Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charles Krauthammer: While Syria burns

Charles Krauthammer "If Obama wants to stay out of Syria, fine. Make the case that it’s none of our business. That it’s too hard. That we have no security/national interests there.

"In my view, the evidence argues against that, but at least a coherent case for hands-off could be made. That would be an honest, straightforward policy. Instead, the president, basking in the sanctity of the Holocaust Museum, proclaims his solemn allegiance to a doctrine of responsibility — even as he stands by and watches Syria burn.
"If we are not prepared to intervene, even indirectly by arming and training Syrians who want to liberate themselves, be candid. And then be quiet. Don’t pretend the U.N. is doing anything. Don’t pretend the U.S. is doing anything. And don’t embarrass the nation with an Atrocities Prevention Board. The tragedies of Rwanda, Darfur and now Syria did not result from lack of information or lack of interagency coordination, but from lack of will."

The Racemongers: Sharpton Sows Seeds of Next L.A. Riot

PJ Media "Al Sharpton was in Los Angeles on Thursday, attending a church rally marking the two-month anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death.  Why Los Angeles should be chosen as the venue for such an event may at first seem a mystery, but whatever one may think of him, Sharpton can be counted among the true masters at manipulating the media.  And here in Los Angeles this week, much of the media has been consumed with observing the 20thanniversary of what is often referred to as the Rodney King riots.  The not-so-subtle message Sharpton was here to convey is this: Listen to me, do as I say, or face the consequences."
...."By yoking himself to the memory of the Los Angeles riots, and to the coming trial of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Sharpton is implicitly threatening violence even as he explicitly denounces it."   Shame, shame on you, MSNBC for not rejecting this man!
...."Just as the details of George Zimmerman’s deadly encounter with Trayvon Martin have escaped the limits first placed on them by the media, so too did the actual facts of Rodney King’s arrest fly in the face of what had been presented to the public, leading to genuinely reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors who acquitted the four LAPD officers twenty years ago."
.... "Unless some previously undisclosed evidence emerges against George Zimmerman, he will not be convicted of any crime, and in any event I’m confident he will never be convicted of murder.  When he is acquitted, or when a mistrial is declared with a hung jury, what will happen?  When that day comes, the prudent citizen will avoid the intersection of Florence and Normandie."

The Hatred of Derrick Bell’s Afrolantica Legacies "His New Age presentation of Critical Race Theory as a secular, political theology mirrors the black liberation theology Obama imbibed at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United. Politics, religion, and “blackness” merge together to produce a cult. And cults do real damage to people’s lives. Bell’s ideas have circulated into and left scars. Here’s a question to ask the biracial members of Generations X and Y: growing up, did you experience more race-based harassment from whites for being half-black or from blacks for being half-white?"

Why does MSNBC compensate a race-baiter like Sharpton?  "He's a fraud, he's a race hustler. To walk the streets and incite prior to judgment--if he can be so sure about that neighborhood watch man [George Zimmerman], why didn't he say that about the man who stabbed Yankel Rosenbaum--an innocent person that was killed by a mob that yelled 'Let's kill the Jew'?"

The State-Run Media Would Like Everyone To Know Obama Is “Cool”…

Weasel Zippers  "It’s Cool To Be In The Tank For Obama — IBD"

Via Investors Business Daily  "In early February, Politico reported that the Obama campaign, hoping to rekindle enthusiasm among young voters, was "looking to revive the cool appeal." Then, suddenly, news stories started popping up about Obama's alleged coolness, in contrast to that drip Romney. A sampling:

• President Obama: The cool factor ‘Cool’ Obama Returns GOP Fire on Gas Prices• Obama: The new King of Cool• Barack Obama is cool. Mitt Romney is not. What does it mean for 2012?• Campaigning for the ‘Cool’ Vote• The Obama-Romney ‘Cool Gap’Keep reading…
"Now, when the stakes are higher, the mainstream press seems willing, if not eager, to focus on the real task at hand — helping Obama get re-elected. Nowhere was that more evident than in the coverage of Obama's idiotic appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show."

Karl Rove’s political operation launches attack ad that mocks Barack Obama for being President ‘Cool’  Barack Obama has been painted in a new attack ad as nothing more than a Celebrity-in-chief.  See the video here