Friday, March 30, 2012

Navy Seals reveal truth about raid against Osama Bin Laden we killed 'Bert' Laden: Navy Seals reveal truth about raid against Osama Bin Laden    "He said the men were angry with President Barack Obama for announcing Bin Laden’s death on TV just hours after they completed the mission on May 1.

The White House faced criticism Friday that it had failed to safeguard secrets about the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound and that the leaks could jeopardize future operations.   "The leaks in the Obama administration are “out of control,” said Michael Scheuer, a former CIA officer who once worked in the unit that tracked bin Laden.

" “The information about the stealth helicopters, the information about the CIA safe house, the details about bin Laden’s habits, his planning, his contacts. All of that compromised further operations,” he said.
The leaks will “make further operations harder, more difficult, probably more bloody.”
"Fears that the leaks may have gone too far have triggered a round of finger pointing in Washington, with some blaming the White House and others suspecting members of Congress and their aides."

Is Obama Signaling a Second Administration Even MORE Anti-Israel?

Yid With Lid   ...."This narrative should be titled, What Israel Would Face in a Second Obama Administration.
"The first story was widely reported...President Obama's open mike gaffe. On Monday at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea, President Obama whispered to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense after the 2012 elections, and that incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.” "
"Tuesday saw Ari Fleischer former George Bush press secretary debate Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter about the gaffe.  Fleischer asked Cutter if can she assure us that the president has made no other statements like that to, say, Arab leaders or Palestinian leaders, ‘Give me space and after the election I’ll have more flexibility to deal with Israel?’ Can you assure us he’s not done that?”

"Cutter gave a long-winded answer that had nothing to do with the question. " 
"Is this Obama's pre-election foreshadowing of what he will do once he has the flexibility of not having to run again? Is Obama sabotaging Israel under the radar today and waiting to do even worse more blatantly later?  Is the subtle shift in the US position on Jerusalem a signal of the pressure Obama wil deliver in a second Obama administration?"

American Crossroads rips President Flexible in this new video.

 :  Administration Iran Leakfest Means Obama’s Tough Stance is Just Talk  " "The leaking demonstrates just how unhappy the Washington foreign and defense policy establishment is about the way the president’s re-election campaign has led him to commit himself to action on Iran. Lest there be any doubt about the purpose of these disclosures, the officials tell the Times their hope is these stories as well as the recent leak about a Pentagon war simulation that was specifically crafted to feed speculation about possible U.S. casualties in the event of a conflict with Iran are designed to “provide the president with some political cover.” "

I Used to Love Her but I Had To Kill Her

Mike Adams  "My argument will be simple: I believe that Anna was no more or less of a person as an adult than she was as an unborn child. Therefore, it would have been permissible to kill her at either stage of development so long as that killing was motivated by compassion for the victim of rape."
This is a nice photo; the bad ones are here.

Noonan: Obama increasingly comes across as devious and dishonest. Krauthammer on Obama's "flexibility" doctrine

Peggy Noonan: Not-So-Smooth Operator
"Something's happening to President Obama's relationship with those who are inclined not to like his policies. They are now inclined not to like him. His supporters would say, "Nothing new there," but actually I think there is. I'm referring to the broad, stable, nonradical, non-birther right. Among them the level of dislike for the president has ratcheted up sharply the past few months."
...."All these things have hardened lines of opposition, and left opponents with an aversion that will not go away. 
"I am not saying that the president has a terrible relationship with the American people. I'm only saying he's made his relationship with those who oppose him worse.
...."Really, he cannot win the coming election. But the Republicans, still, can lose it. At this point in the column we usually sigh."
Brutal week for Obama, the worst of his presidency  "Somehow, Mr. Obama managed to embarrass himself abroad, humiliate himself here at home, see his credentials for being elected so severely undermined that it raises startling questions about whether he should have been elected in the first place — let alone be re-elected later this year."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s Flexibility Doctrine  "You don’t often hear an American president secretly (he thinks) assuring foreign leaders that concessions are coming their way, but that they must wait because he’s seeking reelection and he dare not tell his own people."
...".Let’s do the accounting. In addition to canceling the Polish/Czech missile-defense system, Obama gave the Russians accession to the World Trade Organization, a START treaty that they need and we don’t (their weapons are obsolete and deteriorating rapidly), and a scandalously blind eye to their violations of human rights and dismantling of democracy. Obama even gave Putin a congratulatory call for winning his phony election."

Liberal, tolerant celebrities stand up for honor and integrity

Roseanne Barr Joins Twitter Vigilante CrewStar tweeted address of George Zimmerman's parents   "But while Barr deleted her original posting, the Zimmermans’s address remains in messages in her Twitter stream. Barr’s original tweet was a retweet of a post by a new Twitter user who appears devoted to disseminating the Zimmermans’s address and phone number, as well as contact information for Joseph Oliver, who has made numerous TV appearances in support of Zimmerman, a friend and former coworker.
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
"Still, the entertainer left open the possibility that she would again circulate the Seminole County address of Zimmerman’s parents. “If Zimmerman isn’t arrested I’ll rt his address again.” She added, “maybe go 2 his house myself.” "
Elderly Couple In Fear Over Spike Lee Tweet  "With Twitter and Facebook continuing to explode with posts purporting to contain the address of George Zimmerman, property records and interviews reveal that the home is actually the longtime residence of a married Florida couple, both in their 70s, who have no connection to the man who killed Trayvon Martin and are now living in fear due to erroneous reports about their connection to the shooter."
The original Smoking Gun post showed the entire page, but we chose not to contribute to that. It is out there everywhere, however.

Twitter Hall Of Shame :  "UPDATE, 9:40 p.m.: Lee just apologized for his retweet. “I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address. It Was A Mistake. Please Leave The McClain’s In Peace. Justice In Court.” But he still has not deleted the tweet with the McClains’ address.

"UPDATE, March 29: Lee “agreed to compensate the McClains for their loss and for the disruption into their lives. He’s taken full responsibility.” "
More here at AFRO
Elaine and David McClain
The initial media coverage of this incident clearly biased the way Americans view the issue. Those who have seen the most information about the incident have the most antagonistic attitudes toward George Zimmerman. 

ObamaCare in the courtroom
ACLJ: ObamaCare is the Issue - Not the Supreme Court   "What's both interesting and troubling is the fact that some on the Left are attempting to put the Supreme Court itself 'on trial' for ObamaCare. At least one liberal group contends if the Justices reject ObamaCare including the individual mandate, which forces Americans to purchase health insurance under penalty of law, this will play into the hands of President Obama's re-election campaign which would use this loss as a rallying point to challenge an activist judiciary."

If Obamacare Is Overturned, Can Democrats Recover?  " "If the whole thing goes down, I think it's pretty tough for the president," said Howard Dean, the physician and former Democratic National Committee chairman. "I think he's probably going to win reelection anyway, but does he want to start all over again?" On the heels of a court rejection, he said, "I don't think [health care reform] could come back. Not the whole thing." (Dean, however, believes the mandate isn't necessary and could be removed from the law without consequence.) "

"The Judicial Watch letter also references is the lack of cooperation by the DOJ in responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests previously submitted by Judicial Watch for records pertaining to Justice Kagan and the PPACA."

Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to Directly Address Obamacare Recusal Controversy  "Justice Kagan has said that she was not “substantially” involved in the DOJ discussions regarding Obamacare’s constitutional or litigation issues.  The White House, despite repeated inquiries, has refused to confirm to Judicial Watch that Justice Kagan was “walled off” from Obamacare defense discussions while at the Department of Justice (DOJ)

                                                                               Caricatures by DonkeyHotey

The state of free speech on campus

Daily Caller  "Once again, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE, where I work), has sorted through the hundreds of colleges and universities across the nation that severely restrict the First Amendment rights of their students, and is ready to present a “dirty dozen” of colleges that have attacked freedom of speech with such zeal that we cannot help but (dis)honor them. While it was difficult to choose from such a wide talent pool, certain schools took our breath away with their dazzling performances. So here, in no particular order, are the winners of this year’s 12 Worst Colleges for Free Speech: "...

VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY: CHRISTIAN CAMPUS GROUPS CAN’T REQUIRE LEADERS TO HAVE SPECIFIC BELIEFS   "Currently, four campus groups violate this policy, as they require their leaders to maintain Christian messages. Club heads argue, though, that leaders responsible for planning Bible studies should actually believe in the material they are preaching. The campus groups in question are the Christian Legal Society, Beta Upsilon Chi, Graduate Student Fellowship and Fellowship of Christian Athletes."

Parents of murdered British students criticise Barack Obama

UK Telegraph    "The parents of two British students murdered in Florida have criticised President Barack Obama for his lack of compassion over their sons' deaths."
....The 17 year old, who shot the men as they begged for their lives, will die in prison.
....Shawn Tyson Life Sentence
The powerfully built teen even looked bored as emotional DVD presentations about the dead men prepared by their grieving parents were shown in court.
....Later speaking after Tyson was jailed Davies and Hallett lashed out at Mr Obama saying the deaths of their friends was "not worthy of ten minutes of his time."
Davies said:"We would like to publicly express our dissatisfaction at the lack of any public or private message of support or condolence from any American governing body or indeed, President Obama himself."Mr Kouzaris has written to President Obama on three separate occasions and is yet to even receive the courtesy of a reply."It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time."
"The rebuke follows Mr Obama's personal intervention into the shooting in Florida of a young black teenager by a white-Hispanic neighbourhood watch captain."

Shawn Tyson, Florida Teenager, Gets Life Sentence For Killing British Tourists James Cooper and James Kouzaris  "In a case that generated blaring tabloid headlines in the U.K. press, a Florida teen is facing life in prison without parole for murdering two young British tourists who got lost and wandered into a housing project where their convicted killer lived."

More from the British press here.

"Their expectation that the president “feel their pain” is understandable but also unreasonable."  "The senseless murder of Cooper and Kouzaris were true tragedies and their families have received justice as Shawn Tyson will never again be free. Their expectation that the president “feel their pain” is understandable but also unreasonable. Had the president not taken every opportunity he could to isolate politically advantageous local cases and elevate them to national prominence, the Cooper and Kouzaris families would have had to limit their expectations.

"But the President invited this present condition – he should have employed more foresight from the start of his term. Unfortunately for grieving families like those of Cooper and Kouzaris, they now have a legitimate complaint."
PJ Tatler: Britain Waits For Obama to Comment Movingly and Eloquently on Gun Murders of White Tourists by Black Youth   "I’m confident that Mr. Obama will want to comment on this case. Because if he didn’t, some observers might jump to the conclusion that the leader of the free world was little more than a shameless, race-baiting opportunist who was more interested in firing up one of his core constituencies head of November’s election than in seeing justice done.

"And that would come as an awful disappointment to his many adoring fans here in Britain – none more adoring than Prime Minister Cameron himself."

Police surveillance video of Zimmerman may show head injury

Daily Caller

"The Orlando Sentinel’s Rene Stutzman reported on March 26 about portions of what Zimmerman told police during that interview.
" “With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered,” Stutzman reported, relating the account Zimmerman reportedly gave police that night.
"Zimmerman’s lawyer, Craig Sonner, is reported to have said his client felt, at that point, like “one of them was going to die that night,” so he pulled the trigger, shooting and killing Martin."
Newsbusters: Did ABC News Purposely Use Unnecessary Chyron to Cover Up Zimmerman's Head Bruise?    "So what do you think Dear Reader? Was that obtrusive chyron merely an innocent mistake or a coverup attempt by ABC News? And does ABC News reporter Matt Gutman need to see an eye doctor?"
Perhaps a bit paranoid, but the press has only its biased points of view to blame for the pervasive mistrust we have of them.

From Black Quill and Ink:  All That Is Needed Is A Spark….
"I realize that I say this with almost absolute certainty, I am. Tensions are high in America. Classes are divided. Races are divided. There is a gender divide. Added to this tension are the baiters, those who innocently or by design are stoking the tension for political or monetary gain. We all know the players: Jackson and Sharpton primarily, supported by liberal media in MSNBC and celebrities. Chaos is about to explode and will the Trayvon killling be the spark?"

Mychal Massie's Daily Rant:   Self-Inflicted Victimization Redux  But on March 10, 2003, when Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin were murdered execution style in cold blood, while trying to rid the neighborhoods of machine-gun dealing teen-agers, none save their fellow detectives, families and fellow brothers /sisters in police work grieved or attended their funerals. There were no protests. Susan Sarandon wasn’t there, Sharpton and Jackson didn’t lead marches. It was just two murdered detectives.
....It is time for America to stand up to those who malign, but offer no remedy. If the so-called black leadership wants to lead, I submit they must do so by confronting this lingering malignancy that threatens generation after generation and prohibits any hope of prosperity. White guilt and taxpayer dollars are not the cure for those who accuse but fail to take personal responsibility. Self-inflicted victimization should not be a way of life, it should be a crime relentlessly confronted.