Now is the time to be loud. Stay peaceful and don’t give the Maoists a reason to throw you in a cell. We are going to need you, and you can’t help if you’re in a gulag. The very idea that Harvard students are celebrating ruthless cruelty tells us everything we need to know about the future of our nation and We the People.
"I recall my time as a New York City liberal when the left was pushing “political correctness.” White liberals were urged to abstain from criticizing minorities in any way, lest we be deemed “racist.” The left pushed “white guilt” like heroin and we all happily stuck the needle in our arms. We denied black crime was rampant. We were told the world wasn’t full of hateful terrorists as we smelled the burning bodies days after 9/11. Instead, we chose to focus our ire on the violations and offenses of stupid, Jerry Springer-type peckerwoods. We thought we were virtue gods.
"Here we are, two decades later. Political correctness has been immolated and replaced by its tantrum-throwing progeny, “woke,” which decided that ignoring crimes by minorities is no longer sufficient. One must now cheer on, say, rampant shoplifting, lest one find oneself the target of a fusillade of Antifa spittle launched by spoiled demons from spendy neighborhoods who grew up in lavish bedrooms full of participation trophies.
"I remember when pedophiles were considered monsters. Recently, Antifa went to war when a black woman dared complain about a naked, white, trans sex offender sporting a half-staff while staring at her nude daughter at a spa in L.A. How dare she not “celebrate” a pedo with an erection pointed at her child! The commie prags in the Pravda press dutifully called the mother “anti-trans.” Other lizard people referred to the whole thing as a possible “hoax.” The registered sex offender was deemed a victim of “transphobia.” . . .