. .But Lindell’s one of the good guys — one of the true-blue American types who didn’t allow the storm to sweep away his principles, to kill his free speech and free expression. He’s one who didn’t flee when the battle came to his doorI'm sure the left is busy with internet searches as we speak to come up with any dirt on Mr. Lindell they can find. And when they find some, they will publish it.
My wife and I each sleep on his pillows and love them, by the way. TD

“MyPillow”, inventing and founding company fame, put forth a bold message on his Twitter feed that, in just a few short words, smacked to shame-land the would-be fascists and wanna-be censors of the world who’ve been demanding Laura Ingraham’s head on a Fox News platter.
"Listen up, all you cowardly and wishy-washy boycotting businesses: This is how it’s done.
"Lindellwrote: “I did not take my advertising down from @IngrahamAngle and @FoxNews, nor do I intend to.”
"Bam. What a stand-up guy. What a brave guy, a principled, pro-America guy.
"So very different than the dozen or so weak-kneed advertisers who quaked in their shoes and pulled their Fox News spots just because they were contacted by a bunch of minor-age kids with a petty, petulant point of view — minor-age kids led by David Hogg, resident Fascist-In-Training for the hard left.
"It was Hogg who called for a company boycott of Ingraham’s show simply because she characterized him as whiney for complaining about his failure to get into one of his colleges of choice."
. . . "Several advertisers threw down with Hogg’s side. Among: Hula, Nutrish, TripAdvisor Inc., Nestle SA, Wayfair Inc., Expedia Group Inc., Stitch Fix, Bayer, Ruby Tuesday, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Office Depot, Atlantis Paradise Island resort, Jenny Craig, Johnson & Johnson and MiracleEar."
. . . "But Lindell’s one of the good guys — one of the true-blue American types who didn’t allow the storm to sweep away his principles, to kill his free speech and free expression. He’s one who didn’t flee when the battle came to his door.
"And for that, he stands apart and above. . "
‘My Pillow’ CEO Says He Will Not Be Bullied By Hogg Boycott, Will Stay With Ingraham, Fox "Because it isn’t really about Hogg or Ingraham per se, it’s about fighting the leftist attempt to censor those with which they disagree."
UPDATE: I ordered four My Pillows. Maybe you should too . . . "Mark Reilly, managing editor of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, promptly reported a scandal involving Lindell.
" 'Mike Lindell, the CEO of Chaska-based MyPillow Inc., has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump since before the 2016 election. And he's still a big enough booster to spend Easter Weekend at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort," Reilly reported.
"Wow. And he gave the maximum donation to Trump's campaign.
"And a My Pillow!
"Will Reilly list all the maximum donors to Hillary? I think they wanted a little more than an Easter egg.
"The Marxist fascists have politicized everything.
"We can win this pillow fight." . . . From Don Surber
" 'Mike Lindell, the CEO of Chaska-based MyPillow Inc., has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump since before the 2016 election. And he's still a big enough booster to spend Easter Weekend at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort," Reilly reported.
"Wow. And he gave the maximum donation to Trump's campaign.
"And a My Pillow!
"Will Reilly list all the maximum donors to Hillary? I think they wanted a little more than an Easter egg.
"The Marxist fascists have politicized everything.
"We can win this pillow fight." . . . From Don Surber