Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Amazing video of Vietnam POW's 40th anniversary dinner

Honoring the special night they were welcomed back by President Richard Nixon. No, this dinner was not hosted by the administration but by the Richard Nixon Library.

Not attending either dinner was Obama friend and colleague, Bill Ayres, former Vietnam protestor
" Ayers went on to accuse Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who spent five years in a POW camp, of murdering civilians in the war, lament the deaths of two fellow Weather Underground members – skipping over the fact that they blew themselves up while trying to make bombs – and painted his actions as a heroic bid to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam."
Ayres called a "Vietnam-era radical".   ... "Ayers was not simply protesting "against" the Vietnam War. Firstly, he wasn't against war in principle, he was agitating for the victory of the communist forces in Vietnam." ...
(Emphasis in the original.)

Hat tip to Val Brose; Santa Maria, CA 

Forced unionization wrong for caregivers

OC Register  "Pamela Harris is a self-employed in-home caregiver. The Illinois resident’s one and only patient is her severely disabled son, Josh, who has Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, a rare genetic condition, and spends most of his waking hours in a wheelchair.

"Ms. Harris is the lead plaintiff in a case heard Tuesday by the U.S. Supreme Court; she’s challenging a 2009 executive order by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn mandating that the state’s in-home caregivers be union members. A decision from the high court is expected by June.

"Because the Land of Lincoln uses the federal Medicaid program to help pay for in-home care for patients, it provided Gov. Quinn a dubious pretext to categorize caregivers as state employees. That didn’t really register with Ms. Harris until a representative of the Service Employees International Union showed up at her front door." ...

How far have race relations been set back in the past five years?

The following is a transcript of remarks made by President Obama to the White House press corps on Friday 19 July 2013:
America is not a post-racial society. The president expresses some wise thoughts, but the words of his supporters in the press and in Congress are the antithesis of these stated opinions.

Chris Matthews demagogues the issue

This is the consistent meme of Matthews and MSNBC   "The first string of videos in this series is from a single segment toward the back end of August 16th’s Hard Ball, and they are not easy to watch.  In these videos, Chris Matthews spends every breath he has trying to portray the Tea Party as racist.  "You might wanna put a pillow on your desk for these."

Wake up Black America  "Tyrone" asks, "Will a GOP win in November mean the return of "Jim Crow"?"
 "Now you may be asking who would say something so incredible insane and stupid. I'll let you all figure it out."

EPA Decree Shrinks Size of Wyoming by a Million Acres

Can anyone stop the Obama Administration and it's agencies?

CNS News   "Why is the EPA altering state boundaries in Wyoming - and reversing over 100 years of established law?  Well, apparently the city of Riverton now falls under the jurisdiction of the Wind River Indian Reservation.  "This, obviously, isn't sitting well with the governor's office - which is urging the EPA to reconsider its ruling and respect the rule of law.
Reacting to the decision to reduce the size of Wyoming by about a million acres, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead warned of the dangers to all Americans of this type of unilateral land redistribution by the EPA:" ...
Via Lucianne.

The debate on income inequality

, in the Huffington Post! Beware the increased minimum wage  "Raise the minimum wage and combat poverty! That sounds like a great idea, but... not so fast. As it turns out, increasing the minimum wage actually hurts the working poor, is a windfall for affluent families, and raises the barriers facing the unemployed. There is growing evidence that increasing the minimum wage hampers employment for low-skilled workers who need the most help and experience."
WaPo; Economists agree: Raising the minimum wage reduces poverty
"One funny part of watching journalists cover the minimum wage debate is that they often have to try and referee cutting-edge econometric debates. Some studies, notably those lead by UMass Amherst economist Arin Dube, argue that there are no adverse employment effects from small increases in the minimum wage. Other studies, notably those lead by University of California Irvine economist David Neumark, argue there is an adverse effect. Whatever can we conclude?"
Not this economist: Thomas Sowell weighs in on the subject: Facing Minimum-Wage Truth   "It is surely no coincidence that, when the federal minimum-wage law remained unchanged for twelve years while inflation rendered the law meaningless, the black teenage unemployment rate — even during the recession year of 1949 — was literally a fraction of what it has been throughout later years when the minimum-wage rate was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation.

"When words trump facts, you can believe anything. And the liberal groupthink taught in our schools and colleges is the path of least resistance."

McDonnell, Christie Wonder Why Obama Gets Away with It

Big Government  "Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, now facing 14 felony counts on corruption charges, offered up what may be called the "Obama defense" in his response: "If it were applied as the law of the land, then nearly every elected official, from President Obama on down, would have to be charged for providing tangible benefit to donors," he said. It won't fly with a judge, and makes no moral difference. But as an observation, he has a point."
....We are reminded today by testimony in the government's lawsuit against Standard and Poor's that the White House does the same thing all the time--in this case, apparently retaliating for a ratings downgrade.
Do not forget Obama's vindictive shutdown of national parks.