Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Guatemalan president's 'disrespect' for VP Harris's 'pandering' was 'palpable'
JustTheNews President Alejandro Giammattei "lectured her about 'your policy created this problem' on one hand, and then on the other hand, he makes her put on a mask," said Trump political adviser.
"The Guatemalan president's treatment of visiting Vice President Kamala Harris illustrates world leaders' lack of respect for the Biden administration, according to David Bossie, president of Citizens United."
Oh Please! ABC Spins Kamala Harris as 'Clear,' 'Blunt,' 'Direct' Border Hawk "Get ready for the new spin from the corrupt network media: Kamala Harris, border hawk! After burying the ongoing crisis, ABC and CBS on Tuesday laughably morphed the Vice President into a “clear,” “blunt,” “direct” tough talker when it comes to the emergency. Only NBC offered a different take, shocking viewers by calling out Harris’s lie that "we've" been to the border.
"Over on Good Morning America, the new talking points are that the Vice President is really serious about stopping illegal immigration. Co-host Robin Roberts tried to flip the sprawling disaster for the administration: “Vice President Kamala Harris on her first international trip since taking office with a clear message for anyone looking to illegally cross the border.”
"Co-host George Stephanopoulos touted, “[Harris has] been tasked by President Biden to help reduce the flow of migrants to the border and sending a blunt message: ‘Do not come.’” . . .
Tucker Carlson's Takedown of Kamala Harris Is Hilarious and a Must-See
RedState "Tucker hits every aspect, from Harris’ pathetic presidential campaign to the media now treating someone so obviously unimpressive as a transformational figure. At one point, he plays a montage of various news outlets talking about her Guatemala trip and every single one is obsessed with the fact that she’s a “person of color.” You know, because race dictates results when it comes to diplomacy or something. Later, Tucker gets more serious by pointing out how weak she and other Biden officials makes the country look when they spend all their time apologizing for past sins and not on solving current problems.
"But honestly, I’m underselling the video. Take the time to watch it. It’s worth it."
Nickelodeon continues its LGBT crusade for children
The way to stop this is to do what leftists have long done: tell Nickelodeon's advertisers that you're done with them until the station stops selling sex and sexual identities to children. Even among woke corporations, the bottom line still matters.
Andrea Widburg "When last we caught up with it, Nickelodeon had reached out to the five- to eight-year-old set, the ones who watch Blue's Clues & You, with a colorful video introducing them to homosexuality, so-called transgenderism, pansexualism, and other alternative sexual lifestyles, all to a bouncy tune sung by a tuneless cartoon drag queen. Since it's still "Pride month," Nickelodeon is back again, this time with the tuneless drag queen explaining all the symbolic meaning behind some of the colors in the alternative sexuality flag." . . .
. . . "Foot fetishes and heterosexual pedophilia, though, are so yesterday. For Nickelodeon, the energy is all about Pride. (And again, I have no sense of pride related to people on the LGBT spectrum and feel no need to celebrate or promote them. Apparently bizarrely in 2021, I judge people by the content of their character, not by their sexual plug-and-play options.)
"Nickelodeon's latest entry in selling LGBT sexuality to children is another drag queen video, again featuring "Nina West," the man who sang for the Blue's Clues & You video." . . .
Stay out of jail and still employed; learn pronouns!
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WHAT THE HECK GENDER AM I? Pronouns List; A very, very partial list:
Update: Smear of Mom Nicole Solas Was Prepared By Public Relations Firm Hired By South Kingstown (RI) School Committee
Emily Cummiskey steps down as Chair of School Committee, blames others for smear of Nicole: “The PR firm delivered me three statements, one for social media, one for Fox news, and one to read at last Wednesday’s meeting.”
"The aggressiveness with which the South Kingstown (Rhode Island) School Committee went after local mom Nicole Solas, for filing a series of public records requests regarding Critical Race and Gender activities in the school system, has never made sense. We now have a partial answer – the smear of Nicole in public statements by the School Committee Chair was drafted by a Public Relations firm.
"The story broke nationally when Nicole wrote about a school board threat to sue her in a post at Legal Insurrection, I’m A Mom Seeking Records Of Critical Race and Gender Curriculum, Now The School Committee May Sue To Stop Me.
"Our additional posts covered the developing story, which has received widespread national attention:
- South Kingstown (RI) School Committee Votes NOT To Sue Mom Nicole Solas Who Sought CRT Records
- South Kingstown Mom Nicole Solas: “They smear people who ask them questions, who disagree with them” . . .
1948 called, it wants its human rights back
Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.” This right is only selectively true. If you’re a ‘mostly peaceful’ protestor who feels like torching cars and looting a Nike store, then, sure, you have the right to peaceful assembly.
Simon Black, Sovereign Man: "On December 10, 1948, in the aftermath of World War II, the newly formed United Nations wanted to make a bold statement to counter all the atrocities the world had just witnessed.
"The previous decade had been almost nonstop genocide and devastation brought on by a Nazi doctrine of intolerance.
"And so the UN drafted a first-ever Universal Declaration of Human Rights in an effort to set a new tone for the future.
"In the very first article, for example, the document states
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights… without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”
"This is obviously a wonderful idea— race, gender, sexuality, etc. should be irrelevant characteristics.
"Yet in modern woke society, these are the ONLY characteristics that matter; it has become so ridiculous, in fact, that woke leaders now talk openly about segregation— separate schools, seperate dormatories, etc. for black students and white students.
"So this very basic human right— to be treated as a person, and not as a color, has been thrown out the window. But the contradictions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights don’t stop there." . . . More...
Judge Orders Mayor Lightfoot To Clarify Policy Giving Interviews Only To Non-White Journalists "U.S. District Judge John Z. Lee told Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s lawyers she has until the end of the week to clarify her policy only allowing journalists of color to interview her." . . .