PJ Media
"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."
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“Fifteen years after that first love had fizzled, my life would be completely lacking all its great joys,” she said. “I would never had been free to be myself — and that’s what this fight is all about: freedom.”
Milano said her reasons for having abortions are “real” — as are the reasons of all other women. “They are ours — and they none of your f**king business.”
"If it’s not our business, why is she boasting about her abortions? If it’s not our business, why is she trying to prove herself by announcing she had the abortions in the first place? Her attitude about how much better her life is because she had them is bad enough, but using it to shore up her feminist credentials seems contradictory to her claim that it’s no one else’s business." . . .