RUSH: I have long held, ladies and gentlemen, we need to redefine "smart" in this country. Because there are a lot of stupid people who do a lot of dangerous and dumb things. And they are considered the smartest people in the world… Let me give you a side-by-side, A-B comparison to give you an idea what I mean.
Rush Limbaugh "And now we start talking about, “Well, this president’s is insane. Uh, this president is unfit! Uh, uh, this president is dangerous. He shouldn’t be around buttons that lead to weapons and bombs. Uh, uh, this president, 25th Amendment.” They haven’t the slightest clue who he is. You know, I’ve always had a saying. The guy who thinks he’s smarter than his wife has no idea how truly smart she is.

"Now, the feminists hate that quote. They despise it because they interpret it as a wife subordinating her intelligence to her husband’s in order for the sake of the relationship, so forth. That’s somewhat what it means, but it’s not entirely what it means in this day and age." . . . .
"One president micromanages the economy into the ground and tells the American people that our better days are behind us. He says the great days of America’s past were not really legitimate. They were built on phony policies, trickle-down economics from the Reagans. We stole resources from other nations around the world. Our superpower status was not deserved. We now must manage the decline. And I, Barack Hussein Obama, am the smartest guy in the world to manage the decline of the United States and its economy.
"His replacement liberates the economy, unleashes the United States economy to the point in under a year it is growing at twice the rate it ever grew under Barack Obama. And yet we’re told Obama’s brilliant, he’s so smart, we can’t even stay in the same room with him. He’s so brilliant, we can’t keep up with the guy. He’s so brilliant, all we can do is bow at his feet and try not to be blinded by the light reflecting off him. Donald Trump is silly. He’s insane. He’s obsessed. His unfit. We need psychiatrists examining him. We need the 25th Amendment.
"Who’s the nutcase, who’s the dangerous one, and who is, in under a year, unraveling all of the mistakes borne of the either poor ideology or just blatant stupidity of the previous administration? We need to redefine smart, ’cause I’m gonna tell you, it isn’t Barack Obama, and it certainly isn’t Hillary Clinton, and it isn’t Bill Clinton. But the Washington establishment thinks it is. The Washington establishment thinks intelligence is defined by where you come from, what university, what professors you knew, what degrees you have in common." . . .