash of inept policy-making in Washington, and nothing that could not eventually be put right. But for this administration to redeem its credibility now would require a change of direction and method so radical it would be the national equivalent of the comeback of Lazarus: a miraculous revolution in the condition of an individual (President Obama), and a comparable metamorphosis (or a comprehensive replacement) of the astonishingly implausible claque around him.
And part of the solution, according to Black:
"What American will need in 2016 is a new president who enunciates a clear policy: foreign intervention only to prevent genocide, to avenge extreme provocations, or to preserve world peace, and in accord with constitutional and international law."
 Via Drudge.

Related: When Will Samantha Power Take Responsibility for Syria?   "One of the luxuries of being a new administration appointee is being able to duck blame, politely or otherwise, for the mistakes of your predecessor. On Syria, new UN Ambassador Samantha Power does not have that luxury. Yet she continues to act as if she bears none of the responsibility for the acute crisis now facing the Obama administration and the world in Syria."

Follow-up: Two enemies discover a 'higher call' in battle

The following is a follow-up to this Tunnel Wall post on March 14, 2013:
German pilot in WWII spared an American B-17 pilot over Germany only to reunite 40 years later and become fishing buddies

German pilot in WWII spared an American B-17 pilot over Germany only to reunite 40 years later and become fishing buddies

Charles Brown, with his wife, Jackie (left),
 found peace after his reunion with
Franz Stigler, with his wife, Hiya.
Two enemies discover a 'higher call' in battle   "Five days before Christmas 1943, a helpless American bomber pilot locked eyes with a German fighter pilot over the frozen skies of Europe. The German pilot spared the life of the American, and both men would reunite and become friends 50 years later. Franz Stigler and Charles Brown started the war as enemies, but during a tense wartime encounter, both men discovered a higher call."....

From the UK Mail; Honour in the skies: The day a chivalrous German flying ace saluted a crippled US bomber and let them fly to safety instead of shooting them down
Back Row (l-r)  S/Sgt Bertrand O.Coulombe - Engineer/Top Turret Gunner; Sgt Alex Yelesanko - Left
 Waist; Sgt Richard A. Pechout - Radio Operator; Sgt Lloyd H. Jennings - Right Waist; S/Sgt Hugh S. Eckenrode - Tail Gunner(killed); Sgt Samuel W. Blackford - Ball Turret
(Kneeling) 2nd Lt Charles L. Brown - Pilot; 2nd Lt Spencer G. Luke - Co-Pilot; 2nd Lt Albert Sadok - Navigator
  2nd Lt Robert M. Andrews - Bombardier

A Dog, a Deer, and a Ball

Hat tip to Ivy Meadors on Facebook

Alan Caruba; The Curse of Liberalism

Warning Signs   “ 'Liberalism has become an ugly blend of sanctimony, self-interest, and social connections,” writes Fred Seigel whose credentials include being a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He has written “The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class”, but you won’t be able to read it until it is published in January. As a reviewer, I received an advance copy from Encounter Books."
What distinguishes liberalism today in the minds of conservatives is its rejection of the utter failure of communism and its cousin, socialism.