One of these two candidates may be our next president. Neither should relish having to govern in a racial environment as toxic as the one they are promoting through false statements like the one about Michael Brown’s case. Americans should fear being governed in that environment.
Power Line Blog "Glenn Kessler writes a “fact check” column for the Washington Post. I find the column helpful because Kessler usually does a good job of stating what’s correct and what’s incorrect about the statements he’s checking.
"On the other hand, I think Kessler’s liberal bias comes into play when he applies his “Pinocchio Test.” It seems to me that he’s more inclined to award lots of Pinocchios to conservatives who have misstated things than to liberals who have done so to a comparable degree. (But then, this view may reflect conservative bias on my part).
"Kessler’s column would be better if he simply struck to the facts and ditched the Pinocchio bit. But I suppose he needs a gimmick and, perhaps, an outlet for his liberal bias.
"Kessler’s latest fact check concerns statements by Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren about the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Harris tweeted:
5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. . . We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.
"Not be outdone, Warren tweeted this, half an hour later:
Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. . . .
"Hard though it is for liberals to earn four Pinocchi[o]s from Kessler, the maximum number he awards, Harris and Warren accomplished this feat with their claim that Brown was murdered." . . .