Tuesday, February 27, 2018

US media fawns over the Kims, still hates the Trumps

The People's Cube

"The puff coverage of Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, at the Olympics is the most glorious progressive journalism we seen in a long time. Below are some of the media headlines.

NY Times: Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight

CNN: Kim Jong Un's sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics

NPR: Kim Yo Jong Fascinates, And Puzzles, In South Korea

And so on...

"Fun fact: Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, has ordered 1,021 people put to death over the course of her lifetime. What has Ivanka done to match that? Pff."

Maxine Waters Compares Trump To North Korean Tyrant Kim Jong Um…er, Un

Weasel Zippers

"Even better: Waters called Kim Jong Un by the wrong name.

Ingraham Releases Internal Email Directing Deputies to Defend FL Sheriff

Fox News Insider  "In an "Ingraham Angle" exclusive, Laura Ingraham aired a purported internal email from the Broward County Sheriff's Office that directed employees to defend Sheriff Scott Israel.
"Ingraham said the email was given to her by a source and that its veracity was "confirmed" by a second source.
"It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he "find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations."
" 'He stood with us, and now we must stand with him," the email reads.
"The focus should be on getting to the bottom of what happened," Ingraham said. "[It] shouldn't be about saving [Israel's] job."
"Ingraham said the emails continue a pattern of defensive public relations by the department at Israel's lead.
"She said that, apart from the sheriff's repeated statements defending himself and criticizing the National Rifle Association, the Democrat's past actions also garnered media attention." . . .

State representatives covering all or part of Broward County:
Alcee Hastings, Democrat
Lauren Book, Democrat
Oscar Braynon II, Democrat
Gary M. Farmer, Jr., Democrat
Kevin J. Rader, Democrat
Perry E. Thurston, Jr., Democrat

Brian Hogg appeared on CBS 6 months ago, appears to be groomed by media

Intellihub   "In what can only be described as outright strange, David Hogg, a survivor of the Florida mass shooting who has quickly risen to prominence as a mainstream media promoted anti-gun activist, actually appeared in a CBS Los Angeles news report six months ago!

"The CBS report featured Hogg as an apparent eyewitness and videographer of a shocking confrontation between Hogg, a lifeguard, and one of Hogg’s friends who is seen being harassed by the lifeguard over a seemingly minor infraction.

"Hogg is interviewed in the report and claimed that the entire issue was over his surfer friend resting a bodyboard on a beach trashcan." . . .

"Interestingly, now, just days after the horrific shooting, Hogg has “reconnected” with CBS for an anti-gun piece in which the survivors and the CBS reporters pushing their gun grabbing agenda took multiple smiling photos as if they were “rock stars” getting ready to do their next show."

The girl with the shaved head adopts an angry persona when on camera.

The smiling photo was taken down after The Gateway Pundit posted about it  . . .how strange it seemed that all parties looked so cheerful and enthusiastic in the wake of such a tragedy.

. . . These photos were taken over the weekend on the set of an interview taped for broadcast Monday morning. This means the students were only three or four days out from surviving a massacre in their school. In just a few days they have become celebrated heroes of the anti-Trump resistance and are acting and being feted like rock stars. In fact rock stars (or a pop star in this case) are reaching out to them, . . .

FedEx stays loyal to the NRA as gun-control pressure builds and boycotts loom

Business Insider

  • FedEx has not cut ties with the National Rifle Association despite boycott threats and pressure from gun-control activists, nor publicly commented on its continuation of a discount program for members of the gun-rights organization.
. . . "On Monday morning, The New York Times published an op-ed article encouraging people to boycott the delivery company.

" 'Ending a discount program won't, in and of itself, save any lives or cause great political damage to the N.R.A.," David Leonhardt wrote. "But the FedEx situation has now become something of a test case of the new anti-gun movement. It's also a test case for whether a major company feels comfortable allying itself with a group that effectively promotes violence."
"While the boycott threats have piled up, some people on social media have lined up in support of FedEx." . . .

Obama speech leaks after attendees were barred from sharing its contents

The Hill  "A publication has obtained a recording of former President Obama’s address at a conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), despite attendees being barred from sharing the contents of the speech.
"Reason published the recording of Obama’s speech on Monday, writing that “the most newsworthy thing about it is the simple fact that the public wasn't supposed to hear it.”
"Those attending Obama’s speech at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) on Friday, including media covering the event, were banned from publicly sharing information about the address.
“ 'Following the panel, the sharing or reporting of its contents on public platforms, including social media, will not be permitted,” the notice sent to attendees read. “Those who fail to adhere to this policy will be subject to removal from the conference and denied tickets to future SSAC conferences.”
"During the speech, Obama said his administration “didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us.”
"He said that while officials did make mistakes, there were no major controversies." . . .

Obama said in 'secret' speech, 'We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us'
There is some truth here: when has any democrat politician ever been embarrassed by their scandal? When faced with proof of hers, Hillary will laugh right in your face. Literally. See?.....

But we digress...

. . . "Hit and Run's Robbie Soave called the speech "weird."  Indeed, Barack Obama's "secret" speech at an MIT sports policy conference didn't deal much with sports.  But the former president did toot his own horn quite a bit.  He also praised "diversity" and climate change science and bemoaned the divide in American politics.
"Attendees were instructed not to "record, photograph, tweet, or report on the event" before they were even allowed to sit down.  It's a mystery why organizers and the president's entourage went to such lengths to keep what he said a secret.". . . 
"Reason Podcast obtained a copy of the speech, which you can play at the bottom of the linked page." . . .

Obama’s Genie

Mr. Obama’s political career was launched in the Ayers’ living room.
Canada Free Press

"Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood—the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish.
"Being a pretty ordinary guy—you know, the kind who hung out smoking pot, who slacked off in school, who didn’t get the girl and actually hated and was jealous of the guys who did—he asked for power.
"Poof—the Genie granted him his wish, power beyond his wildest dreams.

"To be sure, the Genie certainly didn’t know that this ordinary guy didn’t want merely to embarrass the guys he was jealous of, he wanted to destroy them. And not through the ordinary methods—knives, guns, poison, et al, although all of them might play a part one day—but through politics!
"The most important thing the Genie didn’t know was that all those cool, get-the-girl guys were only symbols for the thing Mr. Ordinary hated most—America!
"But too late—the Genie had given him the power to mobilize the entire world against the country he claimed was the place of his birth." . . .
. . . 
Obama and Farrakhan
"Mr. Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 and became a community organizer—entering the profession of his own and Hillary Clinton’s idol, Saul Alinsky, the America-loathing Marxist whose book, “Rules for Radicals,‚” provided a blueprint for “fundamentally changing‚” the United States of America from a capitalist, free-market, U.S. Constitution-respecting, freedom-loving country into either a Communist paradise or an Islamic caliphate.
"In 1988, our One Lucky Guy entered Harvard Law School where he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review....quite amazingly, seeing that he wrote not one article to earn this honor and that—ta da—no transcripts of his years in the law school ever materialized! The media once again demonstrated a remarkable lack of curiosity about who paid Mr. Obama’s immensely expensive tuition." . . .


"Who, indeed, could manage to mobilize leftwing politics worldwide? Which included:
  • The entire spectrum of the American Democrat Party,
  • The worldwide America-loathing Muslim Brotherhood,
  • The bought-and-paid-for American media whores,
  • The impotent socialists of the European Union,
  • The impotent socialists and Communists of Venezuela, Cuba, and other utterly failed regimes,
  • The Muslim terrorist regime of Iran,
  • The dictator-populated United Nations,
  • The mal-educated millennials raised on leftist propaganda,
  • The bitter abortion-loving, man-hating feminists,
  • The pathological jealousy of all things successful,
  • On and on and on and on….all negative.
"Of course, that ordinary guy was Barack Obama—a member of the infamous Choom drug-inhaling gang." . . .

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Which affects an election more: illegal voters (for Democrats), or Russian tampering?

Thomas Lifson  "J. Christian Adams, a former federal prosecutor, through his work with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, is leading an effort to expose the extent of aliens voting in federal elections.  For unexplained reasons, the officials are stonewalling release of official data.  It appears that they have evidence already that should alarm everyone concerned with election integrity.  This had far more influence than any Russian ads on Facebook." . . .
. . .
"Beginning in October 2017, the PILF began a formal dialogue with the DOS to inspect records related to noncitizen voter registrants. Requests were rejected twice, despite making them pursuant to Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The NVRA allows unfettered physical inspection rights to all records related to voter list maintenance. In December 2017, the PILF notified the DOS of its apparent violation of the NVRA. The lawsuit filed today seeks to compel inspection of the aforementioned records.
"For a detailed look at the fact pattern leading to today's lawsuit, click here.
See the source image

Sheriff's deputies were called to Nikolas Cruz's home 45 TIMES in the last decade . . .

. . . "as neighbor talks about the Florida school shooter's dark side."

UK Daily Mail
Joelle Guarino says Cruz was violent even as a baby, when she caught him repeatedly hitting her son
Last year, Guarino reported Cruz to the police when she saw an Instagram post where he threatened to 'shoot up a school'
Police told Guarino at the time that there was nothing they could do  
Cruz seen fighting with students a year before the shooting.

Above, the Parkland, Florida home where the 45 911 calls originated from. Cruz lived here with his brother and mother until 2017, when they moved just a few months before her death

"When the 19-year-old was apprehended after killing 17 in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School two weeks ago, early reports indicated that Broward County Sheriff's deputies had been called to Cruz's home 39 times in the last several years. 

"Sheriff Scott Israel later downgraded that figure to 23, amid increasing criticism that his office should have seen the numerous warning signs. 

" 'Since 2008, BSO responded to 23 incidents where previous contact was made with the killer or his family. STOP REPORTING 39; IT'S SIMPLY NOT TRUE,' a statement from the sheriff's office said on Saturday. 

"But according to new documents obtained by CNN, cops were actually called to the Cruz family home a total of 45 times in the last decade - before his adoptive mother died in November and he and his brother moved in with family friends. " . . .

Unequal application of anti-bias policies at Wake Forest: No action after conservative student mocked for being white

Legal Insurrection
“similar rhetoric about the identity of other groups would not be tolerated”

"Wake Forest University in North Carolina has a strict policy to protect students from racial discrimination and harassment. They even have a bias response team. Yet after a conservative student was harassed by others, and mocked for being white, the school did nothing.

"Anthony Palumbo reports at the Wake Forest Review:
Wake Forest Declines to Enforce Harassment Policies for Conservative Student
Wake Forest University claims to not allow verbal abuse that is “obscene, profane, or derogatory” and the commission of any offense that is “motivated by the race or any other defining characteristic of an individual.” But when one writer for the Wake Forest Review faced persistent harassment at the intersection of race and politics, the Dean of Students Adam Goldstein and the Bias Response team chose not to enforce these rules against leftist students.
After two Wake Forest students handed senior Ryan Wolfe a box of saltine crackers and photoshopped his face onto a cracker, Wolfe requested to open a judicial case under the verbal abuse and racial harassment policies.
“I support the free speech rights of students,” Wolfe said. “But in this case, I wanted to see if the school would enforce their rules surrounding verbal and abuse equally regardless of who was involved in the case. I knew that similar rhetoric about the identity of other groups would not be tolerated.”
A few weeks after these requests, Goldstein told Wolfe that the committee would not take action and that he should not want them to do so because it would only “make things worse” for him.
. . .
How considerate of them. 

Apple store leaves whites out of diversity
. . . It looks like our radical activists passed through education and grew strong enough in the corporate world to start removing us from the picture.