Wednesday, April 4, 2012

If Romney loses to Obama, it will be because of his supporters not his opponents

Legal Insurrection Jamie Weinstein at The Daily Caller (via HotAir) writes that Newt’s legacy will be that his criticisms of Romney will be featured in Obama ads:

"No, the problem Romney faces is that his campaign and his supporters have run such a foul campaign.
"Think of all the negative things said against other candidates by Romney and his supporters.  Did they give a damn how their words would be played back against Newt or Santorum if either of them were the nominee?"
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
...."By going massively negative on everyone else and using his campaign wealth to smother others.  His carpet bombing of Newt in Iowa and Florida is the only thing that kept Romney from the abyss.  I still see non-stop anti-Santorum ads on TV.
"Romney has embittered a large segment of the people he will need to rally around him.  Profound and historic dislike of Obama is the only thing that will prevent a third party movement or a massive stay-at-home movement.
"And it hasn’t stopped.  Romney supporters have shown themselves to be sore winners, and there’s nothing worse than sore winners heading into a general election.

The president's strange words on the economy/ Did Obama "jump the shark"?

The President’s Curious Speech Lacks Solutions "Contrast the President’s total failure to confront America’s debt crisis with the Ryan plan, which includes proposals similar to those in Heritage’s Saving the American Dream plan. Heritage’s Alison Fraser explainsthat under Ryan’s plan, the debt crisis is squarely addressed; Obamacare is repealed and health care is moved from the hands of bureaucrats to patients and doctors; Medicare is preserved with a premium support system that allows America’s seniors to pick the plan that suits them best; and the tax code is reformed not to punish the productive, but to increase growth, wages, and jobs. But under Obama’s vision, Fraser writes, “we close our eyes and pretend that big government has all the answers to every risk and problem in society, real or perceived.” "
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
White House press secretary Jay Carney goes it at with FOX News' Bret Baier in an interview that aired on the network's news program "Special Report."
White house responses to tough questions often begin with something like: "Come on, Bret..." That's something you expect to hear from your rebellious junior-higher.

John Fund: President Petulant / Obama makes Berkeley liberals look like statesmen.  "There appear to be few limits on how far President Obama will distort facts. In truth, his health-care plan passed the House by only 219 to 212, despite that body’s overwhelming Democratic majority. It was the first major piece of social legislation within memory to pass Congress without a single vote from the opposition party.
"Even some liberals believe the president went too far yesterday.  Ruth Marcus, an editorial writer who covers the Supreme Court for the Washington Post, said Obama’s assault 
 “stopped me cold . . . for the president to imply that the only explanation for a constitutional conclusion contrary to his own would be out-of-control conservative justices does the court a disservice.” 
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Andrew C. McCarthyStatism Goes to Court; Health care should not be a federal concern at all.  "The premise of the states’ challenge to Obamacare is that, in taking direct aim on the whole citizenry, the individual mandate crosses a new threshold."

Krauthammer: Obama Trying To Bully The Supreme Court While Liberals Are In Shock (video) " "On every count he doesn't have an argument. This is liberals in shock over watching their side being demolished in oral argument and trying to bully the Supreme Court into ending up on their side in a case which they clearly lost intellectually and logically,"...

The three branches of government are co-equal to prevent this sort of tyrannical behavior. But, Obama thinks he’s the only branch of government and the other two just interfere.
The Week Obama Jumped the Shark  "For Justices to invalidate a law they deem to be unconstitutional is precisely what the Supreme Court is supposed to do. (“No legislative act … contrary to the Constitution, can be valid,” is how Alexander Hamilton put it in Federalist #78.) If one takes Obama’s words literally, he believes an unjust and unconstitutional law, if passed by a strong majority* of a democratically elected Congress, cannot be overturned."  *"219-212, hardly a “strong majority."
....I don’t know what the political effect of all this will be. But intellectually, this is the week where Barack Obama jumped the shark. In a deep, fundamental way, he is no longer a serious man. Nor an honest one. His public words are now purposefully bleached of truth. And that is a painful thing to have to say about an American president. (Emphasis added)

Ann Althouse, Obama voter in 2008, offers some campaign advice"It's Moderate Obama that American voters find so appealing. You don't need all that left-wing economics and race-and-gender demagoguery. I think what people like about you — you, who are famously, sublimely likeable — is the normal person who seems to be in harmony with everyone. We — many of us — voted for you because you seemed to offer to bring us together, to end the rancor."

WaPo: The three political objectives of Obama’s speech..."Obama’s push for tax fairness will turn on how effectively he makes the case that the GOP’s approach wouldn’t actually bring down the deficit without sacrifice from somebody." 

Obama targets Paul Ryan   "It was only intense tutoring from some Marxist friends back then that convinced Obama that the communist revolution would not come to America through violent means, but only through political change.  Have you read his books?   Have you ever wondered why Obama gravitated, by his own admission, to Marxist professors and student groups in college?  Does it even matter to you that Obama chose the warm bosom of the living room of his dedicated communist friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn to announce his entry into politics?  Obama referred to the private sector in his book as “the enemy.” " 
...."Obama’s speech yesterday was absolutely no accident but a calculated move to polarize the country against the Republicans."
Paul Ryan rebuts Obama's statements, point by point