What happens to a culture dominated by Democrats?
[California Democrat Eric] Swalwell's Response to Laguna Woods Shooting Shows Just How Over the Edge Dems Have Gone – RedState . . .“Sorry @housegop that the parishioners hog-tied your boy. #SorryNotSorry,” Swalwell said.
"Imagine — this is a member of Congress. What is wrong with him? Dr. Cheng heroically gave his life to help others and five others were wounded, and to Swalwell, it’s just an opportunity to try to use against Republicans, even if there isn’t any sense or logic to such claims. Add that to the attack on Tucker Carlson and the GOP that the left launched over the Buffalo shooting and that’s how far gone they are at this point. They will use anything and anyone to attack their opponents.
"Did Swalwell also just refer to an adult Asian man as a “boy”?
?People let him have it for how he was treating the tragedy. They also let him know that they haven’t forgotten his relationship with Fang Fang.". . .
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Eric Swalwell & Fang Fang - The Loftus Party |
California Democrats set the standard to which all other Democrats aspire.TD
Pro Abortion People Are Ghouls – And This Woman Is Someone’s Daughter… | Weasel Zippers Is this girl ok with spending her last day on earth between two slices of bread? TD
"Taken at the Pro Abortion Planned Parenthood Protest at the AZ State Capitol, more insane footage coming up, stay tuned"
PHX: Pro Abortion protester holders up sign that says “FETUS = GOOD SNACK”
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) May 15, 2022
Taken at the Pro Abortion Planned Parenthood Protest at the AZ State Capitol, more insane footage coming up, stay tuned pic.twitter.com/8Qs7g38YmP
Pelosi: Current Supreme Court ‘dangerous’ for families, freedom | The Hill
“Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States, waving a list of judges that he would appoint, therefore getting the support of the far right and appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court?” Pelosi asked.
Democrat politicians support protesting outside justices' homes - American Thinker
Bernie Sanders Says “We’ll See” When Asked If Pro-Life Americans Are Welcome In the Democrat Party | Weasel Zippers "pro-lifers" are not welcome in the Democrat party. Nothing has changed since. Bernie Sanders is yet again running for POTUS, in 2024, and so not wanting to rankle voters Bernie Sanders is naturally being a self-serving coward."
Nancy Pelosi reveals the Democrat campaign for the midterms - American Thinker . . ."Pelosi actually ended up confirming what we always knew about the Democrat mindset, i.e., they have disdain for democracy when they lose electoral contests.

"Pelosi may have explicitly called President Trump a “creature,” but the subtext of her remarks was that all those who voted for Trump are also sub-human. Her fury is because she views them as impediments to her monopoly of power.". . .
Put a Fork in Portland – PJ Media . . ."The difference between my hometown, the Motor City, and Portland is that Portland’s death was intentional. Whereas Detroit was murdered by a perfect storm of crotch-kicks from the auto industry and a racist, corrupt mayor, Portland was killed by its own citizens and the Democratic Party.". . .
MSNBC guests and their macabre obsession with abortion - American Thinker
The new push is “pronoun pins,” the latest stop on the road to inclusivity. Available to all OES employees, students, and their families, there are three pin messages: He-Him, She-Her, and They-Them—and they come in a handful of different colors. “OES teachers want students to know that their classrooms are spaces where students have voice and agency,” says Appel. “A teacher wearing a button declaring their own pronouns creates an inclusive classroom for kids who are working on their identity.