Friday, June 10, 2011

A former liberal writes: "The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture"

The David Mamet Interview      "David Mamet, for the economy of time here, is a traditional Hollywood liberal who is no longer and has written a book about his conversion and transformation -- and it is fascinating. I spent close to 45 minutes with him yesterday afternoon after the program discussing this conversion and how it happened, what inspired it and who the people were. It is a wonderful book for those of us who are conservative, because we look at liberals and have a question: "How can they, A, think the way they do? How can they, B, think the way of us that they do?" This is just a wonderful work in the conversion process. Mr. Mamet did it on his own. I mean, he was influenced by people but he did the work. Who were the people? What were the catalysts that made you even question your liberalism?"

Mr. Mamet's March 11, 2008 column in the Village Voice: David Mamet: Why I Am No Longer a 'Brain-Dead Liberal'An election-season essay.
"What about the role of government? Well, in the abstract, coming from my time and background, I thought it was a rather good thing, but tallying up the ledger in those things which affect me and in those things I observe, I am hard-pressed to see an instance where the intervention of the government led to much beyond sorrow."
"I began reading not only the economics of Thomas Sowell  (our greatest contemporary philosopher) but Milton Friedman, Paul Johnson, and Shelby Steele, and a host of conservative writers, and found that I agreed with them: a free-market understanding of the world meshes more perfectly with my experience than that idealistic vision I called liberalism."

Senate RINO introduces a noble piece of legislation

Eternal Rest for Veterans Act of 2011
"The United States Supreme Court ruled that Fred Phelps’ actions are protected under the First Amendment. But the SERVE Act protects the rights of families to mourn the loss of a loved one at a military funeral with the dignity and solemnity appropriate for the occasion. Senator Snowe testified before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing and also spoke with Military Families United about the SERVE Act."

Where will they picket next?  The Westboro Baptist Church's site is often the target of hackers and has been offline, but for now you can check them out.
WBC photos
Here is a current list of their planned targets.

May God bless the Patriot Guard Riders who stand between those who mock our soldiers' funerals and the families who mourn the loss on their soldier.

Fact-Checking Limbaugh's Seminar Caller

American Thinker  " On Thursday, a victim of the Reid-Pelosi recession -- an out-of-work lawyer -- phoned Rush Limbaugh's conservative radio show, suggesting a revival of Depression-era Keynesian spending. Here is the transcript. On the fly, Mr. Limbaugh responded quite well to the caller's claims, which also are fact-checked below.
"Sensing that it was a "seminar caller", Limbaugh adroitly refused to accept the caller's premises. (After the call, the host explained that Clinton aide Dick Morris produced seminars many years ago, training Democrats to get on conservative shows and parrot Democrat talking points)."

Leftist Hollywood; Not just unashamed, but proud of their bias

Where Are You, Norman Lear?  "Unfortunately, Di Bona  is a high-ranking member of the Caucus. Disgusted by Di Bona's admissions, Lionel quit the Caucus. He was soon joined by mega-producer Norman Powell. "I knew most of my fellow members looked upon [conservative] political positions ... as distasteful,"
Chetwynd wrote in his resignation letter. "What I now understand is the disgust was not for their views, but for their very person. Such people, Mr. Shapiro's sources make clear, must be silenced, and it is therefore proper to make them suffer discrimination."
"The fallout was immediate and intense. The New York Times covered it. So did The Hollywood Reporter and Variety.
"But was Hollywood upset? Of course not." More...    By Ben Shapiro in Big Hollywood

Lionel Chetwynd’s Letter of Resignation to Caucus for Producers, Writers [and] Directors
..."I realize, now, the enormous special obstacles put in my path by my supposed colleagues, obstacles that over the years made earning a living or a quiet pursuit of my trade so unusually onerous, were not a matter of political difference; they were a declaration of my unworthiness to be one of them. The rejection was not of my ideas, but of my person." Via A Hollywood Republican

The exception that proves the rule? "Law and Order" does the right thing?
Surprisingly sensitive portrayals of pro-life views . . . on network TV?  "“I am used to seeing pro-lifers marginalized and dismissed as narrow minded religious zealots. This was one of the most fair-minded and even-handed presentations of this critical and persistent legal and moral issue.""

The above is a surprise because L and O usually does stuff like this: "Law [and] Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population "  From the Tunnel Wall, Feb 28th, 2011.

More obscene revelations from Washington

By Rich Terrell at