Saturday, June 28, 2014

The petulant juvenile dude: 10 times Obama made fun of Republicans in the past year

Washington Examiner
President Obama smiles while making a joke during his speech at the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) Dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel, May 3, in Washington, D.C. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
"President Obama is so over Republican lawmakers.

"He has long lamented what he views as GOP obstructionism, but now he’s not even trying to hide his disdain, belittling them with a newfound fervor.

" 'They don't do anything,” an exasperated Obama said in Minnesota Friday, “except block me and call me names.”

"Well, the president is also in a bit of name-calling mood.

"Here are just a handful of times Obama has mocked conservative leaders in the last year:" 
Full article...

And if that isn't enough, consider these opinions:

Inside the Obama Frat House   ... "There were intimations early in Obama’s Presidency that his leadership team was a boys club. "  Dude.

Our Petulant Child President  From as far back as 2011 they had this guy pegged: ... "The Obama administration has been a veritable Mecca for narcissism and incompetence from the time Obama took the oath of office."

Obama, The Petulant Child
Obama Confessional SC
... "I’ve spoken quite a few times to the malignant narcissism of President Obama in the context of his disposition with (or disposal of) those whom he considers dangerous to him, or for whom he simply harbors disdain." ... 

Land of the Free?

American Thinker
...With extorted money available, the land of the free became increasingly buried under progressive mega-government, like FDR’s second Bill of Rights and Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. The left argued that that complex nature of modern society requires more government control. So did Benito Mussolini in 1929:

..."Tyranny begins with the consent of the victims who fail to oppose it or even encourage it. Bravery in the men and women of the armed forces, police officers, emergency responders, and the like is not enough if many Americans vote away their liberties. Those unwilling stand up for the land of the free, or vote to destroy it, forfeit the right to live in it, and won’t in the end." 


Neal Boortz  "Much gnashing of teeth in the commentariat yesterday.  It seems that John Boehner has finally grown a pair and has announced his intention to sue Barack Obama over his misuse of the powers granted to our president under the terms of our Constitution.

"What’s the big problem here?  Do the proggies really think our Dear Ruler should be beyond the law?  And if he isn’t beyond the law, what do you do to bring him into compliance?  Say pretty please?  Or maybe you’re one of those who don’t think the law actually applies to the president.  After all – Obama was elected by the majority of the people, right?  And the majority rules, right?  So the president can rule on behalf of the majority, right?
" Wrong, wrong and wrong.

"'You may not know that, but you’re in good company.  [N]Either did Obama when he was about to enter office.  That’s why he had his head dog-washer, Valerie Jarrett, tell the world that Obama would be “ready to RULE from day one.' ”

2008: Obama Spokesman Says ‘Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1′