Saturday, June 12, 2010
Anatomy Of a Failing Presidency
Fillmore Gazette "But, Barack Obama is failing. Failing big. Failing fast. And failing everywhere: foreign policy, domestic initiatives, and most importantly, in forging connections with the American people. The incomparable Dorothy Rabinowitz in the Wall Street Journal put her finger on it: He is failing because he has no understanding of the American people, and may indeed loathe them." h/t to Paul Van Alstine, Idaho
Awaiting Armageddon: Iran Versus the World
Warning Signs "Commentator, J.D. Longstreet summed up the threat. “I am not optimistic that hatred of the Jews will end, or even lessen any time soon. In fact, I expect it to get much, much, worse and eventually lead the nations of the world to a place known as the Megiddo Valley and the final battle known as the Battle of Armageddon.”
"Will the armed might of the U.S., already present in the Middle East in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in the Persian Gulf, be used to thwart this? That question waits upon the decision of Barack Hussein Obama. Alan Caruba
"Will the armed might of the U.S., already present in the Middle East in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in the Persian Gulf, be used to thwart this? That question waits upon the decision of Barack Hussein Obama. Alan Caruba
The Neomarxist who is helping to influence Obama’s media policy (Updated)
Daily Caller " “Only government can implement policies and subsidies to provide an institutional framework for quality journalism.” Does that statement give you chills?....
"Or this one? “In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles.” "
"These are the sentiments of Robert McChesney, a self-professed neomarxist media scholar and the founder of the lobbying group and think tank Free Press. McChesney’s statements should worry you, perhaps even fill you with dread. Not because the rantings of a lefty professor are particularly scary in and of themselves, but because McChesney’s views are having a direct effect on the Obama administration’s policies on the media." Emphasis mine.
"Or this one? “In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles.” "
"These are the sentiments of Robert McChesney, a self-professed neomarxist media scholar and the founder of the lobbying group and think tank Free Press. McChesney’s statements should worry you, perhaps even fill you with dread. Not because the rantings of a lefty professor are particularly scary in and of themselves, but because McChesney’s views are having a direct effect on the Obama administration’s policies on the media." Emphasis mine.
Detecting Whiff Of Condescension With This Postmodern Presidency "Instead, he's the product of the broader culture: There are millions of people like Barack Obama, the eternal students of a vast lethargic transnational campus for whom global compassion and the multicultural pose are merely the modish gloss on a cult of radical grandiose narcissism. As someone once said, "We are the ones we've been waiting for." When you've spent that long waiting in line for yourself, it's bound to be a disappointment." MARK STEYN
What a difference a year makes "About a year and a half ago I created a new folder in it named “Obama-sama”. Shall we take a trip in time, back a year?"
Another Stumble in the Gulf
Powerline "The administration has decreed a six-month moratorium on exploratory drilling in the Gulf, based on a report that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar wrote for President Obama. Salazar claimed that a panel of seven experts selected by the National Academy of Engineering had peer reviewed his report. It turns out, though, that the seven experts never saw the recommendation for a moratorium, and in fact oppose it:"...
Home Depot official sponsor of which country's World Cup soccer team?
Thomas Lifson "I suppose the influx of Latin Americans into the construction industry might have something to do with this. Still it does seem a bit odd that Home Depot offers no support to the US soccer team."
Obama May Want to Fix Your State, Too
Dan Kennedy "Further, the Ohio law obviously, outrageously turns the innocent-until-proven-guilty protection on its head. The Arizona law is much narrower and more cautious. It does not, for example, permit a law enforcement officer to determine someone is an illegal immigrant just based on his best guess about the subject’s immigration status. If the President wishes to excoriate a state, its legislature, its governor, its state law, he’d have far more justification with this idiocy in Ohio than the measures of desperation in Arizona. " via Townhall.
The Right to Choose - For Farmers in Haiti
Paul Driessen "The Monsanto Company is learning a valuable lesson in Haiti: no good deed goes unpunished at the hands of radical anti-corporate elements of Western society. "
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