Thursday, March 10, 2016

Warren's Consideration, paid for through students tuition can we not assume?

Snopes  . . . "It's fair to say average Americans would find homes in Warren's neighborhood to be out of their price range, and assessments of the value of Warren's home hover between one and two million dollars, far under the $5.4 million cited in the image above. It's possible the estimate came from the range in which Warren listed her home on standard disclosure forms in 2011 [PDF], a pre-set checkbox field that indicates a value anywhere between one and five million dollars. 

"Although at one point, Warren did draw a large salary for teaching at Harvard (her 2011 campaign disclosure form indicates a salary for 2010-2011 of $429,981 although her paperwork doesn't indicate how many classes she was actually teaching), her 2013 tax filings [PDF] indicated that she left in January of that year (when she was sworn in to her Senate post) only retaining an agreement to be able to store some materials at the university and retain an honorary title of emeritus professor. A Harvard Computer Society (HCS) document held Warren's salary was $192,550 at an unspecified juncture, along with $133,453 in "other compensation." 

Run, Bernie, run!

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Do any millennials out there have even a smidgen of interest in US foreign policy?

Yet they all still love this petulant juvenile President.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

A Week in the Life of John Kerry  . . . "Cataloguing Secretary Kerry’s misstatements and poor judgment is getting to be a regular job. One expects much more from a would be “messiah.' ”

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Kerry Says He Didn't Want to Threaten Nuclear Agreement with U.S. Hostage Negotiations by attempting to ask Iran to release all US hostages last year.

Obama's Syrian policy goes down the rabbit hole . . . "Perhaps the administration’s Syrian policy, and the overall failed policies of the Obama-Clinton regime in all areas, is best summarized by the Furqa al-Sultan Murad commander quoted in the article:
Othman said he was in regular contact with his American handlers about the problems on the ground. “The Americans must stop [the YPG] — they must tell them you are attacking groups that we support just like we support you,” he said. “But they are just watching. I don’t understand U.S. politics.”
Longest-Held U.S. Hostage in History Hits 9th Anniversary  "Levinson, who served 28 years with the FBI and DEA, went missing off the coast of Iran in March 2007 while working as a private investigator. Levinson’s family later received images of him in captivity, though the Iranian government has maintained they don’t know who is holding him.
"He is the longest-held U.S. hostage in history."

State Newspaper: Cuba Won't 'Concede an Inch' Despite Obama Visit  . . . "An editorial in Granma pledged that the long-embargoed nation would cling "to its revolutionary and anti-imperialist ideals," and that normalized relations with the United States would not lead to reform there.
" 'Cuba has assumed the construction of a new relationship with the United States, fully exercising its sovereignty and committed to its ideals of social justice and solidarity. No one can presume that to do so we must renounce a single one of our principles, [or] concede an inch in their defense," the nearly 3,000-word piece stated." . . .

Clinton vs the mother of slain Benghazi contractor Sean Smith.

Clinton says she didn't lie to mother of Benghazi victim
. . . "Clinton claimed it was the "fog of war" that led to the mistaken belief that the video was the cause of the attacks.  If there was fog, it was created by Hillary Clinton and the Obama presidential campaign who sought to downplay their failure to secure the facilities and protect our people."

Lucianne calls the above "Sheer, raw mendacity".  ( lack of honesty : the condition of being mendacious)  . . . "Clinton offered her sympathies for Patricia Smith and the other victims’ families. But she did not directly address what she did or did not say to them during the memorial service."

Nor did we expect her to. Remember this was just before the 2012 presidential election. Obama voters still loved him, even knowing - well, knowing nothing but what they had an interest in knowing.TD

Benghazi Victim’s Mother: ‘Special Place In Hell’ For People Like Hillary, “I Hope She Enjoys It There’
. . . "She later added, “I want Hillary to talk to me personally, and tell me why there was no security there, when they were asked for it. I know this, because I spoke to my son. That day, he says he was really scared, because he saw the 17 people — 17 November, whatever it was, that they were walking around taking pictures. And he was afraid. He says it didn’t look very good. And he was afraid. And that he asked for security, and he was turned down.' ” . . .

Jorge Ramos Peppers Hillary with Indictment, Benghazi Questions
"Hillary Clinton was called out during the debate last night by Univision anchor Jorge Ramos for not answering questions on the email scandal or Benghazi.
"Ramos began his questioning at the Miami event with full disclosure that his daughter, Paula, works for Clinton's campaign."

Wow. Last night during the Democrat Debate, Hillary Clinton basically called Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, a liar.

Weasel Of The Week!! – 03-10-16

Noisy Room  ""Yes, once again, it’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please"...
                                      "Failed GOP Candidate Mitt Romney!!"
Mitt Romney Falls Apart When Pressed On His Previous Support For Donald Trump
"My nomination this week goes to Mitt Romney. Romney really stepped in it over Donald Trump. Sean Hannity came out and slammed him on being willing to maul someone in his own party, but wasn’t willing to go after Barack Obama.. . . So, hypocritically he goes out and attacks one of our own in a way he would never savage the left. It’s despicable.
"While I am not a fan of Donald Trump’s currently, you just don’t do this.  . . . "That move was meant to fracture the party even further and to deliberately result in a brokered convention. He didn’t call for Cruz and Rubio to unite over Trump… he called for party divisiveness. " . . . Much more here.

Every Secret and Fascinating Fact You're Dying to Know About "The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story", Answered

Producers Think Marcia Clark Will Be the Star of the Film: "I think people will have compassion for Marcia," says Jacobson. "I [also] think people will have compassion for Chris [Darden]. Our hope is that no matter how you felt or how you end up feeling, that will you have compassion for all of them."

"The curiosity of seeing A-list actors portray well-known figures in FX's new series The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story has been at an all-time high since pictures first leaked from the set a year ago. But once you get over seeing John Travolta go full-on Shapiro or David Schwimmer's hair transform into Robert Kardashian's, it's all about the mesmerizing story of the unraveling of one of America's most famous athletes and the trial that captivated the nation and unearthed some ugly truths about race in America.

" 'This story is one of the great American stories," says lawyer, legal analyst, and author Jeffrey Toobin. It is his comprehensive book The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson that is the basis for American Crime Story. The series, which premieres tonight on FX and runs for 10 weeks, is a story about "race, sex, violence, sports, Hollywood"—and, as Toobin ironically states, "the only eyewitness [to the murders] is a dog.". .

Refusing to call the former athlete by his name, Fred Goldman merely refers to him as “the killer”.   "It’s been 20 years since OJ Simpson was acquitted of killing Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman, but the families of the victims will never forget it.
"In a new interview with MailOnline, Ron’s father Fred Goldman, 73, is still convinced not only of OJ’s guilt, but of the part Robert Kardashian played in it." . . .
. . . "When O.J. Simpson was charged with the murders of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in 1994, the legal odds seemed stacked against the former football star. Finding the best possible defense team was crucial to Simpson’s chances. He got that, and more." Pictured below:
What Simpson assembled, in fact, was a star-studded,
experience-rich, celebrity-stamped cartel — the
likes of which we may never again see. Here are five
 amazing facts about O.J. Simpson’s Dream Team:
Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., F. Lee Bailey, Robert Shapiro,
 Robert Kardashian and Alan Dershowitz.
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX

'People vs OJ Simpson' Show: Will Sarah Paulson Win Overdue Emmy For Playing Marcia Clark?
"The actress looks primed to nab her first Emmy for her heartbreaking performance in 'American Crime Story.' "
Sarah Paulson

Out Of Her Justice League: ‘People v. O.J. Simpson’ Writer On Marcia Clark, Sexism, And The Haircut   . . . "The People v. O.J. Simpson gives Clark something that the people of 1994 did not: An astonishing amount of empathy. Clark is, in Paulson’s portrayal, a methodical, careful attorney trying to win a case even as it slowly dawns on her that, in spite of all the evidence on her side, the case is unwinnable. . . . "She tries to be everything to everyone: The best lawyer, the most present mother, the most appealing woman. And all her plans seem to backfire."

The cast members listed in the movie site. Full cast list here. 

Chris Darden and the others; where are they now?   . . . "Still, Darden says he has tried to move on from this dark part of his past. He continues to practice law, but not quite in the same capacity as he once did.
" 'I'm a criminal law defense attorney," he says. "And I write a little bit here and there."
"Darden is also a devoted family man, the father of three children with his wife of 17 years, Marcia. "I have the smartest family anyone could have," he says proudly. "My children are brilliant children.' "
The legacy of Johnnie Cochran lives on in the Seinfeld Character,

AG Lynch testifies DoJ ‘discussed’ prosecuting ‘climate deniers’

Thomas Lifson   "Do you remember when we had a First Amendment?  It seems to have vanished in the view of the attorney general of the United States, Loretta Lynch, who testified yesterday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Jon Street reports at TheBlaze:
During Lynch’s testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said that he believes there are similarities between the tobacco industry denying scientific studies showing the dangers of using tobacco and companies within the fossil fuel industry denying studies allegedly showing the threat of carbon emissions."" . . .  

. . . "The stepping up of persecution of dissent indicates desperation on the part of warmists, who have resorted to revising data in order to support their failed hypothesis.  Corporations like Exxon may cave for P.R. reasons, as the warmists hope.  But principled truth-tellers, people like S. Fred Singer, Richard Lindzen, and Anthony Watts, will stand their ground.  Science is based on dispute.  Warmism is a religion, and religions have been known to persecute dissent.  
"Lynch should be questioned more closely on this matter."

Your climate opinions are being watched at THE CARBON CAPTURE REPORT.  Is there a dossier on you?

Here are 49 names just at NASA to add to the prosecution list   "Some prominent voices at NASA are fed up with the agency's activist stance toward climate change.
"The following letter asking the agency to move away from climate models and to limit its stance to what can be empirically proven, was sent by 49 former NASA scientists and astronauts.
"The letter criticizes the Goddard Institute For Space Studies especially, where director Jim Hansen and climatologist Gavin Schmidt have been outspoken advocates for action." . . .

Chumlee Sexual Assault Investigation: After Arrest For Meth And Gun Possession, ‘Pawn Stars’ Favorite Faces charges


"Chumlee could be facing sexual assault charges, with police arresting the Pawn Stars fan-favorite during a raid in connection with an investigation into allegations of sexual assault.

"The reality television star, whose real name is Austin Russell, was arrested by Las Vegas Metro PD on Wednesday after a raid on his home turned up a number of illegal drugs and a gun. The raid was reportedly connected to an ongoing investigation for sexual assault, and officers came to his home on March 9 with a search warrant.

"Police said the raid turned up drugs, including meth, and an illegal gun, leading to Chumlee’s arrest."  Read more.

Not surprised but disappointed.

Lies and damn lies at the Democrats’ debate

Hot Air  (Illustrations added by TD) "Last night’s debate in Florida was, to give credit where due, one of the more explosive ones of the season. I rarely get the opportunity to shower praise on Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, but he popped open quite a few cans of worms which hadn’t gotten much oxygen in the previous outings between these two candidates. I can also offer a tip of the hat to Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post, who tore apart some of the flatly false statements which the candidates offered in response. It was a stunning display of denial of reality at times, but there’s only so much material for the two Democrats to work with when actually challenged."

"One of the first biggies of the evening we need to touch on was the fact that somebody finally asked Hillary Clinton about the ongoing investigation into her email scandal. " . . .
“ 'It was not prohibited. It was not in any way disallowed. And as I have said and as now has come out, my predecessors did the same thing and many other people in the government.”  — Hillary Clinton
"This is language that had previously earned Clinton Three Pinocchios. Clinton is relying on the fact that the legal requirement to immediately preserve emails from nongovernment email accounts was not made mandatory until nearly two years after she stepped down as secretary of state."But that does not mean that when Clinton was secretary of state, there were not already in place State Department rules on how to handle emails and whether to use a personal email account. " . . .
Separate but really, really related:  Is this Hillary Clinton’s “No Controlling Legal Authority” Moment?
. . . Once Al Gore used that line, in being questioned about making fundraising phone calls from the white House, we all knew he was guilty as sin. He wasn’t even pretending he didn’t do it. He just wanted to find some fig leaf of a technicality that didn’t make it illegal. He said “My counsel advises me that there is no controlling legal authority or case that says there was any violation of law whatsoever.” He became a laughing stock." . . .

"One for the ruling elite allowing them to get away with committing crimes the other set for us to be convicted of doing the same. It will also confirm the US is a Banana Republic ruled by cronyism and criminals. God help us all as we go through that dark tunnel, it’s going to get bad!"

Union Officials Admit They Let Veterans Die Rather Than Talk To Republicans

Daily Caller  "A former federal employee union president is wracked with regret because veterans likely died at a time when she knew about gross misconduct within her Department of Veterans Affairs facility but didn’t tell congressional leaders because they were Republicans.
“ 'If I would’ve gone to him two years ago, who knows what kind of lives could’ve been saved,” Germaine Clarno told a radio interviewer Monday, referring to the Republican leader of a VA subcommittee. Clarno, a lifelong Democrat and social worker at the Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital in Hines, Ill., was president of the union representing doctors at the hospital as the deadly wait-time scandal unfolded." . . .  Full article here.

Clinton Plays the Wrong Outrage Card and Sanders Makes Her Pay

The Fiscal Times

. . . "What happened? Clinton had hardly neglected Michigan. She made the water crisis in Flint a particular focus of her attention, sending daughter Chelsea to head up relief efforts in the beleaguered city. At the same time, Clinton dropped what she must have expected to be a devastating blow on Sanders – his vote against the automaker bailouts during the financial crisis. In Michigan, where the automobile industry has dominated state politics for decades, that attack could easily have been considered fatal to even the thin hope Sanders had of gaining delegates in the proportional-allocation primary.
"Sanders fought back nonetheless. " . . .
. . . "That may have had a significant role in yesterday’s upset. Esquire’s Charles Pierce spent a few days in Flint and discovered the depth of Clinton’s miscalculation. Calling it “one of the more interesting examples of unintended consequences that I'd heard in a while,” Pierce reported that Flint voters found Clinton’s attack offensive and cynical.
"Exit polls showed that the problems ran deeper than just the question of bailouts. Clinton’s accusation opened her up not just on the bailout issue but also on her support for free trade agreements that autoworkers believe left them unfairly vulnerable to foreign competitors." . . .
"The lesson this week is that voters want not just a fight, but potentially a trade war. If they can’t get that from the so-called establishment, then they’ll look to outsider populists like Trump and Sanders—hoping they can deliver on their promises. We may have reached the limits of American engagement in globalized markets, and a new era of incremental protectionism, mandated by voters who are determined to overturn all of the apple carts. Free-market conservatives may find themselves searching in vain for a chair when the music stops in a Trump-led GOP. "
We should fear a movement such as this; while there is good reason to fear what global competition will-and has- done to our economy, the fact is that the US has virtually priced itself out of the world market.
With higher and higher taxes imposed on US manufacturers and the efforts to artificially raise the minimum wage, the left has done much to harm our economy.
I was a construction electrician in the 1960s and our wages were quite high because of union contracts - again: artificial, non-market-imposed wages. Soon we lost many of these jobs and non-union contractors moved in to replace us until the union set up a two-tier wage structure; Residential work had to pay less because of free market forces.
Now government mandates, corporate taxes and movement protests from the left are hanging these same anchors on our economy.
The Tunnel Dweller