UPDATE: Alan Caruba: Goodbye Eric Holder ... "In the end, though, it seems like everything was about race for him and the President. Holder inserted himself into the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting of a black youth by a white police officer and, while the facts are still being investigated, the likelihood is that it was justifiable self-defense. And the President, speaking at the United Nations last week also mentioned Ferguson as an example of America’s racial bias. What happened in Ferguson was about law enforcement and justice, but neither saw it in that fashion.
"What America needs now for the remainder of Obama’s term in office is a colorblind Attorney General."
Who Will Replace Eric Holder? "While NPR says that Solicitor General Don Verrilli is the frontrunner to replace Holder, here are two other names to put on your radar:" Deval Patrick and Kamala Harris.
Al Sharpton Says He's Helping The White House Pick The Next Attorney General
"According to a Politico profile in August, in the aftermath of the racially charged protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Sharpton has become Obama's "go-to man" on race issues." ...
Sharpton sent a statement to Business Insider clarifying that he is not involved in the "decision making."House Investigators: Holder Played Politics With the Law “ 'Mr. Holder has consistently played partisan politics with many of the important issues facing the Justice Department,” Goodlatte said. “I hope that the next Attorney General will take seriously his role as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, working with Congress to ensure that the laws of our land are followed instead of being a roadblock on the path to justice.' ”
Via Lucianne
Sharpton In ‘Conversations’ To Choose Holder Successor “ "We come to Washington to appeal to the Justice Department to set national law and to come in and deal with these cases,” said the longtime firebrand who participated in the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax and the 1995 street agitation that ended with a fatal shooting and arson at a Harlem clothing store “There must be specific criminal investigation on excessive force in these cases,” Sharpton said."
Holder's Exit Not Fast Or Furious Enough ... "Holder was the first African-American to be named the nation's top cop, a welcome and poignant milestone in our troubled history.
"But to the nation's detriment, he proved a racialist and conducted himself in the most dishonest manner, enforcing the law for some groups and not for others. He injected politics into the law at every turn.
"He ranks among the worst attorneys general ever to serve. He's also one of the longest-serving, and the damage he's done may be lasting.
"Four years ago, we demanded President Obama sack his rogue attorney general, but he stood by him as he grew bolder in his activism and constitutional flouting."