Sunday, July 3, 2011

Newsweek Columnist on Obama’s Hyper-Partisan Press Conference: “He Was a g*ddam Democrat”

Gateway Pundit  "It’s not just TIME Mag reporters who are getting frustrated with Obama’s failed leadership, now it’s Newsweek…
"Newsweek magazine columnist Evan Thomas Gordon Peterson was not happy with Obama’s arrogant and angry performance this past week during his press conference."....
"Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer’s sentiments fell in line with Thomas’s.
“Instead of saying, as a president ought to say, is that we have a problem — it is a serious problem, it’s a growing problem, it’s a structural problem and we have to do something, he says, as in the sound bite you showed, it is a choice between helping the elderly on Medicare and corporate jets and oil tax breaks,” Krauthammer added. “That is pure demagoguery and that is not leadership.”

Constitutional Interpretation

Kerby Anderson, "Apparently the founders of this country and the framers of the Constitution were
concerned that we would drift from these principles due to incremental changes. James Madison is considered the architect of the Constitution. He warned, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” " Probe Ministries , Point of View

Federalist No. 78 – The Judiciary Department  "It was this departure from Hamilton’s recipe that left Americans with the legacy of a radical out-of-control judiciary. The branch that should be the weakest of the three now too often attempts to overpower the political branches whenever it wants to do so.
"The good news is that Hamilton and his fellow Federalist Paper authors, James Madison and John Jay, left us with a guide for having a judiciary that is, truly, the “least dangerous branch.” The answer is self-constrained judges with respect for the parameters of the Constitution."

Declaration of Independence for kids Very useful until you come to the final paragraph; there the apologies and liberal caveats appear.  Eye-opening in that you can see how American History is being taught today. Does this article make you appreciate our founders or distrust them?

Snopes: The Price They Paid: Signers of Declaration of Independence

Our enemies rejoice as wounded US lion withdraws from Afghanistan

The Australian   "Many in the US and across the world wonder if Obama's speech - and the broad bipartisan support for it - is yet another sign of America's decline. American power and weakness is often a matter of perception.
"From the Taliban's perspective, the withdrawal is a sign of US weakness and their impending victory.
"Not only the Taliban will see it this way: Iran and Syria's regimes and the malignant units in the Pakistani military and secret service see a weak America that roars but retreats when the going gets tough.
"The short-term benefits of abandoning counter-insurgency may be politically appealing. The long-term costs may be greater than Obama anticipates."
This is not the Democrat Party of Harry Truman any more. (Really? What was your first clue?)