Monday, May 5, 2014

The GOP just tapped the Democrats' worst nightmare to lead Benghazi investigation

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
INDEPENDENT JOURNAL REVIEW  "House Speaker John Boehner has officially chosen Rep. Trey Gowdy to lead the congressional hearings on the terror attacks that left four Americans dead in Benghazi, Libya.... (more)

Boehner taps Rep. Trey Gowdy to lead Benghazi select committee
Rep. Trey Gowdy Official Photo" 'Trey Gowdy is as dogged, focused, and serious-minded as they come.  His background as a federal prosecutor and his zeal for the truth make him the ideal person to lead this panel," Boehner said in a statement on Monday afternoon.
" 'I know he shares my commitment to get to the bottom of this tragedy and will not tolerate any stonewalling from the Obama administration.  I plan to ensure he and his committee have the strongest authority possible to root out all the facts.  This is a big job, but Rep. Gowdy has the confidence of this conference, and I know his professionalism and grit will earn him the respect of the American people.' ”

WH And House Democrats Say Won't Cooperate with Benghazi Panel

Boko Haram: the real war on women

Legal Insurrection
... "And this sort of thing has been going on for quite some time. The group is composed of fundamentalist Islamist terrorists who are especially against the education of women, although education of the secular variety for any child or young person in Nigeria is their target as well, and they will murder or sell into sexual slavery (let’s not mince words here) anyone they can get their hands on, all in the name of their religion. Special targets are often Christians, but Muslims are hardly except from their violence." ...

Putin’s Anti-Fracking Campaign; He knows that European greens can help further his dreams of conquest.

 ... "The fact that Kremlin opposition to European fracking has nothing to do with environmental concerns should be clear even to the dullest among us, because Russia has massive fracking projects of its own underway in Siberia. The real goal is to keep Europe dependent upon Russia for its fuel supply. Natural-gas prices in Europe are quadruple those prevailing in the United States, and by maintaining a near-monopoly on overpriced European natural-gas imports, the Putin regime assures itself of a vast source of revenue. This allows it to rule and rearm Russia without permitting the freedom necessary to develop the country’s human potential. Furthermore, so long as Europe is kept critically dependent upon Russia for fuel, Moscow can paralyze and render ineffective any Western response to its plans for conquest, whose initial steps are currently being demonstrated in Ukraine. More, and much worse, is certain to follow so long as Europe remains helpless.
"If Europe’s fuel supplies remain under Russian control, the continent is doomed to fall under Russian domination. America could help supply gas, but its exports are being bottled up by the Obama administration, which refuses to approve the necessary permits for constructing liquid-natural-gas export terminals."

Odessa Jewish community mulls emergency evacuation

WW2: the last pictures of the Jews in this Russian community. Europe's Jews have
seen this all before, sadly.

Jerusalem Post    " ‘Future looking very violent,’ fears local rabbi; Jewish community hunkers down, tries to ride out the storm."
"Odessa’s Jews are prepared to evacuate should the violence in the western Ukrainian city get significantly worse, several community leaders told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.
"Odessa’s Jewish community numbers some 30,000, down from nearly 40 percent of the city’s population before the Holocaust." ...

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Fox’s Brit Hume devastates Democrat guest over Benghazi

Respected news programs such as this must know that when they hire any political hack to be on a discussion panel that they will get political hackery in the conversation. (As they once did by putting Sally Kohn on the Bret Baier Special Report panel; she dropped the phrase "war on women" into a completely unrelated discussion.)

Human Events
Fox's Brit Hume devastates Democrat guest over Benghazi
"If we had a real media, every network would be ripping Benghazi apologists like former Rep. Jane Harman to shreds, the way Brit Hume (with a timely assist from Chris Wallace) did on Fox News over the weekend.

"After a laughably ineffective attempt to compare the serious questions about Benghazi to an Area 51 alien conspiracy theory – a slap in the face to the Americans who died in the attacks and their families – Harman actually tried claiming the Administration’s fraudulent “video protest” narrative was an intelligence failure.  When Hume calls her on it, she starts babbling talking points about how it was all just an honest mistake… without ever coming within a thousand miles of answering Hume’s questions.
"Listen to Harman’s response after Hume asks her who, exactly, in the intelligence community gave the White House spin team the idea that Benghazi was a video protest.  She appears stunned for a moment, then ventures, “I think it came from people who weren’t sure about it,” and then utterly fails to name a single such individual." 

She would have been patted on the back and cheered on MSNBC.

Today is Israel Independence Day, and I’m going to Vassar

By  at Legal Insurrection
"It wasn’t planned this way. It’s just a coincidence. Really.

"By the time you read this, I’ll probably be in the car driving to Poughkeepsie, NY, where I will appear tonight at 7 p.m. to give a speech in support Israel and academic freedom.

"And against the Open Letter signed by 39 Vassar faculty members — none of whom took up my debate challenge — who support of the American Studies Association boycott of Israel.

"Maybe I’ll play this recording of David Ben-Gurion reading the Israeli Declaration of Independence: 

"Things have been tense lately at Vassar when it comes to Israel.

"While I’m not expecting “trouble,” I thought you like to see what trouble for pro-Israel speakers on campuses looks like, in the video below taken at UC Davis in February 2012:

More demagoguery from the left, whose tyranny wants to shut off all speech by those who want to resist socialist, pro-Islamist doctrines. The armchair demagogues usually sit at home responding to conservative articles such as this (that they have not read) with remarks like "moronic post", "delusional", and the like. They respond to reasoned argument with little more than shallow invective.
There are Muslims in Israel whom I feel are more decent than the anti-Israel leftists we see too much of on America's streets and campuses. To wit:
Young residents of Shfaram repair the town's ancient synagogue, in what residents say is a response to the 'price tag' attacks of Jewish extremists in the region. (photo credit: Courtesy of Shfaram Municipality)
Young residents of Shfaram repair the town's ancient synagogue,
 in what residents say is a response to the 'price tag' attacks
 of Jewish extremists in the region.

“ 'Price tag” is a term used to describe acts of vandalism and violence associated with extremist elements of the Jewish settler movement in retaliation for Palestinian attacks and to protest what they perceive as the Israeli government’s “pro-Palestinian” policies. Mosques, churches, dovish Israeli groups and even Israeli military bases have been targeted in such assaults."