Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Ann Coulter  . . . "After two separate, wide-ranging, phenomenally expensive, months-long investigations, including one by Eric Holder's Justice Department, it turned out: Brown had attacked Officer Wilson, he did not have his hands up, he was charging the officer when he was shot, and Wilson acted in justifiable self-defense. 

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
"Instead of the "brutal assassination" of a black man, Holder's big indictment of white America is that cops in Ferguson give blacks too many traffic tickets.

"Even that feeble proof of racism is clearly false. The only two serious studies of driving habits by race ever conducted -- one in New Jersey and one in North Carolina -- found that blacks are far more likely to speed than whites, and at much higher speeds.

"Indeed, the entire country is snickering at any report that treats as news the fact that blacks are arrested at higher rates than whites, whether in Ferguson, the Upper West Side of Manhattan or anyplace else. Blacks have a higher crime rate than whites, ergo, they have higher arrest rates. Ice skaters have more skating injuries than tennis players. " . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Reading list on the recent Israeli elections of March, 2015

Times of Israel: Netanyahu scores crushing victory in Israeli elections  "With almost 99% of votes tallied, Likud climbs to 30-24 seat win over Zionist Union in overnight drama; PM promises new coalition with other ‘nationalist parties’; Meretz head may quit over poor showing."

John Kerry Refuses To Even Address Netanyahu Election Victory…
Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 11.15.44 AM
. . . "In contrast to the EU’s speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu’s victory. ' . . .

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

The reaction of this petulant juvenile president: "Obama Won’t Congratulate Bibi — But He Congratulated Erdogan, Sisi, Rouhani … and Putin!
"Proof that his relationships with U.S. rivals and outright enemies are closer than his relationship with Israel.
"This morning, the White House conspicuously avoided sending any message of congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his sweeping victory yesterday. Weekly Standard reports:" . . .

"While Obama has had public differences with Netanyahu recently, in the past he has made efforts to congratulate leaders that have a much more adversarial relationship with the United States as well as shamefully undemocratic electoral processes.
Uh-oh    President Obama’s hopes for a grand bargain with Iran took a plunge toward the rocks with the come from behind re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel.  Breitbart called it somewhat incongruously, the “St Patrick’s day miracle in Israel”.  Obama had counted on teaching Netanyahu not to defy him.  Somewhere along the line the lesson went very wrong.

It's scary to think who the real winners of the Israeli election are  T"he biggest winners in today’s Israeli elections aren’t Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his Likud coalition (the likely victors, despite the naysaying in the last week) or the Israeli Labor-Left (headed by candidate Isaac Herzog). It’s the Israeli Arabs, who now call themselves Palestinians. If the polls are correct on their showing today (and those polls appear to track more closely with fact than the ones that showed Netanyahu losing), the anti-Israel Arabs in the Israeli Knesset, bent on Israel’s destruction, will have gained more seats and more power." . . 

nuke shadow
 The gathering storm around Israel.  "Sure, technically it was a win for Likud and the Israeli “right,” but it was all Netanyahu’s win on Twitter.

"Or rather, it was Obama’s loss. Domestically in the U.S. among those whom Obama has beaten twice, and stuck with weak Republican opposition in Congress, Bibi standing up to Obama is about all we have these days.

"And so too with the Europeans. As we watch the planned decline of Western Civilization in the cradle of Western Civilization, at least Bibi is willing to stand athwart the EU bureaucracy, yelling Stop!

"So whatever Bibi is in real life, he has come to represent a willingness to fight that is missing from our own political structure and politicians.

"Yet this victory celebration will be short-lived."  .

 . white flags.

How Much Does Netanyahu’s Big Win Really Matter?  . . . "Netanyahu can either form a national-unity government of Labor and Likud, or seek another coalition of center-right and religious parties. But his last right-wing coalition fall apart in December because of friction with the leader of the Yesh Atid party (Yair Lapid) and that party dropped from 19 to 11 seats in the new Knesset, so Yesh Atid is almost certainly out." . . 

. Likud's win: The 'second Israel' has spoken   "Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's impressive victory in Tuesday's elections can be explained by going back to the early days of the state. 
"The Ashkenazi immigrants from Eastern Europe* were seen as having an unfair advantage over their Sephardic counterparts from North Africa and the Middle East. The people who are called "the second Israel" have complained since then that the "elites" in the Israeli Left, the media and academia have discriminated against them. 
"The "second Israel" did not like the the way the media seemed to be deposing of Netanyahu and bringing to power the Left under the leadership of Zionist Union leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni, who were raised not far from each other in North Tel Aviv and are both the children of former Knesset members." . . .

*The Nazis killed them by the millions. Ashkenazi Jews Rank Smartest in World
Albert Einstein, an Ashkenazi Jew 
. . . "Not to brag or anything, but according to USA Today, “Ashkenazi Jews comprise 2.2% of the USA population, but they represent 30% of faculty at elite colleges, 21% of Ivy League students, 25% of the Turing Award winners, 23% of the wealthiest Americans, and 38% of the Oscar-winning film directors.”
Wait, that’s not all!
According to the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies, “Since 1950, 29% of the Oslo awards have gone to Ashkenazim, even though they represent only 0.25% of humanity. Ashkenazi achievement in this arena is 117 times greater than their population."

Do you take this _______ to be your lawfully wedded spouse?

Presbyterians latest church to affirm marriage equality

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has become the latest church to approved marriages for same-sex couples. The Presbyterian Church, USA now holds that marriage is between “two persons” rather than “a man and a woman.' ”  . . 

Documentary details Perth Amboy man's sexual relationship with dolphin


"Malcom J. Brenner has gone public with his love affair.
"It's not just any fling -- the 63-year-old from Perth Amboy claims to have fallen in love with a dolphin.
" 'My name is Malcom J. Brenner and this is the story of how I fell in love with Dolly the Dolphin," he says in a trailer for "Dolphin Lover," a new critically acclaimed, award winning short documentary.
"In 2010, Brenner wrote "Wet Goddess," a novel about a college student who falls in love with a captive, bottle-nosed dolphin. "Dolphin Lover," which is based on the book, premiered earlier this year at Utah's Slamdance Film Festival." . . .