Monday, August 18, 2014

What are some Pros and Cons of the Common Core Standards?

Derrick Meador   "Question: What are some Pros and Cons of the Common Core Standards?

"The full implementation of the Common Core Standards is getting closer each day. The true impact that they have on schools and education as a whole will not be known for several years. One thing that is for sure is this shift to a national set of standards will be revolutionary. They will also be highly debated. As the media begins to recognize the significance of the Common Core, you can bet the debate will heat up even more. As their implementation approaches, we examine some of  the pros and cons of the Common Core Standards." 
Read the pros and cons here.

Derrick Meador is a school administrator that values the importance of the Internet on the teaching profession both as an educational tool and a resource.

Common Core reading pros and cons  " My district is in the process of transitioning into the Common Core. I’ve noticed that in reading, some teachers are excited. Others are worried that they won’t be able to do as many poems or narratives. I have mixed feelings about it. Here are my thoughts on some of the pros and cons of the Common Core." Excerpts follow:

Pros include
Common standards will make it easier for students who move from state to state. That makes a big difference in some of the transient populations. 
  • I look forward to the chance to collaborate with teachers throughout my PLN. Right now, we have to tie things in to our own standards. However, with Common Core, I feel like we can create a common curriculum and do shared projects across the country.

  • Cons include
    "I’m always concerned when the local context is neglected. I worry that in the push toward a more federalized system, we will lose the local control that schools should have (especially given the fact that schools are almost entirely locally funded)."
    I’m concerned with the push toward “college and career readiness.” What about critical thinking, democratic citizen readiness? What about learning to think well about life?

    The Pros and Cons of the Common Core Standards    "Confused about the Common Core? Join the crowd. A polarizing topic in educational systems across the country, the Common Core Standards, also referred to as the Common Core Standards Initiative (CCSI), are frequently misunderstood by those who are affected by it — the teachers responsible for implementing them. But armed with the objective information you need, you can assess the benefits of the Common Core to help you do what you do best: provide optimal educational experiences for the students who are counting on you.


    "In an effort to standardize the definitions of educational proficiency among states, the development of the Common Core Standards started in 2009. Those leading the charge included governors and state commissioners of education from 48 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia. Various sources and criteria for development included existing standards, input from educators, content experts, state leaders, thought leaders and the public."  Full article

    I fear education material will reflect the political correctness of the time and will discourage political debate. School children in every town might be singing this song: 

    Maine Man, 19, Poses For New Mug Shot Wearing T-Shirt With Photo Of His Old Mug Shot

    The Smoking Gun

    "In a marvelously meta moment, a 19-year-old last week posed for a jail booking photo while wearing a t-shirt with a reproduction of the mug shot taken of him after a June arrest for drunk driving."

    On the Ferguson Riots, Including Twelve Unbelievable Photos From Ferguson

    The Daily Signal    The oppressed, destroyed by the oppressors. 
    Scenes from the clean up on Monday, Aug. 11 2014, after a after violent night. (Photo: Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/MCT)

    In addition to those linked to above, there are these:

    UNREAL: Liberal Groups Set Up Voter Registration Booth At Michael Brown Shrine Site…   "During the rally for Michael Brown on Sunday, MSNBC host Al Sharpton announced that his National Action Network was going to work with Bishop Larry Jones for a voter registration drive to drive up voter turnout."
    Here is an interactive map of the looting and violence:
    Gateway Pundit gives the full list of stores looted so far since Michael Brown was shot and killed Saturday:
    So far: a QuickTrip, Walmart, Kmart, County Shoe Carnival, Foot Locker, PNC Bank, Hibbetts Sports, Beauty Supply and Wig Store, Family Dollar, Boost Mobile, DTLR, Taco Bell, Remy Beauty Supply, Cricket Wireless, Phillips 66, Energy Express, Pawn Shop, Target, JC Wireless, Firestone, Dollar General, Up N Up Fashion, Several Burglaries, T-Mobile, Second QuikTrip and a Shoe Carnival in South St. Louis City have been hit by looters.

    "Later in the day, Ferguson police released surveillance footage from a convenience store where the incident took place. In the three-minute video, three men can be seen entering a store. Two of the men go to exit together when another man, supposedly an employee at the store, tries to stop them. The larger of the two men pushes the apparent employee before walking out. " 
    View image on Twitter

    Westboro "Church" and Robin Williams

    Westboro Baptist Church  (Oh, how I hate to type those three words.) Excerpts below from the WBC site:

    Jefferson City Capitol Building in Jefferson City, MO    August 19, 2014  1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
    Lincoln University  in Jefferson City, MO    August 19, 2014  2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    Jefferson City High School in Jefferson City, MO    August 19, 2014  2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
    Sprint Center in Kansas City, MO    August 19, 2014  6:15 PM - 7:00 PM
    [Katie Perry] divorced her perverted yet strangely intelligent oddball husband Russell Brandt thus promoting adultery as well. 
    Starlight Theater - Goo Goo Dolls in Kansas City, MO    August 29, 2014  6:15 PM - 7:00 PM

    Remembering Robin: A Benefit for St. Jude; a counter to Westboro  "Our neighbors at the Westboro Baptist Church have announced their intention to protest the funeral of Robin Williams. In keeping with our philosophy of addressing acts of hate and intolerance with compassion and love, we are inviting the public to show their respect and support of a man who spent his life making others smile, who was always there for others in their time of need, and who supported the greater good through works of service and charity. Please join Planting Peace in counteracting the WBC’s message of hate through a fundraising event benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a cause Mr. Williams passionately and publicly supported."    Donate here.
    How sad that I know of no Islamic organizations like this. But I digress.

    Robin Williams

    Westboro Baptist Church May ‘Protest’ at Robin Williams’ Funeral  "Westboro, a Kansas-based group [known] for hate-filled protests sometimes targeting gays and their supporters, has mentioned the idea of a protest on Twitter several times in recent days. But some who track the group note it often threatens protests that never materialize."

    The Lynching of Rick Perry; Democratic [party] criminalization of political disagreement.

    William Murchison  
    ... "Perry’s opponents in Texas know very well — they should! — that he is too much for them. He wins elections. He persuades Texas voters of his superiority — especially in the philosophical sense — to the state’s woebegone liberals: no better positioned than they were 50 or 60 years ago to raise taxes for redistributive purposes and tighten business regulations. What’s left but to trump up some bush league allegations about the governor’s behavior and take them to court?

    "What’s left, indeed? Earnest, honest persuasion — which, alas, takes time. Impatient liberals want to win now. Easily faster than winning over multitudes of voters is persuading a single judge to rearrange the poker chips.

    "We see the phenomenon spreading — to Austin, Texas; to Wisconsin, where Democrats claim Gov. Scott Walker illegally used staff resources for campaign purposes; to Washington, D. C., where Iraq war opponents secured successful prosecution of a Dick Cheney aide for allegedly exposing the identity of an undercover CIA agent who was married to a figure at odds with the administration over — oh, forget it. Less and less is justice the purpose of political prosecutions; more and more, it’s just politics."
    Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

    Stupid Stuff; Brought to you by the gang that couldn’t vacation straight.

    American Spectator    "Okay, we’re not normally this nervous, but it’s not every week that we have a big date in the offing. Our leader has announced he plans to return to Washington, D.C. on Sunday for reasons yet to be divulged. Maybe he needs help for his addiction to golf. Maybe he needs to get away from all those rich folks of Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe he just needs to escape from Madam Hillary’s manic clutches. Or maybe, just perhaps, he wants to ask us for advice. Don’t know how we might help. He’s been exactly the man we knew he’d be from the moment he first set eyes on a teleprompter. Who are we to expect someone not to be true to himself?

    "Thursday was rough enough on him. He needed to say something meaningful about the situation in Missouri, and he couldn’t do it in between holes on the back nine..."


    The Astute Bloggers
    "NYTIMES: 2 Killed and Dozen Are Injured as Weekend Shootings Plague New York
    All told, at least 14 people in New York were struck by bullets overnight, adding to a tally of shooting victims that is an increase of more than 10 percent over last year, to more than 822 citywide. The increase has persisted despite efforts to tamp down potentially violent situations before they escalate.



    How, you ask?  This way.

    Is the post-EPA regs power grid ready for a truly hard winter?

    First, remember when Candidate Obama said this? 

    FLASHBACK: Obama Promised Electricity Costs Would Skyrocket

    Hot Air  ... "In order to comply with the new Obama era EPA regs, American Electric Power, which supplies a major portion of the electricity used on the east coast, will be closing almost one quarter of their coal fired plants between now and next June. This is because they were economically unable to come into compliance with the new regulations in the impossibly short window of opportunity offered by the EPA. This is going to reduce the total surge capacity available for some of our most densely populated areas just when we may get hit with weather related demand spikes beyond anyone’s control.

    "Having the power go out in the summer when you’re trying to run the air conditioning is bad enough. Losing heating when the temperatures head below zero for weeks on end is a recipe for disaster."

    Full release:
    This morning, the Obama administration will announce new EPA rules that will keep the president’s infamous promise that “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” The promise was so clear, so brazen, that it’s worth taking another look.  The president’s plan would indeed cause a surge in electricity bills – costs stand to go up $17 billion every year.
    But it would also shut down plants and potentially put an average of 224,000 more people out of work every year.  It’s a sucker punch for families everywhere paying more for just about everything in the president’s fragile economy.
    That’s why the House has already passed legislation that would prevent these rules from taking effect without congressional approval.  Senate Democrats concerned about “pocketbook issues” should take it up immediately.

    On Ferguson and the police

    Ferguson and the Changing Attitudes Towards Cops   ... "Consider: many young liberals have of course discovered a love for big government, and take to Twitter and Facebook to support cops harassing Tea Party types and Nevada ranchers just as they cheer the IRS and Lois Lerner persecuting conservative business people and political groups. Meanwhile, liberal voters in Boston cheered their ‘Boston Strong’ reaction to the Marathon bombers, which to me looked a lot like an entire city cowering from a wounded young teen -- while LEOs with Seal Team Six fantasies trampled on every liberty they could for 48 hours -- brandishing Kevlar, automatic weapons, neo-Nazi style helmets and riding around neighborhoods in hummers and kicking down doors.     C. Edmund Wright
    Is the media trying to get accused Ferguson police officer killed?  "If you saw that chaotic press conference given by Governor Nixon yesterday, you know the tenor of black people in Ferguson. They want "justice" and they want it now.

    "Given this, why is the media showing the world where the accused police officer, Darren Wilson, lives? ..."     Rick Moran

    Yahoo! News Publishes Photos of Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson   " Last week, Chief Jackson said that the department had received death threats against Wilson. He reported the same after another officer was incorrectly identified as the shooter on Thursday when the computer hacker group Anonymous gave out the name of the wrong officer."

     Support Rally For Darren Wilson, Officer Involved In Shooting In Ferguson
    View image on Twitter
    Jon Swaine         @jonswaine
    Protest is outside headquarters NBC affiliate @ksdknews, which broadcast footage of Darren Wilson's home
    New Police Tactic in Ferguson: Betray Local Business Owners   ... "This is what happens when you let your policing be dictated by MSNBC."

    Protests in Ferguson Shutter Businesses    "Employees and their bosses worry about what may happen next. "
    These are the true oppressed; those who invest their entire savings into businesses that lay in the path of these despicable looters.