Ann Coulter ... "No law needs to be fixed. The only thing that needs to be fixed is the president.
"Obama has gone mad and is defying the law in order to "fundamentally transform America" -- as he pledged to do during the 2008 campaign -- into Latin America. (Luckily for George Will, he won't be around by the time Latin America gets to his neighborhood.)
"Any Republicans pushing for an immigration bill to seal an imaginary loophole aren't fighting Obama; they're helping him.
"Constitutionally, the remedy for a president defying the law so he can assist an alien invasion is impeachment. But the media won't let us impeach Obama -- and Republicans don't have the votes, anyway. The only way for Americans to fight back is to put large Republican majorities in the House and Senate this November."

"Any Republicans pushing for an immigration bill to seal an imaginary loophole aren't fighting Obama; they're helping him.
"Constitutionally, the remedy for a president defying the law so he can assist an alien invasion is impeachment. But the media won't let us impeach Obama -- and Republicans don't have the votes, anyway. The only way for Americans to fight back is to put large Republican majorities in the House and Senate this November."