Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama, Democrats and the law

Oil Drilling:
Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” "When Judge Martin Feldman ordered the federal government to end its moratorium on deep-sea drilling, he actually meant it.  In a ruling earlier today, the federal judge in New Orleans has held the Obama administration in contempt for its “defiance” in reimposing the moratorium through other means:"

Related: Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits  "The information reveals that the Obama administration — not the oil industry — is the culprit for the slowdown of drilling activity in the Gulf. The Gulf of Mexico accounts for more than 25 percent of domestic oil production."
Related: Breaking: Obama Administration Held in Contempt Over Gulf Drilling Moratorium "It is really breathtaking how lawless this administration is.
"Obama is getting no love from the courts these days. Remember how the judge down in New Orleans struck down the drilling moratorium? And remember how his administration has flouted the ruling?
"Well, the chickens have come home to roost." To quote a great Bible scholar and theologian.
More here.

The Unconstitutionality of ObamaCare in Black and White  "The judge took care to emphasize that “this case is not about whether the Act is wise or unwise legislation, or whether it will solve or exacerbate the myriad problems in our health care system.” Rather, he said, the case is about whether Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce also empowers it to compel commerce. Judge Vinson ruled that it does not, saying that to declare otherwise would extend the commerce power beyond the the plain and historically understood limits of that power and beyond the limits that the Supreme Court has previous sanctioned."

A Reflection on the Recent District Court Decision  "Anyway, everyone seems to think the case is headed to the Supreme Court, so we’ll have to see how the Supreme Court rules. Stay tuned."

Obama admin vows to continue implementing health care law despite ruling "“We don’t believe this kind of judicial activism will be upheld,” said Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter in a blog post published at
"Senior administration officials vowed implementation of the law would “proceed apace.” The Justice Department is appealing the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit."

Is The Obama Administration Throwing Us Into a Constitutional Crisis Over Health Care? "That means that under the ruling, the law is void and cannot be implemented from this point forward. The Administration’s legal remedy is to seek a stay of the ruling pending appeal. It cannot just defy a federal court ruling. If it tries, the plaintiffs should go to court for the injunction and/or seek an order of contempt against the administration. Pretending that the ruling doesn’t change anything when it unequivocally does, would be both a petulant and extra-legal approach to governance."
Eric Allie, Townhall

Who makes up the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals?"The Justice Department has 30 days to appeal the ruling to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.
"The 12-member court has one vacancy; President Barack Obama has yet to nominate a replacement for Stanley Birch, who was appointed by President George H.W. Bush and who retired from the court last August. As it stands now, the 11th Circuit has six judges who were appointed by Republican presidents and five appointed by Democratic presidents."

Hey, That's Not Nice!

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "We all know how the liberal narrative goes: the Tea Party is supposed to be racist. Even after Andrew Breitbart's $100,000 challenge and the continual failure to pinpoint awful tragedies on the Tea Party, lefties everywhere persist on blaming the Tea Party for all that is backwards in America. Despite an overwhelming lack of evidence, their "incivility" has been blamed for everything one can imagine."....
 "Far more eye-raising, though, is this video where a "progressive" (their words, not mine) calls for Clarence Thomas to be put "back in the fields," oh, and then "[strung] up." They're "peaceful people," except for ... yeah, when they're not:"
Catch the sound bites of the "tolerant" left and the interviewer who draws them out at this rally.

Where Is the Media On Progressives’ Call to Lynch Justice Thomas?  "Where is the call for civility after progressives called for the murder of Roger Ailes? The lynching of Ginni Thomas? No condemnation of violence against women? 
"By their silence this is sanctioned.
"This video was published this morning and not a single progressive has condemned the contents. I will update if any do.
"I’m waiting, progressives, media. Defend this. You don’t have the luxury of silence anymore. Cast your lot."

Which is the party of 'No?'

Russ Vaughn  "I've been giving some thought to this business of Democrats and their paper-trained media pets referring to Republicans as the Party of No primarily because of Republican refusal to roll over and play dead on ObamaCare. The following are some issues and aspects of American life to which the Democrat Party seems to be fairly united in their opposition:"
"I came up with those examples right off the top of my head in a matter of minutes and I'll wager that AT readers can come up with many more. All of which leads us to the question:
"Just which party is truly the Party of No?"

Egypt: How Obama blew it

Rick Moran  "Supporters of "stability" may be heartened by this news but, as Springborg points out, our backing of the military's power play will only radicalize the population further, thus making the next uprising much worse for America and Israel.
"Read the whole thing."

Game over: The chance for democracy in Egypt is lost  "The final nail will be driven into the coffin of the failed democratic transition in Egypt. It will be back to business as usual with a repressive, U.S.-backed military regime, only now the opposition will be much more radical and probably yet more Islamist. The historic opportunity to have a democratic Egypt led by those with whom the U.S., Europe, and even Israel could do business will have been lost, maybe forever. Uncle Sam will have to eat yet more humble pie, served up by the dictator who has just been insulting him."

Soros blames Israel, encouraged by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt  "Furthermore, the Democratic Party is beholden to this sugar daddy. He is not only a prominent supporter of many Democratic politicians (and was an early and outsized supporter of Barack Obama) but groups such as J Street also endorse politicians. He is the largest funder of so-called 527 groups (like MoveOn.oRg) who routinely help Democrats. They are being supported by someone who peddles anti-Semitic conspiracy theories."
Will they continue to sup with the devil?
 Related: Soros blames Jews for Egypt "One wonders how the defenders of Soros, many Jews among them, feel about this. Can we expect 400 rabbis to express outrage? I won't hold my breath." Jennifer Rubin

1979 Revisited  "More disturbing than President Obama’s tepid and ambiguous responses to the demonstrations in Egypt (which is all that he can or should do in the near-term) is the lack of longer-range policy goals, let alone anything like a how-to strategy. And the administration’s plan, ensured by the most recent announcements of Pentagon budget cuts, is to shrink the U.S. military posture. In sum, at the moment when the movement to create a new order in the region is accelerating – and who can seriously think that the likelihood of violence is diminishing, will be self-regulating, or can be met only with “soft power?” – the United States appears to be backing away."

Egypt, Liberty, and the Filling Pump  "He recalls with undisguised horror the atrocities of the mullahs, curses the murderous practices of the Ayatollah Khomeini and his successors, and reserves a special place in hell for Jimmy Carter, who betrayed the shah and facilitated Khomeini’s coup d’état.
"He is no more kindly disposed to Barack Obama, whom he accuses of having abandoned the Iranian people and for having by his silence during the popular uprising last year tacitly supported the regime of Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “Obama,” he says, “is the son of Jimmy Carter and he will make the same mess in the Middle East as his political father.”"

The Obamacare Assault on the Rule of Law

Heritage  "One can understand why the White House was so visibly shaken by its federal court Obamacare loss. The 26 states that are party to the Florida suit will account for 266 electoral college votes in the next election. Throw in Virginia’s 13 electoral votes, where another federal court has ruled against Obamacare, and that brings the total to 279, which is more than the 270 needed to elect the next President of the United States."

States of Resistance  "Governors are fleeing ObamaCare after the Florida ruling."

Obama 'Hears the Voices' of Egyptian Protesters But Ignores American Tea Parties?

FoxNation  "Think back now to the summer of 2009 when hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Washington DC and cities all across this nation to protest the Obama Healthcare Bill that was passed anyway, against the will of the majority of the American people. Did President Obama take to his all powerful, all seeing, presidential podium and say, "we hear your voices"? No, he didn't...In fact, the White House unbelievably declared that it wasn't even aware of the protest rally that received nationwide coverage in advance of the rally. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I don't know who the group is.""

Christiane Amanpour’s Odd Egyptian Protest Video

Big Journalism  "The exchange below that Christiane Amanpour has with pro-Mubarak Egyptian protesters is odd. They tell her that they hate America, that they want Mubarak, and then at the end she seemingly ignores an Egyptian with an English accent who politely asks for a moment of her time. It’s a very weird clip to release. Why? Does it seem to anyone else that there is this floating narrative that Mubarak supporters are villains?"

US Liberal Politics: Christiane Amanpour   Notice those with whom she is listed.

What Liberals Don't Know About Guns, Chapter 217

Ann Coulter " School shootings that have been halted were almost always stopped by the happenstance of an armed citizen on school property."

....In 1998, a student attending a junior high school dance at a restaurant in Edinboro, Pa., started shooting, whereupon the restaurant owner pulled out his shotgun, chased the gunman from the restaurant and captured him for the police.
          One dead.
See the pattern?
In response to Columbine, schools adopted "anti-bullying" policies; in response to Virginia Tech, eBay ceased selling magazines online; in response to the Tucson shooting, liberals want to ban the   particular magazine Loughner used.
 " And then the next killer will come along with a different arsenal and a different motive, and the only way to stop him will be with an armed citizen with a gun."