Wednesday, September 10, 2014

No Shortage of Advice for Obama: More on What He Should and Will Say About ISIS Tonight

"President Obama “has to avoid the risk of talking about what he will not do and what America will not do,” says Steve Bucci, a former top Pentagon official and a director at The Heritage Foundation. “We have to get the message across that we are going to stand firm against ISIS, that it is going to be with international support … and he needs to avoid putting a timeline on it.”

"Heritage Foundation’s Nile Gardiner, a former adviser to former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, also weighed in on the speech, remarking that, “the international community wants to see real leadership from the United States.' ”

Warning: are we prepared to see videos of captured allied forces being beheaded in TV?

The Chicago Sun-Times: Obama’s ISIS plan appears modest, realistic    "America’s experience in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last 13 years has been an unending stream of negative unintended consequences. As America contemplates its next move in the struggle against terrorism, a clear set of lessons has emerged: embrace skepticism, fully anticipate unintended consequences and, above all else, set humane and realistic expectations." Via

National address on eve of 9/11 will outline plan for military action, aid for US-backed opposition forces in Syria fighting Islamic State.   "The president's plan includes additional support for opposition militias in Syria vetted by the United States, which will serve as a ground force complementing America's air campaign.

"Former Kurdish fighters or Peshmerga forces currently serve that role in America's air war against Islamic State in Iraq, holding cleared ground after US strikes occur. Obama has ruled out introducing US combat troops on the ground.

"The new policy in Obama's speech will be his expressed intent to strike the group in Syria, after months of deliberation among members of the National Security Council.

"Speaking from the State Floor of the White House, Obama will also discuss a coalition of partners he has rallied to the fight, which thus far includes the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates."

From our traditional and loyal allies, Great Britain:  Barack Obama and Isil: time for America's deliberator-in-chief to man up   "Tonight, exactly one year after Barack Obama strode to a microphone in the East Room of the White House to make a prime-time televised address to the nation on "what to do about Syria", the US president is preparing once again to do…just that.
Even by the tortured standards of Mr Obama, the 2013 address was a truly dismal affair in which the President could be heard arguing with himself over his own non-response to the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons.
In "my judgment as Commander in Chief", the president said, Assad should suffer "a targeted military strike" for breaking the century-long taboo against using chemical weapons. But as "President of the world's oldest constitutional democracy", Mr Obama explained half a breath later, he had decided to "take this debate to Congress".   Via

Former Secretary of Defense Cheney speaks on the threats in the Middle East

Mr. Cheney as we know him

Behind Closed Doors, Cheney Tells Republicans That Obama Supported Muslim Brotherhood
... "According to Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana, Cheney said Obama “has actually done things that have supported the Muslim Brotherhood.” The former vice president then went on to name the Muslim Brotherhood as “the beginning of all the Islamist groups that we’re dealing with now like Hamas and ISIS.”
"In Fleming’s account, Cheney said that by “facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood…our policies have been exactly opposite to where they should be.”

Mr. Cheney as pictured by the left

Cheney attacks Obama support for Muslim Brotherhood in closed door meeting with House Republicans     ... "With President Obama poised to give a major speech on Wednesday about military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Cheney spoke to the assembled Republican congressmen about the situation in the Middle East at their weekly caucus meeting. And while the GOP has been fiercely divided over foreign policy in recent years, Cheney didn’t wade into that debate, instead opting to pillory Obama in front of an audience giving him “rapt attention.' ”

Cheney: Obama 'pink slips' to troops have military at 'crisis point'   "Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that President Obama has slashed the military so deeply that troop levels will be below where they were on the 9/11 attacks, a gutting that begs foes to exploit the Pentagon’s vulnerabilities.

“ 'We’re investing in defense as if the dangers of the world were all in quiet retreat,” warned Cheney, a former defense secretary, in a morning speech at the American Enterprise Institute.

"With typically blunt words, Cheney said that Obama has whittled away the strong military he was left with by former President George W. Bush." ...

Reading list on the President's speech tonight

Blackfive: Major Garrett (CBS) asks "Why watch Obama talk about ISIL?"  "Major Garrett of CBS asked "Why would anyone watch?" Obama talk about his ISIL strategy tonight when he will not be announcing any specifics or an actual plan to win. Painful but legit question, I have some painful and funny truth in response."

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire:  Obama's Prime Time Challenge  "President Obama will address the nation in a prime-time speech at 9 p.m. ET on the threat posed by the Islamic State.
"Morning Line: "The president's challenge tonight -- the day before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 -- is to sell military action to a war-weary country skeptical of military intervention and of his ability to lead. By the way, don't expect it to be a long speech, which may indicate an address meant to make the moral case but short on detail."
"First Read: "It's also worth pointing out that Obama's speech tonight is unusual for a president outlining a strategy for military action. Why unusual? Because the country is already there; in some ways, it's the public trying to rally the Commander-in-Chief."  (Emphasis mine, TD)

From JustOneMinute:   Prepping For Obama's Call To Arms    "Tonight Obama will attempt to rally a troubled nation behind his uncertain leadership. I offer this passage as a suggestion to his strategic thinking:" ...
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
World Mag: Globe Trot: Will the president order anti-ISIS airstrikes in Syria?  "Beyond political considerations, lives and homelands are at stake across the Middle East. Ryan Crocker, former U.S ambassador to Iraq and Syria warns
“There is no time left to argue, dither, and wonder what should be done about those who are butchering Americans—and anyone else they care to—across a growing portion of the Middle East.
The enemy has no such doubts. They are not going away. They are getting stronger. The war, ladies and gentlemen, is truly on. We’re just not a meaningful part of it yet.”
Democrats in Congress poised to approve $5 billion in new funding  How will it be spent?

; Obama’s belief that he can “manage” the Islamic State may collide with reality.
"President Obama says he intends to shrink the al-Qaeda-spawned Islamic State into a “manageable problem.” Perhaps we’ll learn more about how when he speaks to the nation on Wednesday evening. Still, the question presses: Is he the manager for the job?

"In answering that question, past performance is more a guarantee of future results than is any statement of newfound purpose from a president whose innate dishonesty has turned his signature phrase “Let me be clear” into notorious self-parody." ...

Thomas Sowell: Obama’s Shameful ISIS Strategy ;  "The president’s only concern is getting the crisis off the front pages."
... Generations of Americans yet unborn may curse us all for leaving them hostage to a nuclear terrorist Iran. But generations yet unborn do not vote, so they carry no weight with Barack Obama.
... "Everything in Barack Obama’s history suggests that he is going to leave the job half done, so long as that gets the issue off the front pages and off the TV newscasts."


How to Shrink Your Church and Your Political Party

The American Culture

Catholic church in New York
... So how do you shrink your church? Throw your principles out the door (in this case principles would be historic, orthodox doctrine), and adopt cultural values that are at war with those principles. This, of course, is supposedly the way to attract more people, especially those paragons of wisdom and virtue, millennials. Because no doubt if something is appealing to someone in their 20s, or even 30s, it must be right! But alas, it doesn’t quite work out this way: 
 [A] number of Christian denominations have already taken significant steps towards liberalizing their stances on homosexuality and marriage, and the evidence so far seems to indicate that affirming homosexuality is hardly a cure for membership woes. On the contrary, every major American church that has taken steps towards liberalization of sexual issues has seen a steep decline in membership.
Full Article.

How To Shrink Your Church In One Easy Step                                                           

 "Every major American church that has taken steps towards liberalization on sexual issues has seen a steep decline in membership." 

 Photo at right from Energetic Procession

Former prosecutor says Wisconsin investigation 0f Gov. Walker fuled by “hyper-partisan” DA and union activist wife

Hot Air   ... "This is only the latest skirmish in the Left’s apparent campaign to criminalize political disagreement — ranging from a proposed Constitutional amendment restricting political speech, to an endless ‘Bridgegate’-to-nowhere investigation in New Jersey, to the utterly preposterous indictments against Texas Gov. Rick Perry.  If these tactics prove successful, what’s to stop agenda-driven prosecutors in heavily partisan jurisdictions from routinely cooking up criminal inquiries and charges for the sole purpose of hanging a dark cloud over a rival politician during an election season?  By the time the target has time to clear his or her name, the political damage has been done." ...

... " Genuine public corruption is a scourge that must be rooted out, but abusing the legal system to harass and silence ideological opponents is disgraceful.  I’ll leave you with one of Walker’s latest ads touting Wisconsin’s job growth..."