Sunday, June 8, 2014

Remember Castro's Mariel boatlift? Arizona has become this Petulant Juvenile President's version

FEMA, immigration officials dumping thousands of illegal children in AZ    "And when I say "dumping," I mean they are flying and busing these kids to Arizona and stuffing them in warehouses with not enough food or supplies. They are also - incredibly - busing kids to a Greyhound staton in Phoenix and simply letting them go, hoping they can find their parents who are also here illegally."
"The Obama administration is handling this humanitarian crisis about as well as they handled the rollout of Obamacare. No direction, no leadership - just one SNAFU after another.

"Their actions make us look like a banana republic."

Thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the border are straining the US agencies that handle illegal immigration. That could affect President Obama's election year plans.  "The Obama administration has linked the trend to unrest in Central American countries, but Republican critics say an executive action that the president took in 2012 is to blame, calling the situation "an administration-made disaster.. "

 Feds Drop Off Two Planeloads Of Illegal Aliens In El Paso, Texas   Quoting from this article in the El Paso Times: ...

These stories found at Drudge

Growing concern of diseases...
No end in sight for 'dumping' policy...
White House Launches Program to Provide Lawyers...
Cruz: Obama 'lawlessness' responsible for crisis...
Cantor: Time to strike deal...

Obama jails American soldiers for killing the enemy and frees the enemy to kill more Americans.

Noisy Room  ... "So how does the the so-called Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military wage war against American soldiers who are fighting Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan? By making it difficult for them to fight. For one thing, by changing the Rules of Engagement that our fighting soldiers must follow. Rules such as no one allowed to carry a loaded weapon while on patrol. No live rounds carried in any chamber. Rules such as no one must fire upon the enemy until the enemy fires first. Rules such as no one is allowed to fire back at the enemy if the enemy is firing from a school, hospital or occupied civilian residence. Of course, these just happen to be the favorite locations used by the enemy. Which may account why 85% of the military casualties in Afghanistan have occurred after Obama got elected.

"What happens when an American soldier breaks any of those rules? He will be Court Marshaled. Think this is absurd then let me introduce you to The Leavenworth 10. " ...

It's Personal: Confronting the Academy's Leftism

Robert Oscar Lopez  "Lately, there has been so much news about the academy’s leftism going insane, it would take about ten consecutive articles to rehash all that’s happened in the first half of 2014:
  • crazy professors assaulting pro-life teenagers
  • literature professors with no political background inveighing against Israel
  • homosexual witch-burners wielding FOIA requests
  • zombies shouting down panelists in chilling unison
  • deans and provosts with no background in law enforcement judging rape cases
  • commencement speakers axed to please petulant faculty subcultures
"If we give up and hide, if we start skipping department meetings, if we hide ourselves under bushels, we end up making the problem that much worse.  Conservative students won’t know there is another way of seeing our disciplines. Conservative readers won’t see any examples of people with their traditionalist tendencies dedicating themselves to scholarship.  And leftists will feel comfortable and utterly unchallenged – the way they feel, when they turn most dangerous."