Thursday, July 18, 2013

Grievance, inc.

'Let’s Go Mess Up Hollywood for Trayvon'   "On Tuesday night, a flash mob of some 40 to 50 teenagers invaded the busiest and most tourist-centric part of Hollywood, smashing windows, stealing cellphones, and assaulting passersby."

"He also called out the media for not having a “pure heart” when it comes to race. “Racism is wrong in any, shape or form,” Barkley said. “A lot of black people are racist too. I think sometimes when people talk about racism, they say only white people are racist, but I think black people are too. I don’t think the media has clean hands.” "

Video; Jesse Jackson blasts Florida as ‘apartheid state’  " “No doubt, the inclination is to boycott Florida, stop conventions, to isolate Florida as a kind of apartheid state” if the DOJ does not act, Jackson said."

Twitter Explodes With Racial Epithets Towards Larry Elder: 'Coon A-- House N--ger' " As NewsBusters reported, conservative talk radio host Larry Elder had a heated exchange Wednesday with CNN's Piers Morgan concerning the George Zimmerman trial and prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel.
Will Chris Matthews apologize for these people also? Will anyone in the Obama administration condemn this racism?
Stay tuned....well, never mind.

Race-Industry Leeches  ...."But all these dimensions of the race-industry narrative are very useful for black professors, activists, and politicians. Better-educated and more well-off than millions of whites, they can rationalize their privilege by leeching off the suffering and dysfunction of the black underclass, and then leverage white guilt for their own advancement. Meanwhile millions of blacks remain underemployed and uneducated, victims of crime, drugs, sexual carelessness, and the liberal racist plantation of dependency and victimhood."

Weasel Zippers reports; "Race Pimp Al Sharpton Scores His Very Own Gold Digger…"

Weasel Zippers
Quoting the NYDN: 
"Al Sharpton has a new, decades-younger, attractive main squeeze.
The civil rights activist and MSNBC star, 58, is dating 35-year-old Aisha McShaw, a Westchester “personal stylist” who has been seen on Sharpton’s arm at several recent black-tie affairs, including the White House Correspondents Dinner in April and President Obama’s holiday party in December.
" “I’m his girlfriend,” McShaw said before Sharpton intervened to shepherd her away from a reporter.

""She told The News that she works as a “personal stylist,” but Sharpton quickly shuffled her off without letting her elaborate on her profession."....

Bombshell at IRS hearings today? Watch LIVE

Legal Insurrection  "The House Oversight Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing today at 11:00am ET on “The IRS’ Systematic Delay and Scrutiny of Tea Party Applications.” (Livestream also at the bottom of this post).

"FOX News’ Carl Cameron reported Wednesday evening on the O’Reilly Factor that major evidence is expected to be revealed at Thursday’s hearing that proves, according to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, that the IRS targeting scandal goes “way higher up in the government” and that the IRS in DC “was ultimately calling the shots.” " 

Politics shouldn't force federal case vs. Zimmerman

Andrew C. McCarthy   Editor's note: Andrew C. McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney, is author of "Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy," "Willful Blindness" and "The Grand Jihad." He is a senior fellow at National Review Institute and a contributing editor at National Review.

"We have a Department of Justice, not a Department of Social Justice. That is an essential distinction. It is brought into sharp relief by politicized demands that George Zimmerman, having just been acquitted of murder by the state of Florida, be subjected to a second prosecution -- a federal civil rights indictment -- over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
"Yet, though Attorney General Eric Holder never tires of reminding us about the due process owed even to foreign terrorists who've confessed to mass murder, the principle does not seem to apply to Zimmerman, an American now acquitted of murder."

Ignore Trayvon? Move on? Old News? THINK AGAIN!!!   "I would like to take a moment and address all of this Trayvon and Zimmerman nonsense.
"I am seeing it all over social media and frankly, enough is enough.
"I’m talking about all those who say there should be nothing more said regarding Trayvon and Zimmerman. They say we need to focus and while I agree, I am still at something of a loss.
"Focus on what, exactly?"

Causes of Black deaths in the US

Boston mayor blasts Rolling Stone for glamorizing Boston Marathon; The Atlantic Monthly says not so fast...

Jihad Watch  "Pamela Geller brilliantly imagines Rolling Stone's next issue..."
"Meanwhile, many stores are refusing to carry the magazine with Tsarnaev on the cover. The Leftist media, of course, has been glamorizing jihad and demonizing those who oppose it for quite some time. The Rolling Stone cover was just another step down a long road that they've been on for years. "Mayor, top cop blast Rolling Stone over Tsarnaev cover," by Marie Szaniszlo and John Zaremba
 for the Boston Herald, July 17 (thanks to all who sent this in):" More.
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Lycium tweeted: "....Is he the Justin Bieber of terrorism?"
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
"But the brouhaha over the cover photo ignores the main reason Rolling Stone used that selfie in the first place; the piece is excellent. Seriously, read it. The author, Janet Reitman, wrote a fantastic, well-researched and thorough report on the evolution of "Jahar," or as his friends called him, "Jizz," from a National Honor Society student to an accused terrorist."
.... The writer of the Atlantic article concludes with this:
"In addition to talking to a wide array of his personal friend network, Reitman meticulously goes through seemingly all of Jahar's 1,088 tweets from his Twitter account. That's one of the many signs that she has done her duty as a reporter. So while you may not love the cover, do read what's inside." 

‘Ridiculous’: Reporters Mock, Sneer At Daily Caller Intern Who Dared Ask Jay Carney A Question

Mediaite  "The impropriety displayed on Wednesday by a high school-age intern who dared to ask White House Press Secretary Jay Carney a question relating to the security provided to the family of George Zimmerman knows no bounds. That is apparently the opinion of a number of members of the political press. After an intern had the temerity to ask Carney a question, the political media flew into a tizzy over the presumptuousness of the intern and turned to mocking him and the venue which credentialed him to be in the Briefing Room in the first place.
How dare he? 

"....POLITICO in particular, who expressed shock over the impertinent intern and the substance of his question to Carney."
Impertinent, you say? How about David Gregory, Norah O'Donnell and others asking to ask President Bush if he would apologize for his policies?

Conversation about race? Get real

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Politico   -"Let’s take the advice of the attorney general of the United States. Let’s have a national conversation about race in the wake of the Zimmerman case. Let’s make it a painfully honest conversation — except about all the things that are painful for us to admit.
"Let’s take a tragedy and make it a racial crime. Let’s not acknowledge the evidence suggesting that Trayvon Martin was beating George Zimmerman. Let’s never, ever admit that if Martin hadn’t hit Zimmerman, he would almost certainly be alive today." Read more:
Rich Lowry is editor of National Review and the author of the new book “Lincoln Unbound.”