Monday, February 13, 2012

Liberal gets mugged by reality; The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam

FrontpageMag  "[Editor's note: The article below is written by Eric Allen Bell, a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at  the “Daily Kos” because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming “” as a “terrorist spin control network.” This article first appeared in our Feb 7 issue and we have decided to rerun it due to the massive interest and reaction it received..."

"But something kept nagging at me on a gut level.  Something about all of this didn’t quite feel right.  The Arab Spring, which I supported, started to degenerate into the Islamist Winter, and I grew more and more concerned.  I flew back to Nashville to shoot a conference on whether or not Islam was conducive with Democratic Values and on the way to my hotel room I learned that my cab driver was from Egypt.  I asked him how he felt about the fall of Mubarak, a dictator worth over $70 billion dollars while so much of his country was living in poverty and he told me he was concerned.  Concerned?  Wasn’t this good news?  The cab driver was a Coptic Christian and he told me that he feared for his family back home.  “If the Muslims take control, and they will, it will be very dangerous for my parents and my sisters.  I’m scared for them right now”.  After that conversation, I started to pay more attention to the news coming from the Islamic world in the Middle East."  
Hat tip to Janice in Conservative Underground

More on Mr. Bell here, here, here and here:

TD left this comment on Mr. Bell's Facebook page: 
  Mr. Bell, I honor your courage and empathize with you as you speak contrary to leftist PC. There is nobody more vindictive than "tolerant progressives" and they will do everything in their power to create a toxic environment for you and all those who hold an opinion they consider "conservative".
Just as the left tries to shut down conservative speech on campus and in public forums, so too do they do it in this media as well. I fear for public discourse in America. TD

Update: Mr Bell responded to my comment shortly thereafter:
Eric Allen Bell What you have just described is often just as much a human trait as a trait of the left or the right. Generally speaking it is hard for most people to re-examine tightly held beliefs, whatever they are. My feeling is that it is important for all of us to have more questions than conclusions. Thanks for the encouragement :) Eric

President Obama’s Budget: What to Watch For

Patrick Louis Knudsen  "If his budget for fiscal year (FY) 2013 is to be a credible policy document—not just a public relations pitch—it should:

  • Show specific proposals for reforming entitlements and reducing other spending not just for the next 10 years but over the long term as well;
  • Prevent the devastating cuts in defense that are looming because of the debt-reduction Budget Control Act;
  • Offer permanent solutions to the large spending and tax policies that keep vexing lawmakers and the public; and
  • Reject phony budget savings and other gimmicks.
Rick Moran: The case for WH incompetence, Episode XXIV  "To sum up: Jack Lew is unaware of how a budget is passed by congress despite his being a former head of the Office of Management and Budget. Jack Lew was OMB director over much of the last 1000+ days that Senate Democrats have failed to submit a budget.

"Jack Lew is a poster boy for White House mismanagement and incompetence."

It’s Not Personal: Why We Resist Obama’s Power Grabs   "The constitutional presidency holds a few specific powers — he’s commander in chief of the military, he can make treaties and appoint various officials and judges with the advice and consent of the Senate, he can make short-term appointments when the Senate is in recess (a provision designed for an age of travel by horseback, and long Senate recesses), he recommends legislation to the Congress and he can veto bills. But beyond that, his main job is to ensure that the law is carried out, not to create law. When not at war, the presidency is a modest job, at least according to the Constitution."

Beltway Confidential: Obama blows last chance to offer serious budget  "But he never presented a tangible plan that could be scored by the CBO and evaluated next to Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan to reform entitlements and put the nation on a sustainable fiscal course. He had his chance with this budget. Instead, Obama decided to forgo tough choices so he could attack Republicans during an election year."

Will we let them take this guy down?

Legal Insurrection  "There is nothing more important we can do between now and the November election than to help Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defeat the recall effort.
"Don’t let the thugsGodwins, and head cases win.  Help Wisconsin and the nation end this long, strange trip.
"Links to how to help at the Focus Page."

PETITIONS THAT MAKE YOU BURY YOUR HANDS IN YOUR FACE.  "What's in a recall? A lot of lunacy, as it turns out. These are some of the absurd petitions that have turned up. Read more about WI Recall Fail."  Hat tip to commenter "logos"

Here's a candidate for Obama's "Truth Team" site, so report it.

Obama’s Attack Watch returns as … “Truth Team”

Hot Air "Let’s reflect once more on the observations of Victor Davis Hanson last September when Obama and his campaign rolled out Attack Watch  to recall just how offensive and ridiculous this effort is:"
Apparently no one in the administration learned from the spooky tone of the now defunct Journolist. That obtuseness begs the question, what is it with these extra-journalistic efforts to intimidate critics, as if the 2012 campaign will be based around deterrence: e.g., as if: “Beware: if you criticize Barack Obama, your name and picture will appear on our “Attack File”.  We are watching you, so you watch out!”
Jamie Dupree: Obama Truth Team  "The Truth Team - along with web sites like will be used by Democrats to wage the public relations battle against the eventual GOP nominee."

Here is a candidate for their site: Beyond Cynical "But then, to the rescue, came a Friday presidential press conference, a pliant press corps, and the flat-footed hierarchy of the Catholic church.* Even before the president spoke shortly after noon on Friday, news reports indicated that Obama would “compromise” with or “accommodate” religious institutions. But Obama’s announcement didn’t actually change anything."

National Review Online calls for Newt to drop out and support Santorum

Rick Moran:   Quoting the National Review Online:

Gingrich's verbal and intellectual talents should make him a resource for any future Republican president. But it would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its . It is not clear whether Gingrich remains in the race because he still believes he could become president next year or because he wants to avenge his wounded pride: an ambiguity that suggests the problem with him as a leader. When he led Santorum in the polls, he urged the Pennsylvanian to leave the race. On his own arguments the proper course for him now is to endorse Santorum and exit.
:  Santorum’s “Women in Combat” Comments Under Fire
He managed to quell some of the criticism – if not all – by saying later that he was referring to the emotional reactions of male soldiers. “Men have emotions when you see a woman in harm’s way,” he told NBC News on Friday, adding that “the natural inclination” is “to not focus on the mission but to try to be in a position where you might want to protect someone.”
Many of us who have served in an infantry unit have these same concerns. TD

The Church of Obama; How about the Separation of State and Church?

Heritage: Voices of Opposition Speak Out Against Obama’s Contraception Mandate ‘Accommodation’
sacking rome
"That mandate — which tramples heavily on religious liberties — drew tremendous fire across the board, from Christians and Jews alike, drowning the President in a political maelstrom of his own design. And though today the President sought to calm that storm with a “compromise,” the voices of opposition are as strong as ever because, quite simply, it doesn’t remedy the moral and religious liberty objections to this mandate, and as a practical matter, it simply doesn’t work.
"Here’s a roundup of the reactions:...."
The Obama contraception fraud   "But wait!  Maybe Obama will “clarify” his mandate and tell the insurance companies that they cannot increase premiums to pay for his contraceptive mandate … or for any other mandate he comes up with.  Don’t put this one past him.  It would, after all, hasten the bankruptcy of these insurance companies … and that is the ObamaCare final solution.  When the insurance companies are run out of business the government will be there to take over with the coveted (by proggies) single-payer plan."  Neal Boortz
Mark Steyn: The Church of Obama "The church model the young American state wished to separate from was that of the British monarch, who remains to this day supreme governor of the Church of England. This convenient arrangement dates from the 1534 Act of Supremacy. The title of the law gives you the general upshot, but, just in case you’re a bit slow on the uptake, the text proclaims “the King’s Majesty justly and rightfully is and ought to be the supreme head of the Church of England.” That’s to say, the sovereign is “the only supreme head on earth of the Church” and he shall enjoy “all honors, dignities, pre-eminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits, and commodities to the said dignity,” not to mention His Majesty “shall have full power and authority from time to time to visit, repress, redress, record, order, correct, restrain, and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offenses, contempts, and enormities, whatsoever they be.”  "Welcome to Obamacare."  More commentary on this at the link.
This link is currently inaccessible but we will give it to you in a separate post when it is available: American Catholicism’s Pact With the Devil  "This article is an excellent summary of what happens when the true Gospel of conversion and repentance is replaced with the false gospel of social justice, the common good and peace at any price."