Monday, April 11, 2011

Assessing President Obama

Victor Davis Hanson: Did We Give Up on Libya? Don’t bet on Qaddafi stepping down. Or on America stepping up.  "...But if Qaddafi or his family survives in power after the United States simply got tired and quit, we will also be able to say that this sort of defeat is something quite new in American history."  But long overdue in the view of Obama's mentors.

Obama's conflict avoidance  "A discomfort with conflict may also be a reason Obama avoided faculty lunches at the University of Chicago Law School. I had a boss who didn't like conflict and he would get visibly uncomfortable at some of the lunch meetings at the Chicago Bar Association at which the experts would go hammer and tongs over their opinions about this issue and that pending case. I suspect the table talk at the faculty lunches takes much the same tone. "

Obama’s New Energy Policy: A Lesson in Stealth Socialism "Mr. Obama, as I’ve previously argued in these pages, is provably a socialist, but a particularly American kind: a stealth socialist. Stealth socialism is a matter of tactics. Stealth socialists, recognizing that an open Marxist agenda will never fly with the American people, adopt a patient, long-term strategy whereby they attain the same goals but through misrepresentation, misdirection, lies, and bait-and-switch. These are, coincidentally, the tactics of the con man. Having been a community organizer, Mr. Obama is particularly adept at these tactics and with the use of the primary vehicle for their implementation: rhetoric."
 Ideal tactics for a man who avoids conflict. Don't you call that "passive-agressive"?

The President Is Missing  "What have they done with President Obama? What happened to the inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected? Who is this bland, timid guy who doesn’t seem to stand for anything in particular? " By Paul Krugman.

Jihadi jet-setters evade the TSA.

National Review  "Under the “Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques” plan, TSA’s designated behavior-detection officers are supposed to closely watch travelers who pose potential security risks and who exhibit any number of appearances or activities “indicative of stress, fear, or deception.” But long-entrenched, bipartisan American political correctness hampers the kind of effective, efficient national-security profiling that Israeli airline-security officials practice so well."   Michelle Malkin

The Democrat Reaction to the GOP Budget

Neal Boortz "Now before we begin this discussion … let's point out that there is only one political party in Washington pushing for any spending cuts. Only one. And that is the Republican party. Obummer's budget even calls for spending increases. The only reason the Democrats are even willing to address spending cuts is because the Republicans – and the tea parties – have dragged them kicking and screaming to the issue. In Washington DC money equals power. When you take money away from politicians you take away their power. There are some politicians in Washington who will jeopardize the future of this country in order to maintain their power … and there are some who actually take their responsibilities to our children and future generations seriously. You figure out which is which."
   PJ Tatler   "Tax the relatively few rich; you still can’t tax them more than 100 percent, and if spending grows faster than GDP, it will eventually overwhelm whatever taxes you can levy. Tax the many poor, and you get the same result — except you’ll be voted out of office first, because there are a lot more poor people than rich people. And it still won’t matter, because you cannot make revenues grow faster than the economy forever."

The Iranian Armageddon

Warning Signs "Today, everyone knows the Iran’s crazed ayatollahs intend to secure nuclear weapon capability and everyone knows that, when they do, they will attack Israel with them. They have never ceased to call for its destruction. It is not a question of if, but when." Alan Caruba, who also links us to this next article:
Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near'

Rising anger by Christians over seizure of bibles in Malaysia

Rick Moran  "What is being called the "Allah affair" is just the latest in the continuing radicalization of Malaysia's Muslim majority. Malaysia used to be a model nation in attitudes displayed toward non-Muslims - including Chinese and Indian workers, as well as Christians. It was a decidedly secular nation, along with Indonesia, the least radicalized Muslim countries in Asia.
"But inroads by extremists in the Muslim community threatens to make Malaysia a powderkeg.
"And Christians are bound to pay a price."

Remember Schumer's use of the word "extreme"? Watch for the newest word: "SCOUNDRELS"

Journalists Denounce Ryan for Not Raising Taxes: 'Rich Get Off Like Scoundrels,' Slam Tea Party as 'Far Right' Impediment  "...ABC anchor David Muir, who used to work at Boston’s ABC affiliate, picked up on the “far right” characterization, asking on World News about how “Michelle Bachman, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who have said this still doesn't get us down the path of fixing the debt, so Boehner will still hear this from the far right.” 

NBC's Gregory Asks Rep. Hoyer About Dem Strategy to 'Cast Republicans as Extremists'  "Earlier in the interview, Gregory identified Republican efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood as "the real focus" of the budget debate and something that may "ultimately derail any potential compromise.""

Rich Lowry Smacks Down Eleanor Clift: 'You're Talking Out of Both Sides of Your Mouth'
....CLIFT: And Medicare is the most popular and the most efficient program in this country.
LOWRY: It's not efficient! It is not. No one, no serious health care economist would say Medicare is efficient.
"Yeah, Medicare is so efficient it's guaranteed to go bankrupt when the baby boomers retire unless serious changes are made to it."

Extremely Yours, Love, Chuck Schumer "Thank you. I was getting real tired contemplating the same old mugs and thugs you clowns have been torturing us with — SpongeBob Squarepants, Crazy Sarah, Perfect Mitt, Boring Mitch, Moe, Larry, and Curly — but all of a sudden you’ve given those of us on the left a fresh new extremist face to hate. With his dorky haircut and jug ears, he looks like a refugee from a John Hughes movie, the earnest geek who’s carrying a torch for Molly Ringwald but winds up with Ally Sheedy and grows up to be Judge Reinhold. You know who I’m talking about…Paul Ryan."

This all leads us nicely to our next post.....