Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello to a few returning readers

It's always nice to see interesting-looking readers of the TW who return. Some of whom include readers in Wallasey, Wirral in the UK and a reader in Warsaw, Poland. Please drop a line in the comments to a post sometime and tell us all you care to about yourself, bearing in mind that the post would be public.
The Tunnel Dweller

OCCUPY WALL STREET Can some actually compare these people with the TEA Party?

Sent by Bill Pyatt over at The EdgeBill writes:
I hesitated to send out anything this disgusting but I think it needs to be seen.
Look at the laughing “99%” in the background. Is this where out nation is heading. If I was a young man I would leave this nation. I am totally disgusted with where it is heading, while I have little time left, my children and their children will still be here. I am fed up and think I have wasted my years defending this nation. We are facing a huge decline.
The Picture that everyone needs to see....and it got worse!
..."The Tea Party movement came out of nowhere to stand up and speak out against out-of-control government spending. While the Tea Party has been vilified by liberals and the Democrat party, it has continued to grow in strength. Leftists have used everything from Alinsky tactics to lying to name calling to the total use of the mainstream media to destroy the Tea Party. But they underestimated the patriotism of the producers in America who support the Constitution and believe in capitalism.
"Many of the American Idol experts have sat idly by listening to Chris Matthews and Katie Couric disparage the Tea Party movement. They had nothing to compare the movement to. All of that changed when the Occupy Wall Street circus came to New York and spread quickly across the country. Like an infection. Small bands of idiots with stupid signs printed by unions spouting lunacy have littered and shat across the formerly pristine parks they now infest in dozens of American cities.
"What a stark difference from the Tea Party movement."...

"Here’s a few Einsteins getting schooled on socialism by a man who lived in the Soviet Union:" (Above)

The Most Boring Celebrities of 2011

This came from Alan Caruba over at Warning Signs and is from The Boring Institute:
"This year’s list is (1) Charlie Sheen, (2) Lindsay Lohan, (3) Lady Gaga, (4) Arnold Schwartzenegger, (5) Anthony Weiner, ((6) Casey Anthony, (7) the cast of the Jersey Shore, (8) Kim Kardashian,(9) Donald Trump, and (10) Occupy Wall Street."....  (emphasis added)
"Number three is Lady Gaga. Caruba admits he has no idea why anyone takes Lady Gaga seriously. “Her life is an orgy of exhibitionism.” " I agree; this Victoria has few secrets.
Number ten is Occupy Wall Street.  ‘’They wore out their welcome so fast that the sale of tents plummeted after they were chased out of town."

Founded in 1984, The Boring Institute is a media spoof and clearinghouse for information about boredom. Its blog is A business and science writer, Caruba is widely known for his popular blog, http://factsnotfantasy,, that recently exceeded a million page views. He resides in South Orange, New Jersey