Democrats enjoying the destruction of a good man. |
If You Believe the Accusations About Brett Kavanaugh and Cheer Attacks On Him, You’re Not the Good Guy . . . "Even the most popular accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, was found to be pretty fraudulent after her own lawyer admitted that her quest to have Kavanaugh denied his seat on the Supreme Court was about fighting for abortion. Ford’s own father seems to disbelieve his daughter as he was seen telling Kavanaugh’s father that he’s glad his son got to the Supreme Court." . . .
. . . "Furthermore, all the accusations against Kavanaugh have all the substance and weight of shadows. Every accusation has come up empty in terms of evidence and witnesses. In fact, every witness who knew Kavanaugh completely demolished these claims, and even witnesses called on by accusers seem to lend to Kavanaugh’s goodness.
"The man is innocent.
. . . "I pray that you or your loved ones never wind up in a situation where a false accusation causes so much upheaval in your lives that you never come back from it. However, if you support the figurative crucifixion of an innocent man because his politics differ from yours then you’re making that scenario all the more likely.
"No matter what you say or do, you won’t be able to stop it. No matter what evidence you put forth, it won’t mean a thing. You’ve been deemed guilty and so you are.
"And should that day come, you can reflect back to when you yourself cheering on as it happened to someone else."
Here’s Just How Much of a Dumpster Fire That New Kavanaugh Hit Piece Is "As you’ve probably heard over the weekend, The New York Times covered itself in glory and released excerpts from a supposed well-researched book focused on destroying Brett Kavanaugh. The “revelations” have led to major Democrats rushing to social media to proclaim the current Supreme Court Justice should be impeached. On what grounds? There are none, but they just know it should be done.
The main “witness” of this new allegation is a man named Max Stier. The hit piece itself offers no background about who Stier is, and once you find out, it’s obvious why.
. . . "So who is Stier? He just happens to be Bill Clinton’s former lawyer, who defended him from accusations of sexual misconduct in the Paula Jones case."
(Emphasis mine, TD)
. . .
"As for the victim? They say she “has refused to discuss the incident, though several of her friends said she does not recall it.”
To repeat: Several of her friends said she does not recall it.
"So to summarize, the only new claim in the new book is that a Democratic attorney told two senators that he saw an incident where a third party allegedly did something to Kavanaugh and the young woman. In their book, the authors are upset that this claim didn’t lead to a massive FBI investigation, although they don’t explain why they think it should have.
"Pogebrin and Kelly left the victim’s denial out of their New York Times story. It is unclear why the reporters and editors allowed the story to be published without this salient fact that they conceded, albeit briefly, in their own book." . . .
Latest Kavanaugh Accuser Was Hillary's Lawyer in Clinton Impeachment . . . "Interestingly, the alleged victim is not quoted in the article, and neither are any corroborating witnesses. In fact, The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway reported that "the book notes, quietly, that the woman Max Stier named as having been supposedly victimized by Kavanaugh and friends denies any memory of the alleged event."
"As for Max Stier, he has a long history with sexual assault claims, but from the other side. Stier, a Democrat, represented President Bill Clinton after Paula Jones accused him of exposing himself to her in a hotel room. Clinton settled with Jones for $850,000 and lost his law license for five years." . . .
The Two Latest Sexual Assault Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh Disprove Themselves
Video: Carrie Severino: Latest Kavanaugh allegations a shameful attempt to reignite baseless smears