"Bashir scolded a variety of Republican commentators who he said “laid the groundwork” for Mitt Romney to make a “racist comment” in 2012 when he joked that no one ever needed to ask for his birth certificate."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Bashir: ‘IRS’ Is The New N-Word In The ‘War Against The Black Man In The White House’
"Bashir scolded a variety of Republican commentators who he said “laid the groundwork” for Mitt Romney to make a “racist comment” in 2012 when he joked that no one ever needed to ask for his birth certificate."
Army Punishes Soldier who Served Chick-fil-A
Todd Starnes "Last summer the soldier had received his promotion to master sergeant. The promotion coincided with a national controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A’s support of traditional marriage. Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy told a newspaper that he was “guilty as charged” when it came to supporting the biblical definition of marriage. Gay rights advocates were infuriated and some Democratic leaders – most notably the mayor of Boston – attempted to stop the popular restaurant chain from opening restaurants in their cities.
"Crews said the soldier decided to hold a party to celebrate his new position. The invitations read, “In honor of my promotion and in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at my promotion party.”
"After the party, the solider received a letter of reprimand. Crews said at issue was the combination of the sandwiches and the soldier’s support of DOMA (which happens to be the law of the land)."
Fry this man, then free Bradley Manning!
"Crews said the soldier decided to hold a party to celebrate his new position. The invitations read, “In honor of my promotion and in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at my promotion party.”
"After the party, the solider received a letter of reprimand. Crews said at issue was the combination of the sandwiches and the soldier’s support of DOMA (which happens to be the law of the land)."
Fry this man, then free Bradley Manning!
‘Not Fit To Lead’: GOP Rep. Rails Against Obama’s ‘Vengefulness And Lack Of Moral Compass’
Mediaite "On the House floor on Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) spoke only for a minute but squeezed in some harsh criticism of both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden — whom he deemed “unfit” to lead. Decrying Obama’s incompetence and “lack of moral compass,” Bridenstine lamented that Biden was even worse.
"Bridenstine began with specific criticisms, many aimed at the current scandals involving the IRS and the Justice Department — as well as a nod to other controversies, such as Benghazi. In addition to Obama and Biden, he called out Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius."
"Bridenstine began with specific criticisms, many aimed at the current scandals involving the IRS and the Justice Department — as well as a nod to other controversies, such as Benghazi. In addition to Obama and Biden, he called out Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius."
On Samantha Power's appointment by Obama
Samantha Power, Obama's pick as America's Ambassador to the UN, will fit right in "Power writes of her willingness to impose solutions on the Israelis and Palestinians and that she would be willing to:
Loyalty Rewarded: Susan Rice and Samantha Power "Power has what one might call a western European sensibility and attitude toward the U.S. That outlook is hardly limited to Europe, of course; it’s one that is also rampant among most of the American left. What’s more, it seems to be shared by Obama himself — although for political reasons he has rarely articulated it quite as fully and clearly as Power — the conviction that the U.S. has blood on its hands and that we, like the Germans after WWII, must go on bended knee in order to achieve a similar catharsis."
Samantha Power, hater of Israel "If you want to take money away from Israel and give it to Palestinians, whose charter (whether Fatah or Hamas) calls for the destruction of Israel, you clearly are anti-Israel.
"But Power didn’t just argue for a massive shift in resources from Israel to Palestinian interests. She also favored American military intervention to create a Palestinian state:"....
Samantha Power’s Five Worst Statements She gets credit for Obama's apology tour of the world.

"alienat[e] a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import; it may more crucially mean sacrificing...billions of dollars, not in servicing Israel's military, but actually investing in the state of Palestine."...."Ms. Power also derided concerns about Iran's nuclear weapons program in a Time magazine column, stating that it was a figment of the imagination conjured up and promoted by George Bush to gin up pressure on Iran . She counseled, what else, outreach and engagement not further pressure. She will be great at the United Nations: great for Iran, great for Hezb'llah, great for Hamas."
Loyalty Rewarded: Susan Rice and Samantha Power "Power has what one might call a western European sensibility and attitude toward the U.S. That outlook is hardly limited to Europe, of course; it’s one that is also rampant among most of the American left. What’s more, it seems to be shared by Obama himself — although for political reasons he has rarely articulated it quite as fully and clearly as Power — the conviction that the U.S. has blood on its hands and that we, like the Germans after WWII, must go on bended knee in order to achieve a similar catharsis."
The Power Doctrine
In 2003, Power advocated "instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa" as U.S. foreign policy. Keith Urbahn tweet
Samantha Power, hater of Israel "If you want to take money away from Israel and give it to Palestinians, whose charter (whether Fatah or Hamas) calls for the destruction of Israel, you clearly are anti-Israel.
"But Power didn’t just argue for a massive shift in resources from Israel to Palestinian interests. She also favored American military intervention to create a Palestinian state:"....
Samantha Power’s Five Worst Statements She gets credit for Obama's apology tour of the world.
"Power recommended that United States officials should apologize to the world for its past failures in order to enhance credibility with foreign countries."
Benghazi… New Source Claims Ambassador Stevens Died From Lethal Injection

Chris Stevens was killed by lethal injection after a botched plan to kidnap him in Benghazi failed on September 11, 2012.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
“…according to the March 14 posting on an al Qaeda-linked website, Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin, the al Qaeda weapons expert, stated that Stevens was given a lethal injection and that the injection was overlooked during the medical autopsy.
According to Dhu-al-Bajadin, “the plan was based on abduction and exchange of high-level prisoners.”
“However, the operation took another turn, for a reason God only knows, when one of the members of the jihadist cell improvised and followed Plan B,” he wrote on the prominent jihadist web forum Ansar al-Mujahideen Network.
Tips for Right-Wingers on the IRS Scandal
Ann Coulter "The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights Campaign. This is not idle speculation: The documents had an internal IRS stamp on them. The list of names was then published on a number of liberal websites and NOM's donors were harassed.
"The IRS demanded that all members of the Coalition for Life of Iowa swear under penalty of perjury that they wouldn't pray, picket or protest outside of Planned Parenthood. They were also asked to provide details of their prayer meetings."
Audience Cheers at Ryan’s Rebuttal to McDermott
Washington Free Beacon 'I am going to deviate from my original question in response to what I just heard'
"Applause rang out as Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) slammed Rep. Jim McDermott’s (D., Wash.) implication that the Tea Party and conservative organizations were responsible for their own targeting by the IRS Tuesday in the Ways & Means Committee hearing:"
Yes, when I pray to our Lord, I usually check in with my local IRS office to ensure I’m not transgressing their authority by appealing to Him. We are The Bureaucracy, and thou shalt have no other God before us.
Remember those death panels Democrats scoffed at? Watch them in action as we speak
HHS Secretary Sebelius Will Let 10-year old Die
...."Look to Sarah Murnaghan for our future. Sebelius made the heartless decision to let her die.
"Sebelius ordered a review but the review will take a year and Sarah has weeks to live.
"Sebelius has an opportunity to make an exception in the lung transplant case of this 10-year old child who is weeks from death but Sebelius has declined to intervene.
"She said someone lives and someone dies:
It is indeed a hard decision that requires hard choices when the government runs healthcare. In non-government health care, family of this girl have more voice in her future.
"The government rules say that a child must be 12 to be placed at the top of the list to receive adult lungs and Sarah is just shy of her 11th birthday. The age is an arbitrary cutoff because younger children can receive adult lungs. The lungs would work in her case according to her doctors.
"There are far more adult lungs available than children’s lungs."
...."Look to Sarah Murnaghan for our future. Sebelius made the heartless decision to let her die.
"Sebelius ordered a review but the review will take a year and Sarah has weeks to live.
"Sebelius has an opportunity to make an exception in the lung transplant case of this 10-year old child who is weeks from death but Sebelius has declined to intervene.
"She said someone lives and someone dies:
“I would suggest, sir, that, again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies,” Sebelius replied. “The medical evidence and the transplant doctors who are making the rule — and have had the rule in place since 2005 making a delineation between pediatric and adult lungs, because lungs are different that other organs — that it’s based on the survivability [chances].”
"In other words, the rules of the unbending government bureaucracy take precedence. Some live, some die…"It is indeed a hard decision that requires hard choices when the government runs healthcare. In non-government health care, family of this girl have more voice in her future.
"The government rules say that a child must be 12 to be placed at the top of the list to receive adult lungs and Sarah is just shy of her 11th birthday. The age is an arbitrary cutoff because younger children can receive adult lungs. The lungs would work in her case according to her doctors.
"There are far more adult lungs available than children’s lungs."
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