Sunday, November 10, 2013

Walmart, Besieged by Protests, Has Few Friends Left

Big Government

"Over fifty union activists were arrested by outside a new Walmart in Chinatown in Los Angeles on Thursday evening during a protest for higher wages against "the unequal distribution of wealth." 

"Similar protests have been taking place around the nation--almost certainly timed to coincide with the Democratic Party's push for raising the federal minimum wage to $10 per hour, which President Barack Obama endorsed on Thursday.

"In the past, conservatives would have lined up to support the large retailer. It brings jobs to poor communities and lower prices to consumers. Democrats have fought bitterly to keep Walmart out of cities, not just out of concern for local competitors but primarily because Walmart does not embrace labor unions. In Washington, D.C., Walmart has canceled plans for several stores because of Democrats' opposition.
"Yet Walmart is running out of conservative friends."

Sorry about the overuse of bold type; this Blogger program often refuses to do what I want it to.TD

238th Birthday of The United States Marine Corps (UPDATE)

Weasel Zippers

"... Marine of generations past built our reputation as the most disciplined and honorable warriors to ever set foot on a battlefield, and we have triumphed in every battle because our Corps has always focused on iron discipline and combat excellence. This is who we are…this is what we do! It matters not whether you carried an M-1, and M-14, or an M-16. It matters not whether you fought on a lonely island in the Pacific, assaulted a citadel in the jungle, or marched up to Baghdad. It matters not whether you are a grunt, a pilot or a loggie. What matters most is that, when the chips were down and things got tough, your fellow Marines could count on you to stand and fight…and fight we did!"
"What Marine Birthday celebration would be complete without Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermey?"
But he discusses the country and our economy with kindness and tact, as only the Old Gunny can.

The first five minutes of a Marine's career (Video)

UPDATE: Tribute to the Marines by an evil corporation, despised by today's Democrats
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

ObamaCare finds its Level

American Thinker  "ObamaCare promotion has now sunk to the lowest level conceivable: fake e-mail "testimonials" blasted out to unrelated comment threads. These are in imitation of the "sister-in-law" employment ads that have infested internet threads since the days of Hammurabi: "By gosh, my sister-in-law makes $3,587.53 a week over the internet, working only three hours a day, etc.' "   More.