Saturday, November 12, 2011

Charles Krauthammer: The 2011 elections: A split decision

Charles Krauthammer  "The 2011 off-year elections are a warning to Republicans. The 2010 party is over. 2012 will be a struggle.
"To be sure, Tuesday was not exactly the Democrats’ night. They did enjoy one big victory, repeal of government-worker reform in Ohio. But elsewhere, they barely held their own. The bigger news was the absence of any major Republican trend. The great Republican resurgence of 2009-10 has slowed to a crawl."

#Occupy the whole country

Rick Moran:  Another day, another death at an Occupy encampment  "The experiment in a "new way of living" by OWS protestors is gigantic failure. Ignorant of basic hygiene, unable to govern even a couple of hundred people, the OWS movement is revealing itself to be a toddler's idea of how to organize a society. (No baths! No washing! No brushing of teeth! And we get to sleep outside in tents! What could go wrong?)
"As in Oakland - and everywhere else - the OWS protestors have worn out their welcome."

Occupy OaklandĀ Jail

What do you suppose they collected? Lets see, drug needles, used condoms, feces and urine bags, hate America litreture, dirty diapers, just to mention a few. Thats one exhibit I will not visit. Cut Our tax dollars to the Smithsonian, let them get donations. (Reprinted as written)
Occupy Denver Protester Tries to Explain.. Something   "Andrew Staroska from had an interesting conversation with an Occupy Denver protester on Saturday. Flag burning, police brutality and freedom of speech were .. um .. - just watch.."

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and you’ll end up in the middle of the Occupy Denver Crowd as well   ..."Update 3: adding video to the stream and I should make this point: I did not see any violence by the Denver Police, Chuck claimed it and a local blogger said there were incidents in the past that were iffy. I can not confirm any reports of violence, I’m only reporting what I saw, and informing you of what people have said. My own experience with the officers at blogcon have been entirely positive."

Iran and the US

From Big Peace: Failing to Deal, Dealing to Fail: US Response to Iran Aggression Fumbling, Tepid  "The inflation of the Administration’s rhetoric at the expense of action has not deterred Iran in the slightest in the past. The U.S. lack of leadership seems to have been welcomed by our ostensible allies, who appear quite happy to be only secondary targets of the Islamic Republic. The failure to respond appropriately to the Quds Force assassination plot bears serious consequences. When a DEA agent foils a plot on American soil and the link to the Quds Force is clear, policymakers can no longer backtrack and wax dubious about the extent of Iranian terrorism on at least three continents. They can no longer ignore it."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

No more guessing about administration stance on military strike against Iran    "What is it about these guys that they feel it necessary to tell the enemy what we will or won't do? They informed the Afghanistan Taliban we were going to leave and even gave them a date certain. Now here's the Secretary of Defense telling Iran they can relax, no worries, all we're going to do is try and slap more sanctions on your country.
"I'm sure the Iranians are quaking in their slippers over our threats to take them to the UN again."

UK Telegraph: Israel refuses to tell US its Iran intentions  "Israel has refused to reassure President Barack Obama that it would warn him in advance of any pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities, raising fears that it may be planning a go-it-alone attack as early as next summer."
...."The US leader was rebuffed last month when he demanded private guarantees that no strike would go ahead without White House notification, suggesting Israel no longer plans to "seek Washington's permission", sources said." Via Infidel Blogger's Alliance
The amateur in the White House has ruined another relationship with an old ally.
Bushehr nuclear power plant "...Russian specialists believed that it would be more practical to build two reactors from scratch rather than continue working on the reactor that had been abandoned by Siemens under pressure from the United States. The studies had been achieved by the time of Russian Atomic Energy Minister Alexander Rumyantsev's visit to Tehran in December 2002."
Click here for photo source and info
Hundreds of Russians guarding Bushehr reactor  "Iranian officials confirmed the deployment of Russian military personnel and equipment and said Russia has also trained Iranian personnel to operate anti-aircraft batteries and identify and intercept unmanned aerial vehicles sent by the United States to monitor Iranian nuclear sites. The Russian personnel conduct both point and perimeter defense. Officials said the Russian guards man posts as far as 20 kilometers from Bushehr and conduct patrols as well operate anti-aircraft batteries."