Friday, September 16, 2011
The Left turns on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda.

"In response, the Left needs a sacrificial lamb. So it has nonsensically turned with a fury on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda. If Democrats do not blame the public’s anger on their once-beloved messenger, then they are left only with their message itself. And that is something they simply cannot accept."
Photo: Jacksonville Observer
I take no comfort in the left turning on Obama. It would be great if they had learned from Obama's policies that socialism was a bankrupt philosophy, but they did not. Their anger at him is only because Obama was not far enough left to suit them. Leftist Democrats (pardon the redundancy) have not seen- cannot be made to see- that socialism is a failure, but that is in the socialist gene; the Soviets stuck with it for seven decades with no sign of repentance yet. TD
Lemonade Wars: The State Battles Entrepreneurialism
"Actually, my name is Bobby. 'Jimmy's Lemonade' is an international franchise." " |
A Nightmare That Could Be Worse than 9/11
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Doug Ross Journal |
"But an EMP could be inflicted without an organized group behind it. With the right equipment, a lone terrorist could cause a blackout of a city—with commercially available equipment."
There is in this article the obligatory "millions will die" statement that I don't know how to react to; it sounds too progressive-ish, like what Al Gore, or what any liberal with a cause would say. Though perhaps chicken-little-like, I often think about how any country would function in this electronic age if the national power grid went down. The additional links should explain. TD
Iran and the EMP Threat "We can avoid such catastrophes if we, as responsible citizens of the United States, take action. The SHIELD Act (H.R. 668), currently before the U.S. House, needs to be passed this year. If it isn’t, it could very well be too late to protect the national electric grid.
"The SHIELD Act would empower the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to work with industry and other government departments and agencies to protect the national electric grid from EMP threats. The act would ensure that the United States has enough extra-high-voltage transformers to survive and recover from an EMP event." Read the SHIELD Act here.
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Doug Ross Journal |
(Updated) Looks like curtains for Romney: Carter endorses him and Obama likes his health plan
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Cartoon: Brother Jones |
Mitt Romney Gets the Coveted Jimmy Carter Seal of Approval "First Team Obama praised him endlessly for being the inspiration for Obamacare, then he got a shout-out from the Goracle, and now this:"
"With Jewish voters starting to move away from Obama and to the GOP, this is the kind of hat-tip that will help reel them in… toward Rick Perry’s campaign." Obama on RomneyCare Video.
Update: Alan Caruba; Jimmy Carter Redux "If Obama wasn’t a far-Left liberal, wasn’t getting some extraordinarily bad advice from those he brought into the White House, and wasn’t a raving egomaniac, he might pause and stop playing political games to blame Congress and Republicans for the present economic crisis. If in the name of “social justice” the federal government--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--wasn’t in the mortgage business, there would not have been a crisis."
Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes
Americans for Tax Reform Try this for an example: Obamacare Codification of the “economic substance doctrine” ... This provision allows the IRS to disallow completely-legal tax deductions and other legal tax-minimizing plans just because the IRS deems that the action lacks “substance” and is merely intended to reduce taxes owed. [Source].
Emphasis added; think of how this can be expanded tax-wide. If you hear the words "deem" and Democrats" in one sentence be prepared to bend over; here it comes again. TD
Late-night comedians discuss taxes
" "The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would tax Botox. When Botox users heard this, they were horrified. Well, I think they were horrified. It's difficult to tell." --Craig Ferguson"
Emphasis added; think of how this can be expanded tax-wide. If you hear the words "deem" and Democrats" in one sentence be prepared to bend over; here it comes again. TD
Late-night comedians discuss taxes
" "The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would tax Botox. When Botox users heard this, they were horrified. Well, I think they were horrified. It's difficult to tell." --Craig Ferguson"
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"Too competent to make fun of"; Letterman Show writer
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From 2009: Letterman writer: Obama 'too competent' to make jokes about "With unemployment at 8.9%*, a stimulus bill that isn't stimulating anything, a foreign policy that is little more than an apologia, the politicization of national security, and a fumbling, bumbling speechmaker without a teleprompter, one wonders where Scheft is getting the idea that this president is competent in anything except pulling the wool over the eyes of ignorant, gullible liberals."
8.9%; known as the "good old days".
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