Monday, November 25, 2019

Time to Support the Iranian Protestors


"Rather than repeat Barack Obama’s appeasing silence in 2009, and his ignoring explicit calls for support from the beacon of liberty, we need to be bold in our support for the protestors, and even bolder in actions that will back up our words."

"While we continue to waste our attention on the carnival attraction known as the impeachment hearings, protests against the mullahcracy have engulfed major cities in Iran. Rather than repeat Barack Obama’s appeasing silence in 2009, and his ignoring explicit calls for support from the beacon of liberty, we need to be bold in our support for the protestors, and even bolder in actions that will back up our words.
"The precipitating event that has intensified long-running protests has been a 50% increase in fuel prices. This blow to everyday people’s budgets comes a year after President Trump withdrew the US from the Iran deal, and imposed tougher sanctions on the regime, reducing revenues from the sale of oil. But it’s the actions of the mullahs that are to blame. They took Obama’s bribes to sign the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and have squandered them on developing missiles, spinning centrifuges, and financing jihadists in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq under the noses of American troops.
"For Iran, this geopolitical jihadist adventurism is nothing new. Indeed, for 40 years it has been at the heart of Iranian foreign policy. The architect of the revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, proclaimed, “We shall export our revolution to the whole world. Until the cry ‘There is no god but Allah’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle,” i.e. jihad.  His successors have been true to that goal, one dismissed by our foreign policy savants who blame Israel or the sins of colonialism instead of recognizing this 14-century-long religious motive documented in Islamic law, doctrine, and long record of invasion, conquest, colonizing, slaving, raiding, and occupation. True to Khomeini’s words, for forty years the mullahs have shed the blood of Americans with impunity." . . .
Obama Abandoned Iranians When They Fought For Freedom—Trump Must Not Do The Same  "In recent years, Iran has become even more committed to destroying its perceived enemies—starting with America—and Iranian citizens are paying the price. Most recently, respected civil rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh has been jailed for representing women who protested the country's compulsory hijab law.
"Iran's rulers have plunged the country into economic crisis with their international wars. But despite violently cracking down on spontaneous anti-government demonstrations, smaller protests and strikes have continued. The U.S. must support these protests, because past American meddling in Iran is partly to blame for this state of affairs." . . .

Obama Betrayed Iranian People; Trump Stands with Them  
 "As a long-time Iranian, I can tell you that the support of the US and President Trump is invaluable to the ordinary Iranians: they feel helpless and alone in the face of the monsters who have been oppressing them for so long.On Persian social media outlets and apps such as Telegram, which is extremely popular among Iranians, people are cheering the US support. People are asking the US to support them in other ways as well, in addition to helping them bypass the internet-blocks and shut-downs that the Iranian regime recently implemented.
2009: The Death of Neda Those brave souls in the Green Revolution stand tall above Obama.
Neda Soltan

Shocking! No NFL Teams Interested in Signing Colin Kaepernick

PJ Media  "Although experts and coaches gave Colin Kaepernick positive feedback about his physical condition and throwing ability after the workout he held in front of several NFL teams one week ago, none of it has resulted in any actual offers.
"Larry Brown Sports reports that zero (0!) teams have "reached out to Kaepernick to bring him in for a private workout or interview since last Saturday." The approach toward him "has been no different in the wake of Kaepernick’s workout than it has been over the past three years."
"A lot of teams are struggling because of a tornado of injuries. However, despite those issues, not one single team thinks that Kaepernick adds enough to justify all the media buzz and the "political distractions."
"Although Kaepernick will undoubtedly present himself as a victim -- boy, do those NFL teams hate African American men or what?! -- he has only himself to thank for this. What's more, I'm not sure he's truly bothered by it -- although he will undoubtedly pretend to be. As Stephen A. Smith explained last week, Kaepernick's decision to move his workout from an official NFL field to a high school football field proves that he doesn't actually want to play." . . .

Democrat Racism and corruption

Clarion News 

 "Racism and anti-Semitism keep surfacing in liberal circles, much as the sexual predators of “me too” fame mostly turn out to be on the left. So what should liberals do? The Babylon Bee encourages them not to back down: “Liberals Clarify Their Racism Is Actually Democratic Racism.” Hey, it worked for socialism. Right?
Liberals seem to have a problem as more Justin Trudeau blackface photos have surfaced. Meanwhile, Democratic politicians in America continue to say anti-semitic things.In their defense, liberals have come out to clarify that their racism isn’t the destructive kind condemned by most of humanity, but rather, it’s a new improved form called “democratic racism.”“It’s not racism—it’s democratic racism,” Justin Trudeau assured supporters as 78 new images surfaced of him in various shades of brown makeup. “It’s totally different from regular racism, and to imply that our racism is the same as the bad kind of racism is ignorant.”To separate the new democratic racism from old, boring racism, liberals pointed out that their form is very popular, and that their base is willing to defend their racist actions and comments. “See, they voted for us, and no matter what crazy racist comments we make, they’ll vote for us again,” said Ilhan Omar. “Where Racism and anti-Semitism keep surfacing in liberal circles, much as the sexual predators of “me too” fame mostly turn out to be on the left. So what should liberals do? The Babylon Bee encourages them not to back down: “Liberals Clarify Their Racism Is Actually Democratic Racism.” Hey, it worked for socialism. Right?Liberals seem to have a problem as more Justin Trudeau blackface photos have surfaced. Meanwhile, Democratic politicians in America continue to say anti-semitic things.In their defense, liberals have come out to clarify that their racism isn’t the destructive kind condemned by most of humanity, but rather, it’s a new improved form called “democratic racism.”“It’s not racism—it’s democratic racism,” Justin Trudeau assured supporters as 78 new images surfaced of him in various shades of brown makeup. “It’s totally different from regular racism, and to imply that our racism is the same as the bad kind of racism is ignorant.”To separate the new democratic racism from old, boring racism, liberals pointed out that their form is very popular, and that their base is willing to defend their racist actions and comments. “See, they voted for us, and no matter what crazy racist comments we make, they’ll vote for us again,” said Ilhan Omar. “Where regular racism is condemned by all, democratic racism is voted for by our supporters. So it’s, like, democratic.”
“Also, white men are bad.”
"More and more, as Democrats demonize “whiteness,” they are coming out of the closet as racists. (Although, to be fair, their belief that blacks can’t think for themselves politically is racist, as is their willingness to discriminate against Asians.) But hey–when Democrats do it, it’s democratic!"

As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too

"Attention all you empty-headed Millenials. Socialist politicians are no better than capitalist politicians. Despite your romantic infatuation with them and the ideology they're spewing, as it turns out, socialist politicians can be just as corrupt just as crooked as any politicians anywhere else in the world.
"Case in point: Three members of the "Squad" -- that eclectic group of freshmen congresswomen who claim allegiance to socialism and socialist policies -- are all under investigation for committing financial crimes either before or after they took office.

"The Daily Caller has a summary of what Reps. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilham Omar are accused of -- less than a year after they took office." . . .


Clarion Conservative
"A vegan mother and father have been charged in the malnutrition death of their 18-month-old son who weighed as much as a child less than half his age and never saw a doctor, the News-Press reported.
"The Cape Coral, Florida, toddler died Sept. 27 in the care of his parents, Ryan and Sheila O’Leary, the paper said, adding that he weighed 17 pounds — as much as the average 7-month-old. The News-Press said the average 18-month-old boy weighs just over 24 pounds.
"The family ate only raw fruits and vegetables, the parents told police, and the toddler’s diet was supplemented with breast milk, the paper said.
"Autopsy findings determined the boy’s death was caused by complications of malnutrition, including dehydration, microsteatosis of the liver, and slight edema of hands, feet and lower legs, the News-Press reported, citing a probable cause statement.
"Sheila O’Leary told police her 18-month-old hadn’t eaten in a week, was only being breast fed, and that she thought it was because he was teething, the paper said.
"At 4 a.m., the boy was nursed for about a minute and then began to have shallow breathing, the News-Press reported, adding that Shelia O’Leary told police her son had never done that before, and that she should have gotten help as it worried her.
"But instead the pair fell asleep, the paper said.
"When Sheila O’Leary noticed her son was cold and wasn’t breathing, she called 911, the News-Press reported, adding that Ryan O’Leary tried to resuscitate the boy. But he was pronounced dead after medics arrived at their home, the paper added." . . .

The poop in San Francisco keeps piling up

Legal Insurrection
"Meanwhile, San Fran’s new socialist District Attorney promises not to prosecute “quality-of-life crimes” like public urination"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) escalated its ongoing dispute with San Francisco, once again accusing the city’s water agency of improperly discharging wastewater into the ocean.
In a letter to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, EPA officials reiterated their assessment that the city was out of step with its wastewater discharge permit, which regulates water quality standards. The letter also implied that state water regulators may have erred in issuing permits to the SFPUC. The federal government gives the state the authority to issue wastewater discharge permits under the Clean Water Act.
Federal officials wrote that they doubted the SFPUC could “demonstrate compliance” in the near-term with the terms of its permits, and so they “strongly urge you to enter into … an enforceable agreement with the EPA.”
"The EPA also accused the city of improperly maintaining its sewer system and failing to keep adequate records when people might have been exposed to pollution.
"This has become critical issue as the poop in San Francisco keeps piling up.
As distasteful as it may be to discuss, complaints to SF 311 about feces on city streets increased again in 2018, including a surprising surge in Glen Park.
The rental site Rent Hop examined the number-two numbers across SF for 2018 and 2019 to date. According to their analysis, in 2018, SF 311 received 28,315 animal/human waste complaints, compared to more than 20,800 the year before, an increase of about 35 percent year over year.
The site also notes that so far for 2019, the count jumped to more than 25,000 calls, up seven percent compared to the same time in 2018.
"The city’s already seen 25,000 complaints, approximately 7% more than the same period in 2018.
One San Francisco native explains,”My wife and I both work in the civic center area and that’s obviously the worse but I can definitely notice it starting to creep out from the city center.”
It’s so bad, the city has it’s own “poop patrol” who cleans up human waste, mostly in the city’s Tenderloin neighborhood.   . . .

The billionaire with his own media megaphone: Michael Bloomberg's media company announces it will no longer investigate him - or any other Democratic candidates - but all bets are off with Trump

UK Daily Mail  "With Michael Bloomberg now running for president, the news service that bears his name and has served as his mouthpiece for three decades has said it will not 'investigate' him or any of his Democratic rivals but will continue investigative coverage of President Donald Trump's administration.  
Toon added by TD

"Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait announced the new guidelines for presidential campaign coverage in a note to the $22.5billion news organization's 2,700 journalists and analysts on Sunday, shortly after the former New York City mayor announced his candidacy.
" 'There is no point in trying to claim that covering this presidential campaign will be easy for a newsroom that has built up its reputation for independence in part by not writing about ourselves,' Micklethwait wrote. 
"He said that the organization will continue its tradition of not investigating Bloomberg, or his family and foundation, and will extend that policy to his rivals in the Democratic primary out of fairness. 
"That policy will not be applied to the Trump administration as it is 'the government of the day'. Investigative coverage of Trump will be reassessed should Bloomberg be picked as the Democratic candidate for president next fall, Micklethwait said." . . .  

Anti-Gun Bloomberg Joins Presidential Race with $34 Million Ad Buy  "On November 9, 2019, Breitbart News reported the depth of Bloomberg’s gun control support. 
"He backs criminalizing private gun sales via universal background checks, banning “assault weapons,” banning “high capacity” magazines, expanding the prohibited purchaser’s list, instituting more gun trafficking laws, instituting Red Flag Laws, and placing more regulations on gun shows." . . .

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Enters Dem 2020 Race with a Thud
"Bloomberg: “I’m running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America' ”
. . . "The Hill reports:
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway Sunday said the entry of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg into the 2020 presidential race demonstrated that “the Democratic field is underwhelming.”
Bloomberg’s entry, Conway said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” was the former mayor’s way of saying “I don’t think any of you can beat Donald Trump,” but decried his first campaign ad, saying it was “all unicorns and rainbows” and comparing it to Obama’s campaign, adding “as we sit here today over 10 million have no health insurance of any kind.”
He said that minus the investigative work, Bloomberg will continue to cover the campaign much like it always has. He rejected the view that Bloomberg News not write about the boss at all, saying it has handled conflicts in the past.

Impeachment Star Adam Schiff Won First Congressional Race By Campaigning Against Impeachment
Daily Caller  While Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff today is the face of Democrats’ impeachment push, the 10-term congressman first won his seat by staking out a hard line against the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.

Schiff defeated former Republican California Rep. James Rogan in 2000 by hammering Rogan’s role in the Clinton impeachment.
“Impeachment as a political issue has all but disappeared from America’s political radar in this election, with even Al Gore refusing to make the partisan death match of 1998 and 1999 a campaign issue in the year 2000. But here, in California’s 27th District, Rogan’s battle with Democratic state Sen. Adam Schiff seems the last bloody battle of the impeachment war,” Anthony York recounted in an October 2000 Salon article.
Schiff “used impeachment as a fundraising tool,” York noted in the article, which the Daily Caller News Foundation reviewed using research service LexisNexis.
“Schiff’s campaign literature hammers away on Rogan’s role in the impeachment proceedings,” The Washington Post noted in a May 2000 articleSchiff argued in one fundraising missive that “in the partisan impeachment hearings that polarized our nation for so long, the right-wing Rogan stood out,” The San Diego Tribune reported that same month in an article reviewed by the DCNF using Lexis." . . .

Judge Napolitano Goes Full Schiff  "The descent of Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano into foolishness continues with a series of TV appearances in which the former New York Superior Court judge adopts the Adam Schiff interpretation of the Constitution where you are not allowed to confront your accuser, where being a fact witness does not require you to recuse yourself from running a kangaroo court impeachment inquiry, and where hearsay and presumption determine you are guilty until proven innocent." . . .

Nancy Pelosi's worst nightmare slowly comes to life  . . . "What seems to have really happened is that the Deep State's CIA arm got together with Rep. Adam Schiff, an older, wilier, squad-like leftist; promised him and Pelosi results from a host of Ukraine accusations; gave her a list of angry ex-Trumpers who'd seal the deal though testimony; and then set off the impeachment inquiry in the secretive Capitol basement to prove their case to Pelosi.  After a host of selective media leaks that made the case seem airtight, Pelosi caved, ignoring every inch of her lifetime's political wisdom based on the promise from them that they had the goods.
"They didn't." . . .

The Myth Of An Epidemic Of Racist Police Shootings Is Wrong, And Dangerous

Daily Caller

"A dangerous myth has been propagated by the media: that there is an epidemic of racially biased shootings of black people (primarily black men) in America, by the police.
"The false narrative claims that individual police officers, motivated by overt racism or implicit racial bias, are rampantly targeting black Americans. Some go further to allege these shootings are proof of “systemic racism” within American law enforcement. Nonstop broadcast of the anti-police message by radical activists, Hollywood celebrities, professional athletes, politicians, academics, and most mainstream media outlets have made this myth pervasive. The myth, and the powerful voices who perpetuate it, are rarely challenged — even by law enforcement leaders. The result has been fear, distrust, hatred of the police, and a breakdown of the rule of law.
"However, this destructive delusion has been completely demolished by a recent study that demonstrates there is no epidemic of racially biased police shootings of black people, that black citizens are not more likely to be shot by white officers, and that the shooting of unarmed people of any race is extraordinarily rare. In fact, an individual American citizen is substantially more likely to be struck by lightning than he is to be shot by the police while unarmed. 
. . .  . . . 
"What cannot be accepted, however, is the continued repetition of the lie that American policing as an institution is systemically racist, backed by the false claim that there is an epidemic of racially biased shootings of black Americans by the police. Professor Cesario was asked during a radio interview where he would advise Colin Kaepernick, and other celebrity protesters of alleged racial bias in police shootings of black men, to focus their influence and energy if they wanted to really reduce the number of deadly encounters. Cesario cut to the chase, “The number one way to reduce fatal (police) shootings of anybody — black, white, or Hispanic … is the reduction of crime. Not being involved in criminal activity is far and away the best way to not be shot by the police.”

Emphasis mine, TD. Obama's speeches and Springsteen's "American Skin" does not help matters, as usual.