Friday, July 22, 2022

Squad Member Spends $400k On Private Security While Supporting Defund The Police…

Weasel Zippers    "Some serious hypocrisy."

Is The Joe Biden Crime Family Finally Breaking Apart?

 – Issues & Insights (

"The news these days for President Joe Biden and his errant son Hunter is almost all bad. As the Justice Department investigates Hunter Biden for tax and weapons charges, it’s become increasingly obvious over the years that Joe Biden has far more to answer for than Hunter does.

"The headlines haven’t been kind to the Biden White House of late: “Hunter Biden payments to Eastern European escort ring were flagged by bank: Report,” “Hunter Biden laptop shows dozens of meetings with dad, business partners,” “Overwhelming Evidence: Joe Biden Lied, Had Dozens of Meetings with Hunter Biden’s Business Partner,” “Inside The Biden Family Business (Or Not),” and, perhaps most seriously of all, “Report: Justice Department Weighs Charging Hunter Biden for Tax, Gun Violations.”

"Yes, Joe Biden has been revealed to be a grifter who tolerated his own very compromised son’s illegal escapades in order to build his family’s wealth. And then he lied about it, repeatedly. What’s shocking is how long it’s gone on.

"Many of the recent revelations come from Hunter Biden’s misplaced laptop, whose contents are now being spilled on the Internet as the mainstream media do their best to ignore the lost PC’s politically disastrous contents.

"There is a virtual mountain of damning information emerging from that small computer.

"It starts with Hunter possibly lying to get a gun permit in 2018, saying on the application he had no drug addictions when in fact he was a major user of illicit drugs.

"But that isn’t all. More serious is the charge that then-Vice President Joe Biden met repeatedly with Hunter from 2008 to 2016 after he had contacts with foreign “business” partners. Biden has repeatedly, and categorically, denied this. But the evidence is overwhelming.

"As the New York Post recently wrote, “Hunter Biden met with his father at least 30 times at the White House or the vice president’s residence, often just days after he returned home from overseas business jaunts.' ”. . .

Hunter Biden will likely 'land generous plea-deal to end investigation into his private life' | Daily Mail Online    "Hunter Biden will likely land 'generous' plea deal that will allow him to admit minor tax and gun charges, ending investigation into far more serious money-laundering and lobbying allegations, lawyer believes"

Man Tells Jill Biden “Your Husband’s The Worst President We’ve Ever Had” – Her Answer Speaks Volumes

 She isn’t interested in what the American people think about her husband!

Video: Man Tells Jill Biden “Your Husband’s The Worst President We’ve Ever Had" - Her Answer Speaks Volumes - USA SUPREME  "Jill Biden spent part of Wednesday in New Haven, promoting the president’s American Rescue Plan.

"The First Lady, the U.S. Secretary of Education and Gov. Ned Lamont checked in with kids at the Horizons National Summer Learning Program. The visit was part of the First Lady’s tour across the country to highlight how the plan is supporting students in getting caught up through summer learning programs.

" 'A lot of us missed a lot of time, a lot of days. It was so hard to learn over Zoom, didn’t you think? So what my husband did … he called on Horizons and he said, ‘Horizons, can you come in and can you teach our kids and make it so much fun?'” Biden told students.

"During her visit, she stopped for ice cream with Gov. Ned Lamont (D) at a Arethusa Farm Dairy shop. On her way in Biden was heckled by a man who yelled, “Your husband’s the worst president we’ve ever had!” Biden waved and yelled back, “Thank you!” as the man continued his heckling saying, “You owe us gas money! You owe us gas money! You owe us gas money!”

"Her answer shows how [much] our ruling class is out of reality!". . .

The Left should be happy with Biden -

Biden worries little that record numbers of Americans are dying from drugs that now pour across the border. Cartels became richer and more powerful than ever under his watch, while child traffickers were freed from worries.

 Victor Davis Hanson (  "The Left should be ecstatic that President Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted.

"The Left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don't have any money, suddenly do.

"When combined with low interest rates, inflation roars even louder. Not since former President Jimmy Carter has a Democrat been so insistent on inflating the money supply.

"For decades, the Left has amplified former Energy Secretary Steven Chu's 2008 dream that the government must spike fuel costs up to European levels. That was seen as the best way to force unsophisticated Americans to quit burning gas and transition to renewable energy. Biden took that sermon seriously.

"He canceled federal energy leases. He shut down drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He canceled pipelines and warned the oil industry its days were numbered. Biden has done more than any other Democrat to ensure fossil fuels were unaffordable, forcing America's supposedly unthinking consumers to drive less or consider ditching their gas-engine cars altogether.

"The hard American Left always wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Biden agreed and has been lax on security at the southern border.

"The result is that in less than two years, nearly 3 million illegal aliens have surged into the United States. Nearly all of them arrived unvaccinated, untested, and inadequately vetted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Austin man describes excruciating monkeypox symptoms, difficulty getting treatment


AfterMath - Home (

Texas man describes excruciating monkeypox symptoms, difficulty getting treatment (    "AUSTIN (KXAN) — An Austin man said the pain caused by monkeypox was so excruciating, he had to reach out to a crisis line for mental health support. On a scale of one to 10, he said the pain was a 10.

"The man, who did not want his identity used for medical privacy purposes, said he was exposed to someone with monkeypox earlier this month. He reached out to Austin Public Health for help after the Fourth of July holiday weekend.

“ 'I was able to actually get vaccinated because I had a known exposure,” he said.

"While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends people with known exposure get vaccinated — because it may reduce or prevent symptoms — it came too late in this case. The Austin man said a couple days later he was running a fever, and a few days after that, the lesions started.

“ 'That Sunday I started to get a small spot on my hand, and I started to just like monitor it,” he said. “And then it became clear on the 12th that I had monkeypox. I had really bad rectal pain. Where, you know, I wasn’t able to sleep. I was in constant pain and constant pressure. And then I ended up going to the ER to try to get some relief.”

"That’s when he started to hit roadblocks. ". . .

The insanity is spreading! -

  Greg Crosby (   "Definition of insane: exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind. Irrational. Not consistent with or using reason. Unreasonable. Not showing good judgment. Deranged. Nuts. Screwy. Demented. Bonkers. And that old standby, bat guano crazy.

"Any or all of the above descriptions of insane would certainly apply to what I've just read online concerning the latest from the "LGBT community." The article began with the headline, "LGBT activists are pushing to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as "male" or "female," arguing that scientists cannot know how ancient individuals identified themselves."

"Emma Palladino, a Canadian idiot studying for a Master's degree tweeted her dismay over the fact that transgender individuals "can't escape" their sex, not because it's physically impossible to change one's sex, but because archaeologists who find their bones one day "will assign you the same gender as you had at birth."


"She believes that assigning biological sex to ancient human remains is "bullshit." (You have to be in graduate school to use such eloquent, descriptive language.)

" 'The 'bioarcheology of the individual' is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life," she argued. "There's absolutely more work to be done, and more education, empathy, and sensitivity is very much required in the field of archaeology."

"The screwball went on to reassure the transgender community that even if "some shitty archaeologist in the future misgenders" them, they will still get to be whoever they want to be, even when they're dead. But if you think she's the only psycho on board with this, think again. There is a group calling themselves the Trans Doe Task Force, its aim is to "explore ways in which current standards in forensic human identification do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.'  "

 "Hold on to your binary, here's their mission statement:...

‘Toxic Masculinity’ – The Lie

Isn’t it interesting, though, that the same people who want to vilify males as rapists and murderers are the same ones who want to do away with the TRUTH of the matter, which is, there REALLY ARE only TWO genders:  male and female.

 News With Views  "There’s a new “buzz phrase” going around these days — and it’s catching on; becoming another MOVEMENT — promoted by Leftist, “Progressive,” feminist activists.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.  It’s called “Toxic Masculinity.” “Toxic Masculinity” is a new mindset these “progressive” feminists are attempting to force into the cultural talking points, which vilifies traditional manhood and all things “masculine.”

"The Leftists have been incredibly successful over the past few years in pushing their crazy ideas.  What was once UNTHINKABLE in America has now become the “norm.”  Good has become “bad,” and BAD has become “good.”  While most of these ideas are only accepted now by a small, but VOCAL minority, if things do not change, it won’t be long before this nonsense is embraced by an overwhelming majority…like everything else they’ve come up with.

"So what IS ‘Toxic Masculinity?’  According to FEM Magazine,“toxic masculinity harms all genders.  It promotes sexism, misogyny, violence and rape culture, while enforcing dangerous sterotypes of masculinity and femininity.  It is a fundamental pillar in the patriarchy and its normalization throughout cultures demands action.  Next time you hear comments that promote toxic masculinity, remember to call them out;  taking actions to disband this mentality are necessary in order to dismantle the patriarchal structure.”

"There you have it, in their own words…. the ultimate goal is the demise of manhood, the dismantling of what they call the ‘patriarchal structure.”  In other words, “Men BAD, women GOOD.”  More division.  You see, the Left is not content to divide us by ethnicity, religion, or political ideology. Now they must ALSO divide us by gender, which I find ironic, because it is these same Leftists who want us to accept as fact that there are now as many as 13 different “genders” — an insane idea which they insist we must all embrace as truth.  And WOE to the poor soul who makes the “mistake” of calling someone by the “wrong” pronoun!

"FEM Magazine goes even further in their fight to destroy manhood. In an article from December of 2016, they wrote, “Machismo leads to homophobia, sexual harassment and murder, as violence becomes a channel through which to acquire control.”  And so these radical feminists are now portraying men as sexists, misogynists, rapists and murderers.  It was not long ago that it would have been unthinkable for people to accept the idea of “transgenderism,” much less the idea that there are now THIRTEEN distinctly, different “genders.”  But now, “transgenderism” is being forced upon an unsuspecting, but largely apathetic populace under the force of law… “Get your mind ‘right’ and accept all these different genders or you will pay the consequences.”. . .

Bigoted Pairs Figure Skating Event Suggests There Are Only 2 Genders | Babylon Bee   So toxic...