Monday, December 2, 2013

Top American communist speaks out on Obamacare

Thomas Lifson

"Communist Party USA Chairman Sam Webb understands how Obamacare could become a huge stumbling block for Democrats attempting to re-take the House and state legislatures in 2014.
"He's urging his troops to not allow that to happen, by covering for "Obamacare's glaring flaws and talking racism.*
He also understands the incredible power of the Tea Party - more I suspect, than they do themselves:" ... Full article       *Emphasis added, TD

Another now-former Red speaks: Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future   "A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented “alliance” between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this warning going to be too hot to handle for the media? And the Republicans?"

Obamacare Automated Drone Delivery

A family discusses Obamacare at Thanksgiving

Alan Caruba: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."

From Prohibition to Obamacare  
" 'Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.   It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C. S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia and many other works of literature.
"It is one of the great mysteries that, for progressives, also called liberals, the past provides no lessons, no warnings that would prevent them from repeating their errors." ...

This cartoon could have been drawn about Hitler and UK Prime Minister Chamberlain ... (Updated)

... when the good guys surrendered ally Czechoslovakia to the Nazis.

UPDATE: Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 19[3]9 (The Muslim War on Israel)   ... "The problem is that after almost a century, Israel is not just the object of genocide by the Arabs but by many Iranian, Turkish, and newly European and North American Muslims. It is truly awesome how few politically active would-be peacemakers among Arabs and Middle Eastern Muslims there are.

Closing of monuments defines Obama legacy

Park Rangers Ordered to ‘Make Life Difficult’ During Shutdown   “ 'It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.' ”

Jacksonville N.C. Daily News  ... "In every government shutdown in past years, never have parks and monuments been closed. These areas have been and continue to be preserved for the people of this country. They are there for the enjoyment of nature’s wonders, and to honor of American heroes. By closing the Grand Canyon, he prevented anyone from going and looking at a big hole in the ground. The Lincoln Memorial is just a statue. There is no reason why people shouldn’t be able to look at it. On top of this, he closed down the World War II memorial and installed barricades to keep 80- and 90-year-old veterans from visiting a monument dedicated to them and their fallen brothers and sisters." ...

Celebrities Then and Now: Class vs. Crass

That was then...    
Big Hollywood  "The stars of today have lost that mystique of yore and became not only LIKE everyone else, but proved to be WORSE than everyone else. The respect for them evaporated, resentments rose and like Humpty Dumpty, they came crashing down off that pedestal.
"The stars had started openly flaunting their private lives, dressing sloppily, telling all of their personal secrets on TV interviews and using vulgarity, something that would have been unheard of with the stars of a classier time."
Rev*. Austin Miles    *How sad that he has to share the same honorific with Rev. Sharpton. One more case of class vs. crass, I suppose.

This is now, and wouldn't you say we are much the poorer for it?

Iran good, Israeli infidels bad.

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Rick Moran Entire article here:
"Iran, demonstrating its new leaf turned over as a result of their nuclear deal with the west, had some charming words for Israel.
Daily Caller:
"This vicious temperament of dogs and pigs is you (Israel)," said Ayatollah Mohammad Imami Kashani, a member of the Assembly of Experts, the body that appoints the supreme leader, at Tehran's interim Friday prayer. "The Quran has marked on your foreheads that you will be humiliated. The Zionist officials are like animals, and truly as rogue thugs they do whatever they want, killing people, creating bloodshed and destroying whatever they want."
Kashani said at this week's Friday prayers sermon in Tehran that whenever Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears on television, "all of the world hates you. You are hated, humiliated and despicable and," the ayatollah added in a putrid insult to make to a Jew, "have been immersed in the flesh of rabid dogs and pigs."
They certainly have become lovable Islamists, haven't they? All soft sentiment and full of the brotherhood of man:
Kashani also had harsh words for the Obama administration: "Nations of the world are the enemies of the Zionists and (America's support of Israel) will have you share the misery of the Zionists."
Kashani stated that uranium enrichment is Iran's right and that America, Britain and Israel lie when they say Iran wants the nuclear bomb.
Last Sunday, Iran and the 5+1 world powers - the five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Germany - reached agreement in Geneva over Iran's illicit nuclear program.
Under the agreement, Iran, in return for billions of dollars in sanctions relief, will keep much of its nuclear infrastructure, is limited to enriching uranium at the 5 percent level for six months, will convert its stock of highly enriched uranium of 20 percent to harmless oxide and will allow more intrusive inspections of its nuclear plants by the International Atomic Energy Agency, which will be limited to only agreed-on facilities.
Keep in mind that this isn'[t] some rabid blogger sitting in his parent's basement in Tehran scrbbling(sp) nonsense. This is a member of the Assembly of Experts, a leadership position in Iran.
C'Mon, guys. Tell us what you really think of the Jews.
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Obama Regime Calls Netanyahu “Desperate And Weak”…  "Israeli television Channel 10 quoted the officials as saying “His pronouncements show a lack of self-confidence,” in an unusually harsh personal attack on Netanyahu. “We are not perturbed by his vocal opposition.' ”

"Freebirds": Birds good, Man bad. Go see "Frozen" instead.

WND  "But in the hit new animated film, “Frozen,” Walt Disney Studios hits on a surprisingly definitive – and surprisingly biblical – definition of “love” that should inspire families and discerning audiences to, well, fall in “love” with this gem of a movie.

“ 'Frozen” is first and foremost an incredibly well-made film. The animation is top-notch and reflects both a classic look and the best advances modern technology has made. The story, if a bit rushed and frenetic at times, is also a take on the classics with a fresh, new twist. It’s funny, beautiful, heart-warming, and the music (for “Frozen” is really a Broadway-quality musical set to animation) is astounding."

Free Birds is Anything but Family Fun   ..."In their efforts to save turkeykind the birds determine to use whatever means necessary, even if it means bumping off humans in the process. Mind you, considering the way people are portrayed in this movie, you can see their point. Both Pilgrim fathers and modern citizens are shown as stupid, self-centered villains. Maybe I'm too sensitive but I don't think the suffering and starvation of early settlers is something to laugh about. A pilgrim actually dies in what is apparently meant to be a humorous exclamation point to the governor's comments. It's not funny." ... 

The Top 20 Worst Chris Matthews Quotes Calling Obama Critics Racist

Media Research Center  "In Matthews’ mind, any opposition to the President is due to racism on the right. Name almost any issue that President Obama has faced confrontation on, and the MSNBC host has cited racism as the root cause. The real reason for the shutdown? Racism! Opposition to the Affordable Care Act? Racism! Voting for Mitt Romney? Racism! The rise of the Tea Party? Racism!
"The following is a countdown of the Top 20 Worst Chris Matthews Quotes Calling Obama Critics Racist:"
“What does your study tell you about the nature of the racial piece here of the Tea Party?...Is it sort of a resumption of the Old South, of the way things were before the Civil War, for example?...Is it like that old dreamy nostalgia you get in the old movies, you know what I mean? Gone With the Wind? Is it that kind of America they want to bring back or what? When they don't, where there were no gays, where blacks were slaves, where Mexicans were in Mexico? I mean, is this what they want?”
Chris Matthews to author Christopher Parker on MSNBC’s Hardball, March 20, 2013
Chris Matthews Slimes Dick Cheney as a Racist for Calling Obama a 'Liar'