Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sad Irony: Women’s History Month Ushered In At Liberal College With Assault Of Female Professor Trying To Flee Violent Mob

Patterico's Pontifications  "On Thursday, noted author Charles Murray was scheduled to speak at Vermont’s Middlebury College. Things went as you would expect when a guest speaker at an institution of higher learning seeks to challenge the views of college-aged individuals with left-left wing authoritarian issues. Unable to even listen to a different viewpoint and engage in rational debate with those who don’t toe the liberal line, they silence the speaker. Unfortunately, this shutting down of speech is usually followed by violence. And in this case, the mob violence led to a female professor ending up in the emergency room:" . . .

. . . "And from the NYT:

The left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center describes Mr. Murray as a “white nationalist” who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”
"This is the same Southern Poverty Law Center that labeled Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an anti-Muslim extremist, and included Dr. Ben Carson in their Extremist File (since removed after protests). This a group that even the FBI has rejected as an authority on hate groups. " . . .

Love Trumps Hate

Vindictive Obama, we'd love to miss you, but how can we?

Did the Obama Administration Try Stacking the Deck Against Trump at the Justice Department?  . . . "It looks like the Obama administration was hoping that the reins of power here would unknowingly default to someone unfriendly to Trump in the event Sessions was forced to recuse himself—or even resign, as so many Democrats breathlessly demanded Thursday." . . .

Is Trump right about Obama wiretapping his office?  If Trump is wrong, the mockery will get a big burst of energyMore here,and here

Too weird to check: Valerie Jarrett moves in with the Obamas to plot Trump’s downfall  . . . "Resignation is negligibly more plausible: There may be enough Obama loyalists in the guts of the federal bureaucracy to dig up a truly devastating leak about Trump, but even then it’s hard to imagine something so bad that Trump would capitulate to his critics rather than try to fight them off. The guy didn’t drop out after the “Access Hollywood” tape. Unless there’s video of him personally accepting a fat envelope from Vladimir Putin himself, he’s going to hang in there. Whatever it might mean for his party." . . .

Vindictive down to the wire  "These actions by Mr. Obama, who has just a short time left before Mr. Trump takes office, show him to be vindictive, petty and a sore loser."


Now we know Barack Obama’s foreign policy wasn’t principled, it was malicious.

"Obama might possibly have escaped into the history books only as a man who meant well feebly in foreign affairs. Not any more."

National Post

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
A warm handshake for our faithful ally, Israel.

. . . "His foreign policy has been a disaster almost from the outset in ways that contributed to the frustration and rage that poisoned the 2016 election. In part, Obama simply seemed languid, unable to stir himself in the face of threats or even look up from his putt. But there were always those who suggested that behind the indolence and prissy Wilsonian pose of being “too proud to fight” lurked something more sinister.

"Obama, they claimed, was viscerally hostile to the United States and the West. When he took office he had the bust of Churchill removed from the Oval Office. His relations with Israel were always prickly. He snubbed Canada in spiking Keystone XL. Yet he did not react with alarm or even visible discomfort to threats to NATO such as Russian moves to destabilize and partially dismember Ukraine, despite a firm American security guarantee when it gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994." . . .

It speaks poorly of liberals that this man's behavior does not disgust them. TD

Denisha Merriweather’s Witness / She talks about the real-life consequences of school choice.

At a pro-school-choice rally in 2010, she noticed Matthews marching at the very front with parents and students. “That’s when it hit me that this is a civil-rights issue,” she remarks. “This issue affects low-income minority people. Even within public schools, low-income kids are not able to attend school on a wealthy side of the neighborhood. Red tape keeps these poor kids all in one area. It’s segregation.”

Image result for Denisha Merriweather photos

Alexandra DeSanctis  "I went to about four or five different schools before sixth grade, but as far as I can remember I never did great in school. Whenever I walked into a classroom, teachers would sigh. I got into fights a lot as a student. I failed out of third grade twice,” Denisha Merriweather tells me, explaining her early experience in public school on the east side of Jacksonville, Fla.

"But that very same girl received a standing ovation on the floor of the House of Representatives during President Donald Trump’s joint address on Tuesday, as the president lauded Denisha for becoming the first in her family to graduate from high school and college. And this spring, she will graduate from the University of South Florida with a master’s degree in social work.

"Her experience of Florida’s education system began with several years of struggling through East Jacksonville’s public schools. “My teachers knew the Merriweather name, and they didn’t really expect a lot from me because that’s who I was,” Denisha explains. “My home life was really in shambles, and so I’d lash out. . . . I didn’t feel like there was a reason to try.”

"She has come to believe that the structure of too many public schools makes it exceedingly difficult for children who have grown up in poverty — like all of the students with whom she attended grade school — to escape their situation. “I don’t fault the public schools, and I don’t fault the teachers there,” she notes. “This is the system we’ve made, where all the kids from one really poor neighborhood go to one school together. And that’s a lot of strain on the system, for teachers and administrators to have to figure out how to help all of these different kids, who are dealing with all of this crap at home.' ” . . .

Trey Gowdy: ‘Did You Ever Hear The Media Call For Special Counsel For President Obama?’

The Daily Caller   "Rep. Trey Gowdy talked at length about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal during a Friday interview on “The Mike Gallagher Show.”

"The South Carolina Republican agreed that the attorney general’s decision was the correct one before launching an assault against Democrats and the media for making a mountain out of a molehill.

“ 'The reality is Jeff Sessions is not going to be in the courtroom prosecuting this case,” he stated. “If it was good enough for the media for Holder and Lynch, look — it exposes their hypocrisy all of the sudden about Sessions, but did you ever hear the media call for special counsel for President Obama?”

“ 'I feel like I’m watching ‘The Notebook.’ They’ve fallen in love with the special counsel regulation they didn’t know existed a few months ago.”

Hat tip to M Fumie Craig

Andrew C. McCarthy asks: A Special Prosecutor . . . For What?
. . . "Yes, yes, Sessions is a good and decent man. He is a scrupulous lawyer who cares about his reputation. Thus, in stark contrast to Obama administration attorneys general, he strictly applied — I’d say he hyper-applied — the ethical standard that calls on a lawyer to recuse himself from a matter in which his participation as counsel would create the mere appearance of impropriety. The standard is eminently sensible because the legitimacy of our judicial system depends not only on its actually being on the up and up but on its being perceived as such.
"If it looks like you’re conflicted, you step aside, period. Simple, right? Well . . ." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Wait'll Rep. Gowdy hears about this:
Obama appointee takes over Russia investigations
"Sessions handed over the reins for that investigation to Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, who will oversee all aspects of the ongoing investigation.
. . .
"Deputy Attorney General Boente, appointed by Obama and promoted to U.S. Attorney in Alexandria, Virginia, in 2015, would eventually vacate that position once U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, a Republican, is confirmed. That hearing is scheduled for Tuesday."

I'm sure the Democrats will move that confirmation process along as fast as they can.