Sunday, September 11, 2016

IDF Veteran Danny Lewin, the first person killed on 9/11/2001. Heart-breaking video from ground zero.

Legal Insurrection   "This year, I learned of Danny Lewin, likely the first victim of the 9/11 attack, via a 2013 book review in The Tablet magazine I saw linked on Facebook:
By most accounts, Danny Lewin was the first victim of 9/11. Seated in seat 9B aboard American Airlines flight 11, he saw Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari, sitting just in front of him, rise and make their way to the cockpit. According to calls from flight attendants to air traffic officials, later documented in the 9/11 Commission’s report, Lewin wasted no time in acting. Having served as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, the Israel Defense Forces’ top unit, he moved to tackle the terrorists. The man in 10B, Satam al-Suqami, moved, too, producing a knife and slitting Lewin’s throat. Less than 30 minutes later, at 8:46 a.m., the plane crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower." . . .

"Each anniversary of the 9/11 attack it’s important for me to learn something new when researching a post.
"In past years I’ve learned of the recording that Melissa Harrington Hughes left on her home answering machine for her husband, 9/11/01 and Memory:" . . .

Grisly memory that can haunt us. But first you need to know what a PASS Device is: 
" . . .a personal safety device used primarily by firefighters entering a hazardous (IDLH) environment such as a burning building. The PASS device sounds a loud (95 decibel) audible alert to notify others in the area that the firefighter is in distress. On a fireground, the sound of an activated PASS device indicates a true emergency and results in an immediate response to rescue the firefighter(s) in distress."

Having learned this, watch this heart-breaking video with your sound up.

. . . "And I located a recording of the chirping sound of PASS devices I remembered so well, each one representing the death of a first responder, I never have been able to erase that sound from my memory:"

Doug Baldwin and Seahawks stand arm-in-arm during national anthem before season opener

Seattle Times   "The Seahawks stood together arm-in-arm during the national anthem before Sunday’s season opener at CenturyLink Field, a striking visual on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."
Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Doug Baldwin joins his teammates in a display of unity before the Seattle Seahawks take on the Miami Dolphins at CenturyLink Field Sept. (Bettina Hansen / The Seattle Times)

What the Benghazi attack taught me about Hillary Clinton
Gregory N. Hicks  "Last month, I retired from the State Department after 25 years of public service as a Foreign Service officer. As the Deputy Chief of Mission for Libya, I was the last person in Tripoli to speak with Ambassador Chris Stevens before he was murdered in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on our Benghazi post. On this, the fourth anniversary of the Benghazi tragedy, I would like to offer a different explanation for Benghazi’s relevance to the presidential election than is usually found in the press.

"Just as the Constitution makes national security the President’s highest priority, U.S. law mandates the secretary of state to develop and implement policies and programs "to provide for the security … of all United States personnel on official duty abroad.”

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"This includes not only the State Department employees, but also the CIA officers in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. And the Benghazi record is clear: Secretary Clinton failed to provide adequate security for U.S. government personnel assigned to Benghazi and Tripoli.
. . .
"When asked about security at Benghazi on Sept. 11, Mrs. Clinton has repeatedly asserted her lack of responsibility. Initially, she said that she never read any of the reporting on security conditions or any of the requests for additional security, claiming that “she delegated security to the professionals.” More recently, she stated that “[I]t was not my ball to carry.” But the law says otherwise. Sound familiar?

Her decision to allow the Benghazi consulate to be separate from the CIA annex divided scarce resources in a progressively deteriorating security environment. U.S. personnel assigned to Benghazi tried to overcome this severe disadvantage through an agreement that the security personal from each facility would rush to the other facility’s aid in the event it was attacked. The division of our security resources in Benghazi is the root cause of the “stand down” order controversy so vividly portrayed in the movie “13 Hours.”
. . .
"Candidate Clinton and her campaign point to her record as secretary of state as a positive qualification for the presidency.

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"However, the record shows that Secretary Clinton persuaded the president to overthrow Qaddafi and advocated maintaining a diplomatic presence in Benghazi after the Libyan revolution. And then she abandoned her diplomats by ignoring her security obligations. She sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi during the 2011 revolution and then induced him to return in the first few months of his tenure, which accounted for his September visit there. Despite the fact that Sidney Blumenthal had alerted her to the increasing danger for Americans in Benghazi and Libya, Mrs. Clinton apparently never asked security professionals for an updated briefing on the situation in Libya. Either she could not correlate the increased tempo of attacks in Libya with the safety of our diplomats, demonstrating fatal incompetence, or she was grossly negligent.

"If Mrs. Clinton was unable to fulfill her security obligations to the federal employees she was legally obligated to protect as secretary of state, how can we trust her with the security of our entire country? I won’t."

9/11 Moment Of Silence Moved Up Because Obama Was Impatient

"The moment of silence was originally slotted to take place at 9:37 AM — the time at which the Pentagon was attacked on September 11 — but ended up taking place a few minutes early.

Daily Caller   "A moment of silence remembering the September 11 victims at a Pentagon memorial service began early in order to accommodate a restless President Obama, a Department of Defense official told The Daily Caller."
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama (Getty Images)

"A source close to the situation told TheDC that Obama arrived early to the memorial service — which took place at the Pentagon — and wanted to get things started early.
"A Department of Defense official confirmed that the moment of silence was moved up a few minutes and that Obama was the one who made the decision, saying the president “moved early.' ”
Maybe he had a tee time to make.

10 ways 9/11 changed life in America

Leo Homann in World Net Daily:  


. . . "Most of the changes have not greatly affected the ability of Islamic terrorists to get into the country and harm Americans, say civil-liberties advocates. The bulk of the burden of the new laws and regulations has been shouldered by native-born Americans while potential jihadists find it easier than ever to enter as refugees, asylum seekers, students, tourists and work-related visa holders, says Robert Spencer, author of the JihadWatch blog and numerous books about Islam.
"This demonization of the right as “terrorists” is something the left has always sought to achieve but 9/11 made it much easier.“ 'That was a direct consequence of the official denial that Islam and jihad had anything to do with terrorism,” Spencer told WND. “That meant that some other terrorists had to be found to justify the regulations, even if sometimes by well-intentioned people who intended to use the laws to investigate and prosecute jihadists but knew they could not get them over except by speaking about ‘militias’ and ‘right-wing’ extremists. This played into the hands of the left’s agenda to demonize the right and associate it with terrorism.”
“ 'They ruled the arguments of the right outside the realm of acceptable discourse, while simultaneously whitewashing the jihad threat,” Spencer said.
"Anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller lays most of the blame at the feet of the Obama administration." . . .

Hillary's health moves to the top of the pile

Politico: Clinton scare shakes up the race  "The incident comes after two weeks of tightening polls that have seen Trump close to within striking distance nationally and in some battleground states and capped off what was arguably the shakiest 48 hours of her general-election
campaign that began when she called Trump supporters “deplorables,” a rare gaffe by a fastidiously stage-managed candidate."
. . . 
"One Republican lobbyist who raises money for Trump offered the campaign similar advice: “Trump should not say or tweet a thing about Hillary’s health, unless it’s to say, ‘I hope she feels better.’ He needs to be very careful and sensitive, and not reinforce the worse things people think about him. . . "
"A person close to Trump hoped – and doubted – he could toe that line." . . .
Hillary Clinton Is Being Treated for Pneumonia, Leaves 9/11 Ceremony Feeling 'Overheated' (New York Times)

Yeshiva World News, Israel  "Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, her doctor said Sunday, hours after the Democratic nominee stumbled and exited a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early."  Wayne Dupree thinks different.

What is happening with Hillary in this video?   "Hillary Clinton was being escorted into her van by security after she had an emergency medical episode during the 9/11 memorial. Reports say she felt “dizzy, disoriented”, and passed out. You can see she was unable to walk, her head was bobbling, and they had to basically drag and carry her into the van.
"The overheating explanation seems far fetched, they had to literally drag her. " . . .

Roger L. Simon: Will the Democrats Dump ‘Overheated’ Hillary?  "In other words, she could do, or be forced to do, what most of us did at one time or other in school—use a doctor's note to get out!
"The motivations for this medical excuse would be considerably deeper than the obvious fact that the former secretary of State has health issues of some sort.  Two other far more important factors account for Donald Trump's catching her in the polls." . . .

Hillary health 'conspiracy' goes 'mainstream'  "In the blink of an eye Sunday, the attitude about Hillary Clinton’s health among the nation’s “mainstream” media went from dismissing them as nutty “conspiracy theories” to genuine concern, if not panic."
" . . . Taking the Clinton team’s word for it on her health – in light of the episode on Sunday morning – is no longer enough. Reasonable people can – and will – have real questions about her health.' ”
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On Eve of 9/11, Most Divisive President in History Says Don't 'Give in to Those Who Would Divide Us'

Barack Obama

During Saturday's weekly White House address, which comes the day before the 15th anniversary of 9/11, President Obama made what some might call an ironic statement (emphasis added):
"In the face of terrorism, how we respond matters. We cannot give in to those who would divide us. We cannot react in ways that erode the fabric of our society. Because it's our diversity, our welcoming of all talent, our treating of everybody fairly — no matter their race, gender, ethnicity, or faith — that's part of what makes our country great."
"According to multiple Gallup surveys, Barack Obama has been one of the most divisive presidents in modern history." . . .

WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats

"Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them."

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Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney  "Fifteen years ago this Sunday, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in the deadliest attack on the U.S. homeland in our history. A decade and a half later, we remain at war with Islamic terrorists. Winning this war will require an effort of greater scale and commitment than anything we have seen since World War II, calling on every element of our national power.

"Defeating our enemies has been made significantly more difficult by the policies of Barack Obama. No American president has done more to weaken the U.S., hobble our defenses or aid our adversaries.
"President Obama has been more dedicated to reducing America’s power than to defeating our enemies. He has enhanced the abilities, reach and finances of our adversaries, including the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, at the expense of our allies and our own national security. He has overseen a decline of our own military capabilities as our adversaries’ strength has grown.
"Our Air Force today is the oldest and smallest it has ever been. In January 2015, then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified that the Army was as unready as it had been at any other time in its history. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert testified similarly that, “Navy readiness is at its lowest point in many years.”
"Nearly half of the Marine Corps’ non-deployed units—the ones that respond to unforeseen contingencies—are suffering shortfalls, according to the commandant of the Corps, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. For the first time in decades, American supremacy in key areas can no longer be assured.
"The president who came into office promising to end wars has made war more likely by diminishing America’s strength and deterrence ability. He doesn’t seem to understand that the credible threat of military force gives substance and meaning to our diplomacy. By reducing the size and strength of our forces, he has ensured that future wars will be longer, and put more American lives at risk.
"Meanwhile, the threat from global terrorist organizations has grown. Nicholas Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told the House Homeland Security Committee in July that, “As we approach 15 years since 9/11, the array of terrorist actors around the globe is broader, wider and deeper than it has been at any time since that day.” Despite Mr. Obama’s claim that ISIS has been diminished, John Brennan, Mr. Obama’s CIA director, told the Senate Intelligence Committee in June that, “Our efforts have not reduced the group’s terrorism capability or global reach.”
"The president’s policies have contributed to our enemies’ advance. In his first days in office, Mr. Obama moved to take the nation off a war footing and return to the failed policies of the 1990s when terrorism was treated as a law-enforcement matter. It didn’t matter that the Enhanced Interrogation Program produced information that prevented attacks, saved American lives and, we now know, contributed to the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden. Mr. Obama ended the program, publicly revealed its techniques, and failed to put any effective terrorist-interrogation program in its place.
"We are no longer interrogating terrorists in part because we are no longer capturing terrorists. Since taking office, the president has recklessly pursued his objective of closing the detention facility at Guantanamo by releasing current detainees—regardless of the likelihood they will return to the field of battle against us. Until recently, the head of recruitment for ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan was a former Guantanamo detainee, as is one of al Qaeda’s most senior leaders in the Arabian Peninsula.
"As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.
"When Mr. Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, Iraq was stable. Following the surge ordered by President Bush, al Qaeda in Iraq had largely been defeated, as had the Shiite militias. The situation was so good that Vice President Joe Biden predicted, “Iraq will be one of the great achievements of this administration.' ” . . .