Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Antifa promotes civil war and now they are coming for our homes and families

The rules change in the suburbs. You’re not robbing a private store and destroying public property anymore. Now you’re in home territory. The house is full of valuable possessions and luxuries, yes, but more than that, this location has family members in it. Wives, children, and even beloved pets.
A Warning to Rioters and Antifa Members Threatening to Come to the Suburbs

"This isn’t an internet tough guy post. This isn’t me flexing about my love of the 2nd Amendment and practice thereof. This isn’t about how well I can shoot, or what kind of guns I own.
"This is a legitimate warning about what will happen.
"Riots are popping up in cities over the murder of George Floyd, completely overshadowing the legitimate protests containing peaceful people making a valid point. Some of these rioters, namely those belonging to the group “Antifa,” have mentioned that they’re going to leave the cities and move their destruction and violence into the suburbs." . . .

A terrorist group making terrorist threats. using social media to spread threats, call for violence

Americans Were Threatened and the Inevitable Happened

. . . "Case in point, America has been faced with a number of threats. The COVID-19 pandemic and now the riots resulting from George Floyd’s murder have escalated the danger level up thanks to fears of looters, violence, and more. So, in response, Americans did what they’ve always done; purchase a gun.
According to the Washington Times, it hasn’t even been a small jump, and suppliers are having a hard time keeping up with demand:

Fed up Minneapolis Woman Gives Interview That Every Riot Apologist in the Mainstream Media Should Watch


"There has been a lot to be frustrated and disgusted with in the national media’s coverage of the riots that have taken place in cities across America in response to the senseless death of George Floyd at the hands of (now former) Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
"Whether it was MSNBC’s Ali Velshi absurdly describing the Minneapolis riots as “not, generally speaking, unruly”, CNN’s Brian Stelter narcissistically comparing the tragic death of Floyd to the arrests of the CNN crew in Minneapolis, or MSNBC’s Chris Hayes’s ridiculous equation of the riots to the American Revolution, the national media has reported from a “solidarity/we feel y’all” standpoint, making excuses for why anarchistic rioters are looting/burning businesses and cars to the ground and destroying the very communities they claim to want to help.
"But one Minneapolis woman who was interviewed by KSTP-TV is not having what the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world are trying to sell when it comes to the “protesters” who have unleashed hell on the streets. Here’s what she told the news station about what she witnessed and how it was absolutely senseless and counterproductive:" . . . Full article

What, in Heaven's name does the American left want this nation to be?

Teen Vogue: Antifa ‘Aspires Toward Creating a Better World’  . . . “‘Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing,'” tweeted Teen Vogue on Monday." . . .

I Watched Antifa Grow, Let Me Warn You About These Terrorists  . . . "Antifa: well organized, practiced in street warfare, entering into Phase Two of Mao’s rules for Insurgencies 
"These people are very serious. They are terrorists aligned with the radical leadership of Black Lives Matter, who traded learnings with Hamas, and, the founding philosophy of which Professor Jacobson has exposed, based upon the work of Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab.
“If you think the Black Lives Matter movement is just or even primarily about ‘Black Lives,’ then you don’t understand the movement.
A new research report, based on detailed interviews with those active in the movement, demonstrates that the organized movement is a vehicle for a radical leftist anti-Capitalist agenda, using ‘Black Lives’ as the hook.”
"Antifa has never had to hide in Seattle, Portland or the rest of the West Coast. When the news media is forced to mention them at all, they obligingly call them “anti-fascists”, which, this week, useful idiots have been touting on Twitter as proof that being against Antifa means one is for fascism, to which I have replied, “why are you against ‘Making America Great Again?”
"Antifa loves guns, they have a militia arm and they have practiced seizing civilian infrastructure, part of Phase Two on Mao’s rules for Insurgencies " . . .
. . .  "Antifa has already committed one major act of terrorism, an attempt to seize a hardened, government building, part of Phase Three of Mao’s rules for Insurgencies." . . . 
. . . 

"Antifa and Black Lives Matter want to take down America. What can you do?

"As NBC News in New York noted, the attacks being carried out on American cities are sophisticated; they have logistics, supply chain, intelligence operations and medical supply and aid groups. They learned their techniques on our streets, tested them on our citizens and now, they are employing them against the United States of America, along with drug addiction, sex trafficking, illegal immigration and pornography: another gift to the Country from the one-party West Coast. How can you protect you and your communities? 
These groups are not going to stop, they will have to be stopped. Make sure office holders and politicians you support will work to end Antifa and the militant arm of Black Lives Matter as terrorist groups 
"Antifa and the militant arm of Black Lives Matter have attacked cities around the United States. Do they have chapters in your area? Search them on Facebook and Twitter–they have never felt a need to hide their existence. When you find them, demand that your local law enforcement understand they are not “kids” and they are not “protesters”, they are part of an army.  
"If you live in, or near, a decent sized city, talk with your neighbors, get armed, be trained and be ready. In American cities, police were quickly overwhelmed and Democratic governors try at all costs to not deploy the National Guard (unless, as in Washington State,  they are sent out unarmed.) Washington State cities, like Snohomish, have deterred Antifa and Black Lives Matter for now, as have these men, whom the media apparently tried to color as racist, using the [dog] whistle of “redneck.' ” . . .

The NY Post joins the pro-Antifa press and Hollywood in distorting the stories they cover:
Hat tip to Todd Herman

VDH: Biden as Paradox

Victor Davis Hanson

His weaknesses are his strength, and he’s not running for the presidency.

   "It is now conventional punditry that should Joe Biden win in November, his vice president, in 1944-style, will sooner rather than later become president.
   "Biden, to reboot and secure the identity-politics base, thought he had to discriminate by sex and race in advance by selecting his vice president. But given recent poor performances, Biden’s promise to select a woman or minority or both on the ticket is a wink-and-nod admission that she or he will soon be the real president while on the ballot as vice president.
   "In 2019–20, Biden had moved hard left to get nominated and more or less renounced all his previous old-style liberal voting record, such as tough sentencing of drug dealers, opposition to court-mandated school busing, opposition to illegal immigration, and support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. His contrition over his most recent offensive putdown (“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”), alongside the nationwide protesting and rioting, will make it even more likely that Biden will select a progressive with the sort of agendas that went nowhere even in liberal Democrat primaries, and will stay nowhere after the rioting.
   "Yet Biden apparently believes that his dilemmas and personal foibles will soon be turned upside down, and that his weakness somehow will be seen as strength. A limp Biden in seclusion believes he is far more effective than fighting Joe Biden on the stump. And in a strange way, he could be sort of right.
   "Indeed, the subtext of the Biden candidacy is becoming something along the following Ten Biden Jiujutsu Commandments: . . ."

Millennial brutality: A list of the buildings damaged, looted in Minneapolis and St. Paul: June 1

Bring Me The News  "The civil unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul has left a trail of burned out buildings, smashed windows, and looted stores across the Twin Cities.
"Here are the reports of damage or looting that have come in since Wednesday evening. This story will be updated as more reports come in.
"We've also created a list of fundraisers for damaged businesses. See here.
The list will be updated as more reports come in.
Here is just one example

Charles Stotts took me inside Town Talk Diner, which he has owned on Lake Street for four years. It's destroyed.

Town Talk Diner & Gastropub

Millennial brutality

Piles of Bricks Mysteriously Appearing at Riot Hotspots Across US Have People Demanding Answers

News Punch  . . . "A Texas journalist called local government and revealed the city of Dallas was claiming ownership of the bricks, thus triggering a whole new round of speculation – smoking gun, or official incompetence?" . . .
What about the other cities?

. . . "Another “researcher has claimed to have uncovered a connection between the bricks appearing on sidewalks in Frisco, Texas and Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates. The bricks were said to be delivered by a corporation called AcmeBrick, owned by Berkshire Hathaway, a holding company on whose board Gates sat until recently." . . .
. . . "But according to the Frisco Police Department, the offending bricks were part of a “planned HOA construction project,” explaining they’d been removed “with permission” to be “returned at a later time.' ”


Dominate? How about the Democrat domination of our streets. our press, and our police?.

Biden Says He Wants Cops Who Have Someone Running At Them With a Knife To ‘Shoot Them In The Leg’  Lawsuits ensue.   However:

Biden Confused: “The Act Of Protesting Should Never Be Overshadowed By The Reason We’re Protesting”  WZ replied, "Huh?"

But Biden is the choice of the left, not this guy:
‘It’s Unacceptable’: Richmond Police Chief Gets Emotional While Talking About Fire Set To Home With Child Inside
NBC12 Newsroom  . . . "Chief Smith says last night protesters set fire to a few buildings, including a multi-family residence that was occupied by a child in the 300 block of West Broad Street.
"As fire crews were arriving, Smith says protesters blocked the engine from reaching the fire.
"“When you take a legitimate issue and hijack it for unknown reasons, that is unacceptable to me, it’s unacceptable to the Richmond Police Department, unacceptable to the city of Richmond,” said Smith." . . .

Remember this in Minnesota?

The blame actually goes to Soros. He funds Black Lives Matter and the Antifa.  "If a politically naive person watched nearly a week’s worth of protests and general mayhem on MSNBC and CNN like I did, they might arrive at a logical conclusion: It’s all Trumps’ fault. Over and over again I heard guest ‘analysts’ as well as host ‘journalists’ say the rioting was due to Trump’s ‘systemic racism.’ They even said the president fanned the flames of violence.
"We can expect Maxine Waters to shrilly blame Trump for anything negative including bad weather. Don Lemon blamed Trump so hard that he almost got emotional over it. I actually expect him to cry—that’s how earnest he became while in the throes of his Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"The blame actually goes to Soros. He funds Black Lives Matter and the Antifa. Even those on the left complained that 80% of the rioters were ‘imported from out of town’ and incited violence. Palettes of bricks were left in handy locations to be thrown through windows. Protests are legal and to be expected in this instance but rioting, violence and looting are crimes.
"President Trump talked about designated Antifa as a terrorist organization by executive order. Antifa individuals who commit acts of violence should be arrested and held accountable. The real terrorist organization includes George Soros, Bill Gates, and the globalist cabal. They all want to destroy America in order to bring about globalism."

Ben Garrison

Antifa: has our education system and entertainment media spawned this virus?

Rich Terrell
Language advisory:
Trump declared Antifa a terrorist organization, and Democrats are worried
"On Sunday, President Trump took aim at Antifa, which apparently has driven the violent side of the protests ripping through America's Democrat-run cities.  With full-throated support from Attorney General Barr, Trump is designating Antifa as a terrorist organization.  This is an extremely important announcement because Antifa is more than just a terrorist group.  It is, in fact, the paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party." . . .

. . . "Many people believe that George Soros is funding Antifa and pulling its strings.  While he may be funding the organization, its radical ties put it squarely within the new Democrat party.  Indeed, the moment Minnesota A.G. Keith Ellison's son heard about Trump's announcement, he proudly declared fealty to the group:

I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA

. . . "Kurt Schlichter argues compellingly that, if Bill Barr is able to put pressure on Antifa (as he has promised to do), Barr can end that vile organization's existence. Just as importantly, prosecuting Antifa will force Democrat politicians out into the open, as they defend their street fighters:. . . "
"Trump's decision to turn federal law enforcement on Antifa is a disaster for Democrats.  No wonder Susan Rice is already trying to blame the Russians for the riots.  Expect to see a lot more deflecting from Democrats in the coming months." . . .
A Warning to Rioters and Antifa Members Threatening to Come to the Suburbs
You don’t. Each home will be different, each resident will have different approaches, and each home may have more than one or two gun wielders inside. The goal isn’t non-violent control of the situation now. It’s not about tear gas and high-pressure hoses now. Now it’s deadly force. You can’t just wash a bullet wound out and keep going. Even if they don’t have guns, they’re not going to stop hitting you with a heavy object or stop stabbing and slashing at you with cutlery until you’ve either been chased out or you stop moving. Understand. The chances of you dying are incredibly high.
Will Democrats still promote gun control after this? TD

Trump is right, antifa are terrorists; they always were
Historian Norman Davies wrote of the term “anti-fascism” that it “gave the false impression that principled democrats believing in the rule of law and freedom of speech could rub along fine with the dictators of the proletariat.” That is the same lie that sustains the antifa movement today, and it is betrayed by the violence of its adherents. 

Liberals Raise Bail Money For Rioters And Looters Despite Horrific Beatings, No Money Raised For Businesses Destroyed

I regret not censoring so much foul language, but I do want you all to see these people as they are. TD

Barstool Sports Employees Raise Bail Money For Rioters And Looters Despite Horrific Beatings, No Money Raised For Businesses Destroyed
"American cities are up in flames as rioters loot businesses (many of which are owned by black people), attack and kill police and business owners, and burn down government buildings and police stations. Meanwhile, celebrities are encouraging this by donating to a bail fund that will help many of these lawless thugs get out of jail."
Please join me in supporting the Minneapolis protestors by donating to the @mnfreedomfund. The freedom fund is combatting the harms of incarceration by paying bail for low income individuals who cannot otherwise afford: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org

chrissy teigen
Anyhow fuck trump and keep going. be safe, stay hydrated, wear your mask and again, fuck Donald Trump.

"She posts that sitting in her safe, well fortified mansion, knowing the violence will never reach her. Unfortunately I expect nothing less from Hollywood elites like her. However, Barstool Sports isn’t an inherently political company, so why are their employees like Ellie Schnitt and Maria Ciuffo openly supporting this?

Of course, Sally Kohn makes her appearance                     '
This indicates to me that Kohn is not too sympathetic to businesses that are being destroyed by rioters:
Far-left commentator Sally Kohn somehow thinks state governments ordering nonessential businesses to close means they aren’t forcing businesses to lay off their workforces.
Sinclair’s Eric Bolling wrecked her on Twitter for it.

Are People Allowed to Use Deadly Force to Defend Property?

Reason via The Volokh Conspiracy

It depends, whether as to looting or other threats to property.

"I touched on this briefly in my looting/shooting post, but I thought I'd elaborate a bit more (especially since the commenters seemed to be interested in both the legal and moral aspects of this question). Note that this is, as usual, not specific legal advice, but just a general layout of how various American courts deal with the matter; many of the rules, as you'll see, vary sharply among states, and often turn on specific factual details. (I say "you" below for clarity and convenience—I hope none of you has to actually do any of this.)
"[1.] In all states, you can use deadly force to defend yourself against death, serious bodily injury (which can include broken bones and perhaps even lost teeth), rape, or kidnapping, so long as (a) your fear is reasonable and (b) the danger is imminent (requirements that also apply to the doctrines I discuss below). For instance, you should be able to use deadly force against someone who is trying to burn down your home, since that threatens you with death or serious bodily harm. You should be able to do the same against someone who is trying to burn down your business, though with possible limitations involving the duty to retreat in the minority of states that recognize such a duty.
"But in nearly all states, you can't generally use deadly force merely to defend your property. (Texas appears to be an exception, allowing use of deadly force when there's no other way to protect or recapture property even in situations involving simple theft or criminal mischief, though only at night,  Tex. Penal Code § 9.42; see, e.g., McFadden v. State (Tex. Ct. App. 2018).) That's where we get the conventional formulation that you can't use deadly force just to defend property." . . . Keep reading

Savage Beating During Dallas Riot Illustrates Why We Defend Second Amendment

Bearing Arms  "Gun control activists don’t really see the point of guns, at least for the most part. Quite a few will work to curtail your ability to purchase a gun but have no qualms about owning them themselves. It’s different when they buy guns, after all, because they’re all good and pure and stuff.
"However, they will often question you about why you have a gun, whether you’re carrying at the moment or whether it’s your AR-15 at home in the safe.
“Why do you think you need something like that?” they ask.
"Well, because stuff like this can happen (some might find the following video disturbing):
"I’ve personally seen this video, which comes from a riot in Dallas over the weekend, from a couple of different angles. This was reportedly a man who was trying to protect his business from looters, and we see how that worked out for him.  Some reports claim he had some kind of a bladed weapon, like a machete, but all seem to agree that he didn’t have a firearm.
"It’s my understanding that, despite appearances to the contrary, the individual pictured here survived." . . .