Somebody loves the guy "How do various religions view the job Obama is doing in office? We get the answers from a poll conducted by Gallup with the participation of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. Here are the results."
•Mormons – 25% approval.
•Protestants – 37%
•Catholics -- 50%
•Athiests, agnostics – 60%
•Jewish Americans – 65% (amazing!)
•Muslims – 80 %
Not surprised. Neal Boortz.
Obama doesn't have a clue "Our Dear Ruler gave a little speech yesterday at an advanced battery plant in Michigan. The man had some really innovative ideas on how to turn this economy around. Are you ready for them?"
• Extend the payroll tax holiday• More infrastructure spending on roads
• Pass trade deals
• Patent reform
• Jobs for returning veterans
"Sound familiar? It should...."
"The bottom line is that Barack Obama doesn’t have a clue as to how to get this economy going. He believes that the more government is involved, the better. He believes that the more he can punish the achievers, the more votes he can win in 2012. He believes that his government knows better than the free market capitalists who drive this economy."
So...the entire Soviet Union suffered seven decades of economic and political misery because of leaders as ignorant as this? Inept and powerful: a dangerous combination. TD
President Obama Sticks to Stimulus Script "It’s time to stop re-running the same big-government storyline and put America on a new road of fiscal discipline headed toward economic growth. Congress and the President can start by balancing the budget, lowering spending, and reforming entitlements as laid out in Heritage’s
“Saving the American Dream” plan. Yesterday, President Obama said, “We can’t afford to play games—not right now, not when the stakes are so high for our economy.” He’s right. But unfortunately, he isn’t proposing the ideas needed to put American back to work."