Joe Biden slobbers over a little girl then wonders (out loud) ‘how many times’ Trump has to prove Biden and his buddies ‘can’t be trusted’ -Olivia Murray "Joe Biden finally said what’s on all our minds, and posed this question before a little gaggle of ostensible supporters: “How many times does he [President Trump] have to prove we can’t be trusted?”
"It was just too perfect a Freudian slip, too embarrassing a gaffe; see below:
WOW❗️🫨 Joe Biden actually told the truth for once❗️
— Arch Kennedy (@ArchKennedy) April 24, 2024
. . ." How about everything that ever came out of Adam Schiff’s mouth about Trump being a Russian asset? The “51 former intelligence officials” who declared the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell” Russian propaganda? The lies told by Obama’s deep-staters to the FISA courts to spy on Trump and his allies? Biden’s plagiarism that forced him to drop out of two presidential runs? In how many different circumstances has Beau Biden died? Joe “never” talked business with his son? Again, the silly pseudonyms and aliases from Joe would prove otherwise.

"They’re traitors. They’ve completely dissolved our border, begging third world welfare classes and hostile armies to invade; they also literally just waved Ukrainian flags in the “American” Congress after voting to send the corrupt nation another $61 billion. They tell us they’re coming to take our guns, and the Second Amendment doesn’t “exist” in their courtrooms." . . .
The Best Thread Explaining Why Liberals Love Hamas - The Lid (
. . . Why aren’t the “protestors” demanding that the terrorist group Hamas release hostages and surrender? Literally none of them are calling for that. All the fury is aimed at Israel, none at the party that started the war with an act of mass slaughter and rape and that keeps it going with hostage-taking and human-shielding. Hamas has turned down every “ceasefire” offer. Why would pro-ceasefire activists support the side that refuses a ceasefire?
Why would a supposedly anti-war movement overtly support the side of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas, all of whom exist only to wage war?
Why haven’t these wonderful humanitarians mounted similar campaigns in response to actual genocides, such as those carried out against Muslims in China, Syria, Sudan, and Myanmar? Slaughters that have claimed many more innocent lives than the war in Gaza? I’ve screamed and written about these atrocities for years. Where were they? . . .
. . .“The event, organized by Valley Families for Palestine, was intended for preschool through upper elementary school aged children,” the outlet noted. “Lil Miss Hot Mess wore a sparkly red dress, green boa and a large watermelon shaped brooch while reading her book ‘If You’re a Drag Queen and You Know It.'”
The event also explored queer heroes and led the children in arts and crafts while celebrating Palestinian culture.
Lil Miss Hot Mess could be heard saying to the children, “If you’re a drag queen and you know it shout ‘Free Palestine.'” . . .
. . ."But as soon as that's done, then, yeah, totally, death to America!" . . .