More to come as June 6th approaches. Meanwhile, let's reflect on this:
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Krauthammer: Antagonizing Canada is Hillary’s Only Achievement as Secretary of State
Townhall “ 'With these fiascos underway in Kiev, a massacre, and in Venezuela, the arrest of opposition leader, Leopoldo Lopez today, Hillary’s foreign policy trifecta is complete,” [Hugh] Hewitt said. “She’s lost South America, she’s lost the Middle East, and she’s lost Eastern Europe. How does anyone recover from that and run for the presidency?”
“ 'When people talk about Hillary being a superb secretary of State, I just ask one question,” Krauthammer replied. “Name me one thing, just one, not three, give me one thing she achieved in her four years as secretary of state. I have yet to hear an answer.' ”
New Obama Promise: If You Like Your Life, You Can Keep It
Ann Coulter ... "The New York Times has described Obama's repeated claim that you could keep your insurance plan and keep your doctor under Obamacare as a mere slip of the tongue: "Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that."
"Misspoke? How exactly does one misspeak, word for word, dozens of times, over and over again?
"That wasn't misspeaking -- it was a deliberate, necessary lie. Even Democrats couldn't have voted for Obamacare if Americans had known the truth. It was absolutely vital for Obama to lie about people being able to keep their insurance and their doctors.
"Of course, it was difficult for voters to know the truth because every time Republicans would try to tell them, the White House and the media would rush in and call the critics liars. "
And, of course, "RACISTS!"
"It's not that Obama doesn't believe in American exceptionalism; it's that he wants to end it."
Greens ratchet up the pressure on Obama not to approve Keystone
Rick Moran "The significance here is not so much damage done to Obama by his environmental base as it would be damage done to Democratic Senate incumbents who would face the wrath of the greens next November. But the prospect of tens of thousands of jobs may be too attractive for the president to pass up, not to mention the president's reluctance in handing the GOP an excellent issue to run on in November if he nixes the project.
"Obama could delay the decision until after the 2012 election. Since he's shown a willingness to put just about any controversial issue [beyond] that date, we probably shouldn't expect him to do otherwise with Keystone."
Tell the UAW to stop insulting the intelligence of the plant workers in Tennessee
Silvio Canto, Jr. "It never fails. Every time that the left loses or can't succeed it is "racism," "sexism," "Tea Party madness, and so on. This is getting as predictable as President Obama playing golf.
"No one in the left has sat back and looked at the UAW defeat seriously. It is "a teachable" moment as President Obama likes to say. I just hope that the UAW takes the time to learn from this "teachable moment"!
"The Wall Street Journal looks at the UAW's hysterical reaction:"....
Why Card Check Matters, Chattanooga Edition "Under so-called card-check legislation that Democrats have tried to push through Congress in recent years, 50 percent of the workforce having signed a card would automatically create a union without a secret ballot — regardless of the employer’s wishes."
MSNBC Guest Notes Network’s Low Ratings
"As far as “saying hateful things” goes, one YouTube user summed it up perfectly…
If saying horrible and hateful things were the key to ratings MSNBC would have the highest ratings in history.
Bill Maher Breaks Up with MSNBC "When you’re a so-called liberal-progressive media outlet and you’ve lost Bill Maher, that may be a sign you’ve jumped the shark."
Why the Left Smears Black Conservatives As Race Traitors
Below: How liberal cartoonist Pat Oliphant's treated President Bush's appointment of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State. "Black conservatives represent the antithesis of black leftists, who, for decades, have relentlessly cast African Americans as the perpetual victims of intransigent societal racism; who are intolerant of anyone rejecting the notion of universal black victimization; and who interpret as treason any deviation from their own intellectual orthodoxy. Some examples will serve to illustrate:"
... "In February 2014, Justice Thomas told an audience at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida that the “worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, [were] by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.' ”
Book: Christians Shown As ‘Hateful Stereotypes in Today’s Movies’
"Christians in the Movies traces the arc of the portrayal in film of Christians from 1905 to the present. For most of the first six decades, the portrayals were favorable and even reverential. By contrast, from 1970 on, Christians have often been treated with hostility and often outright ridicule. This book explores this shift through in-depth reviews and commentaries on 100 important films, as well as briefer discussions of about 75 additional Christian-themed films.
"Peter E. Dans examines various causative factors for this change such as the abolition of the Hays Motion Picture Production Code, the demise of the Catholic Legion of Decency, and the associated profound societal and cultural changes. From a look at the real story behind the Scopes trial to portraits of actors, directors and writers most prominently associated with films involving Christians and Christianity, Christians in the Movies provides a great resource for those who wish to select films for showing at churches, universities or for personal viewing and critical examination of the recent cultural movements and thought.
"Peter E. Dans examines various causative factors for this change such as the abolition of the Hays Motion Picture Production Code, the demise of the Catholic Legion of Decency, and the associated profound societal and cultural changes. From a look at the real story behind the Scopes trial to portraits of actors, directors and writers most prominently associated with films involving Christians and Christianity, Christians in the Movies provides a great resource for those who wish to select films for showing at churches, universities or for personal viewing and critical examination of the recent cultural movements and thought.
Media Research Center ... "Part of the downward spiral of Christian portrayal in film stemmed from the loss of accountability groups like the National Legion of Decency and the Hays Motion Picture Production Code, as well as cultural shifts such as the sexual revolution. Dans blamed a particular “disdain for dogma” by the film industry when picking and choosing which religions to cover favorably. One exception to the rule is Islam – in comparison, Dans surmised, Christians, “who are taught to turn the other cheek, may be easier and safer targets.' ”
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