Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Benghazi hearings

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Hat tip to Lucianne for all the research below.

Benghazi panel will have 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats  But Harry Reid will not be starting a Senate investigation.  No sir, ain't gonna do it.
What Obama Did on September 11, 2012   ... "On September 11, 2012, war was the last thing Obama wanted or needed as well. He had already bagged Osama bin Laden, pacified al Qaeda, and liberated Libya -- or so he repeated endlessly. Foreign policy was alleged to be his electoral strong suit. Given the political dynamics, Obama retreated, just as the Clintons had, to the family quarters. There he would spend the night translating national security data into electoral strategy. For the next two months he did what the Clintons did after the demise of TWA Flight 800: he just kicked the investigatory can down the road and hoped that the media would not call attention to the kicking. If the Clintons could get away with it, why not he?"   Jack Cashill
126033 600 Hillary Clintons Testimony cartoons
Poll: 72% want the truth about Benghazi   "Just over half the nation wants further investigation into the September 2012 terrorist killings of American diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, in part because an even larger percentage of the country does not believe that President Obama´s team has told the full story about the simmering scandal. Rasmussen Reports revealed in a new poll that 51 percent want the investigation to go forward. The House last week ordered up a special panel to investigate the killings of the U.S. ambassador and several others and how the administration handled the crisis."

Obama Admin Withholding 7 Page Email About Fox News’ Benghazi Report Citing Executive Branch Deliberations…   "Fox news learning new details of a seven page email — circulated at the highest levels of the white house – apparently to come up with a media strategy to deal with a Fox News report- is being withheld by the state department, citing executive branch deliberations."
Meme watch  "The release of administration e-mails concerning the Benghazi scandal has reignited the debate over White House spin and deceit over the attacks and the blame game that followed. Here’s a look at some recent graphics making the rounds on social media."

Police investigate threats against Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy is pictured. | AP Photo
"The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing the Benghazi terrorist attacks.

"The investigation comes after POLITICO reporters and journalists at other outlets received two emails on Tuesday warning that Gowdy would be harmed because of his role in investigating the 2012 attacks.  More...

Comedians Have Failed the American People in the Age of Obama

American Glob linked to the following post with this introduction:
"Saturday Night Live acts like Romney won in 2012, liberals continue to falsely attribute a Tina Fey quote to Sarah Palin, Funny or Die has become an arm of the Obama administration and the most liberal late night host in America is taking over for David Letterman. It wasn’t always this way.
"In fact, it has only been this way since Obama became president."
Court jester journalists   "Comedy gave us a respite from politization.  If you were powerful, you were eventually a target.  Rich, famous, scandalous, popular, unpopular – no matter.  Our comedians and comedy shows would always speak truth to power and serve as the great societal equalizer.
No longer.  Something deeply disturbing is happening in comedy. Not just here or there, but broadly. Comedians and those in comedy writing are choosing political sides. By force or by choice – they’re drawing political battle lines instead of writing punch lines."
How important is Steven Colbert to the left? I’ll put it to you this way. Bill Clinton follows exactly ten people/organizations in the world on Twitter. One of them is Steven Colbert.
"Comedian Patton Oswald tweeted his support of a column penned by conservative author and radio host Mark Steyn. Oswald’s liberal friends and fans have been blasting him on Twitter for daring to show support for anything Steyn has to say.

"Steyn’s column title, ironically?" “The Slow Death of Free Speech.”  

russell brand cambridge gay slur edit
And never forget this guy from 2008: Russell Brand, MTV VMA Host, Begs America To Elect Obama, Rips Bush In Monologue   ..."Again and again, Brand _ a confessed former sex addict _ poked fun at young sex and abstinence. Speaking of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter's boyfriend and would-be father, Levi Johnston, Brand sympathized with him: "That is the safe sex message of all time. Use a condom or become a Republican!"

Sharyl Attkisson: Emails Reveal White House Hid Truths About Benghazi Attack but not about where Mr. Obama was that night

John Boehner will create a House Select Committee to investigate the White House cover-up of the al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. At the time the president knew nothing about the cover-up. He was too busy not knowing about the IRS targeting conservatives.   Argus Hamilton
Reason TV    " 'If we knew everything then that we know now, one week after it happened, I think that would have been really devastating to [Obama's reelection] campaign," says former CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, referencing the 2012 Benghazi terrorists attacks. Recently revealed White House emails suggest that the Obama administration may have attempted to mislead the American public by placing the blame on an Internet video and not Islamic terrorists, which would have raised questions about Obama's foreign policy strategy."

" 'As one whistleblower put it to me: things have never been worse for people who try to speak the truth inside the government about illegalities and wrong doing. In their view, and I tend to agree, every administration is more clamped down and closed than the one before it. And the next one starts at the finishing point. It's very hard to make it go backwards. There are rules being implemented now against journalists and the type of work that we do that I think will be very hard to unwind.' " 
"Here is an interesting tidbit from the White House Visitor Logs for 9/11/12: Obama met with three people, at an unknown time, for “debate prep.” (BUT SEE the “MAJOR UPDATE” below: while it’s clear that Obama’s debate prep people visited, it’s not clear from official records whether they met with Obama.)
Hat tip to American Glob