FrontpageMag "[Editor's note: The article below is written by Eric Allen Bell, a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at the “Daily Kos” because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming “” as a “terrorist spin control network.” This article first appeared in our Feb 7 issue and we have decided to rerun it due to the massive interest and reaction it received..."
"But something kept nagging at me on a gut level. Something about all of this didn’t quite feel right. The Arab Spring, which I supported, started to degenerate into the Islamist Winter, and I grew more and more concerned. I flew back to Nashville to shoot a conference on whether or not Islam was conducive with Democratic Values and on the way to my hotel room I learned that my cab driver was from Egypt. I asked him how he felt about the fall of Mubarak, a dictator worth over $70 billion dollars while so much of his country was living in poverty and he told me he was concerned. Concerned? Wasn’t this good news? The cab driver was a Coptic Christian and he told me that he feared for his family back home. “If the Muslims take control, and they will, it will be very dangerous for my parents and my sisters. I’m scared for them right now”. After that conversation, I started to pay more attention to the news coming from the Islamic world in the Middle East."
Hat tip to Janice in Conservative Underground
More on Mr. Bell here, here, here and here:

Hat tip to Janice in Conservative Underground
More on Mr. Bell here, here, here and here:
TD left this comment on Mr. Bell's Facebook page:
Mr. Bell, I honor your courage and empathize with you as you speak contrary to leftist PC. There is nobody more vindictive than "tolerant progressives" and they will do everything in their power to create a toxic environment for you and all those who hold an opinion they consider "conservative".Just as the left tries to shut down conservative speech on campus and in public forums, so too do they do it in this media as well. I fear for public discourse in America. TD
Update: Mr Bell responded to my comment shortly thereafter:
Eric Allen Bell What you have just described is often just as much a human trait as a trait of the left or the right. Generally speaking it is hard for most people to re-examine tightly held beliefs, whatever they are. My feeling is that it is important for all of us to have more questions than conclusions. Thanks for the encouragement :) Eric